How to use the pyemma.util.types.ensure_ndarray function in pyEMMA

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github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / models / View on Github external
Observable vector
        val: float
            Equilibrium expectation value of the given observable
        The equilibrium expectation value of an observable a is defined as follows

        .. math::
            \mathbb{E}_{\mu}[a] = \sum_i \mu_i a_i

        :math:`\mu=(\mu_i)` is the stationary vector of the transition matrix :math:`T`.
        # check input and go
        a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, size=self.nstates, kind='numeric')
        return, self.stationary_distribution)
github markovmodel / msmtools / models / View on Github external
def fingerprint_relaxation(self, p0, a, k=None, ncv=None):
        # basic checks for a and b
        p0 = _types.ensure_ndarray(p0, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
        a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, kind='numeric', size=len(p0))
        # are we on microstates space?
        if len(a) == self.nstates_obs:
            p0 =, p0)
            a =, a)
        # now we are on macrostate space, or something is wrong
        if len(a) == self.nstates:
            return _MSM.fingerprint_relaxation(self, p0, a)
            raise ValueError('observable vectors have size ' + len(a) + ' which is incompatible with both hidden (' +
                             self.nstates + ') and observed states (' + self.nstates_obs + ')')
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / View on Github external
J. Stat. Phys. 123: 503-523 (2006)
    .. [2] P. Metzner, C. Schuette and E. Vanden-Eijnden.
        Transition Path Theory for Markov Jump Processes.
        Multiscale Model Simul 7: 1192-1219 (2009)
    .. [3] F. Noe, Ch. Schuette, E. Vanden-Eijnden, L. Reich and T. Weikl:
        Constructing the Full Ensemble of Folding Pathways from Short Off-Equilibrium Simulations.
        Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 19011-19016 (2009)

    from msmtools.flux import flux_matrix, to_netflux
    import msmtools.analysis as msmana

    T = msmobj.transition_matrix
    mu = msmobj.stationary_distribution
    A = _types.ensure_ndarray(A, kind='i')
    B = _types.ensure_ndarray(B, kind='i')

    if len(A) == 0 or len(B) == 0:
        raise ValueError('set A or B is empty')
    n = T.shape[0]
    if len(A) > n or len(B) > n or max(A) > n or max(B) > n:
        raise ValueError('set A or B defines more states, than given transition matrix.')

    # forward committor
    qplus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=True)
    # backward committor
    if msmana.is_reversible(T, mu=mu):
        qminus = 1.0 - qplus
        qminus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=False, mu=mu)
    # gross flux
    grossflux = flux_matrix(T, mu, qminus, qplus, netflux=False)
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / models / View on Github external
val: float
            Equilibrium expectation value fo the given observable

        The equilibrium expectation value of an observable :math:`a` is defined as follows

        .. math::

            \mathbb{E}_{\mu}[a] = \sum_i \pi_i a_i

        :math:`\pi=(\pi_i)` is the stationary vector of the transition matrix :math:`P`.

        # check input and go
        a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, size=self.nstates, kind='numeric')
        return, self.stationary_distribution)
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / estimators / View on Github external
>>> wham.meval('stationary_distribution') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +REPORT_NDIFF
        [array([ 0.5...,  0.4...]), array([ 0.6...,  0.3...])]


        .. [1] Ferrenberg, A.M. and Swensen, R.H. 1988.
            New Monte Carlo Technique for Studying Phase Transitions.
            Phys. Rev. Lett. 23, 2635--2638

        .. [2] Kumar, S. et al 1992.
            The Weighted Histogram Analysis Method for Free-Energy Calculations on Biomolecules. I. The Method.
            J. Comp. Chem. 13, 1011--1021

        self.bias_energies_full = _types.ensure_ndarray(bias_energies_full, ndim=2, kind='numeric')
        self.stride = stride
        self.dt_traj = dt_traj
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.maxerr = maxerr
        self.save_convergence_info = save_convergence_info
        # set derived quantities
        self.nthermo, self.nstates_full = bias_energies_full.shape
        # set iteration variables
        self.therm_energies = None
        self.conf_energies = None
github markovmodel / msmtools / models / View on Github external
def relaxation(self, p0, a, maxtime=None, k=None, ncv=None):
        # basic checks for a and b
        p0 = _types.ensure_ndarray(p0, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
        a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, kind='numeric', size=len(p0))
        # are we on microstates space?
        if len(a) == self.nstates_obs:
            p0 =, p0)
            a =, a)
        # now we are on macrostate space, or something is wrong
        if len(a) == self.nstates:
            return _MSM.relaxation(self, p0, a, maxtime=maxtime)
            raise ValueError('observable vectors have size ' + len(a) + ' which is incompatible with both hidden (' +
                             self.nstates + ') and observed states (' + self.nstates_obs + ')')
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / estimators / View on Github external
def test_estimator(self, test_estimator):
        self._test_estimator = test_estimator
        self.active_set = types.ensure_ndarray(np.array(test_estimator.active_set), kind='i')  # create a copy
        # map from the full set (here defined by the largest state index in active set) to active
        self._full2active = np.zeros(np.max(self.active_set)+1, dtype=int)
        self._full2active[self.active_set] = np.arange(self.nstates)
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / models / View on Github external
def fingerprint_relaxation(self, p0, a, k=None, ncv=None):
        # basic checks for a and b
        p0 = _types.ensure_ndarray(p0, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
        a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, kind='numeric', size=len(p0))
        # are we on microstates space?
        if len(a) == self.nstates_obs:
            p0 =, p0)
            a =, a)
        # now we are on macrostate space, or something is wrong
        if len(a) == self.nstates:
            return _MSM.fingerprint_relaxation(self, p0, a)
            raise ValueError('observable vectors have size %s which is incompatible with both hidden (%s)'
                             ' and observed states (%s)' % (len(a), self.nstates, self.nstates_obs))
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / util / View on Github external
conf : float, optional, default = 0.95
        confidence interval

    lower : ndarray(shape)
        element-wise lower bounds
    upper : ndarray(shape)
        element-wise upper bounds

    if conf < 0 or conf > 1:
        raise ValueError('Not a meaningful confidence level: '+str(conf))

        data = types.ensure_ndarray(data, kind='numeric')
        # if 1D array of arrays try to fuse it
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and np.ndim(data) == 1:
            newshape = tuple([len(data)] + list(data[0].shape))
            newdata = np.zeros(newshape)
            for i in range(len(data)):
                newdata[i, :] = data[i]
            data = newdata

    types.assert_array(data, kind='numeric')

    if np.ndim(data) == 1:
        m, lower, upper = _confidence_interval_1d(data, conf)
        return lower, upper
        I = _indexes(data[0])