How to use the pyemma.util.types function in pyEMMA

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github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / _base / View on Github external
# Also if the Estimator is its own Model, we have to clone.
    from pyemma._base.model import Model
    if (return_estimators or
        n_jobs > 1 or n_jobs is None or
        isinstance(estimator, Model)):
        estimators = [clone_estimator(estimator) for _ in param_sets]
        estimators = [estimator for _ in param_sets]

    # only show progress of parameter study.
    if hasattr(estimators[0], 'show_progress'):
        for e in estimators:
            e.show_progress = False

    # if we evaluate, make sure we have a list of functions to evaluate
    if _types.is_string(evaluate):
        evaluate = [evaluate]
    if _types.is_string(evaluate_args):
        evaluate_args = [evaluate_args]

    if evaluate is not None and evaluate_args is not None and len(evaluate) != len(evaluate_args):
        raise ValueError("length mismatch: evaluate ({}) and evaluate_args ({})".format(len(evaluate), len(evaluate_args)))

    logger_available = hasattr(estimators[0], 'logger')
    if logger_available:
        logger = estimators[0].logger
    if progress_reporter is None:
        from mock import MagicMock
        # TODO: replace with nullcontext from util once merged
        ctx = progress_reporter = MagicMock()
        callback = None
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / estimators / View on Github external
def _estimate(self, dtrajs):
        import bhmm
        # ensure right format
        dtrajs = _types.ensure_dtraj_list(dtrajs)

        # CHECK LAG
        trajlengths = [_np.size(dtraj) for dtraj in dtrajs]
        if self.lag >= _np.max(trajlengths):
            raise ValueError('Illegal lag time ' + str(self.lag) + ' exceeds longest trajectory length')
        if self.lag > _np.mean(trajlengths):
            self.logger.warning('Lag time ' + str(self.lag) + ' is on the order of mean trajectory length '
                                + str(_np.mean(trajlengths)) + '. It is recommended to fit four lag times in each '
                                + 'trajectory. HMM might be inaccurate.')

        if self.stride == 'effective':
            # by default use lag as stride (=lag sampling), because we currently have no better theory for deciding
            # how many uncorrelated counts we can make
            self.stride = self.lag
            # get a quick estimate from the spectral radius of the non-reversible
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / models / View on Github external
stationary or distribution. Can be optionally given in case if
            it was already computed, e.g. by the estimator.

        dt_model : str, optional, default='1 step'
            time step of the model

        neig : int or None
            The number of eigenvalues / eigenvectors to be kept. If set to
            None, all eigenvalues will be used.

        _MSM.set_model_params(self, P=P, pi=pi, reversible=reversible, dt_model=dt_model, neig=neig)
        # set P and derived quantities if available
        if pobs is not None:
            # check and save copy of output probability
            assert _types.is_float_matrix(pobs), 'pobs is not a matrix of floating numbers'
            assert _np.allclose(pobs.sum(axis=1), 1), 'pobs is not a stochastic matrix'
            self._nstates_obs = pobs.shape[1]
github markovmodel / msmtools / estimators / View on Github external
def __init__(self, estimator, lags=None, nits=10, failfast=False):
        # initialize
        self.estimator = get_estimator(estimator)
        self.nits = nits
        self.failfast = failfast

        # set lag times
        if _types.is_int(lags):  # got a single integer. We create a list
            self._lags = _generate_lags(lags, 1.5)
        else:  # got a list of ints or None - otherwise raise exception.
            self._lags = _types.ensure_int_vector_or_None(lags, require_order=True)

        # estimated its. 2D-array with indexing: lagtime, its
        self._its = None
        # sampled its's. 3D-array with indexing: lagtime, its, sample
        self._its_samples = None
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / estimators / View on Github external
def _estimate(self, X):
        ttrajs, dtrajs_full, btrajs = X
        # shape and type checks
        assert len(ttrajs) == len(dtrajs_full) == len(btrajs)
        for t in ttrajs:
            _types.assert_array(t, ndim=1, kind='i')
        for d in dtrajs_full:
            _types.assert_array(d, ndim=1, kind='i')
        for b in btrajs:
            _types.assert_array(b, ndim=2, kind='f')
        # find dimensions
        nstates_full = max(_np.max(d) for d in dtrajs_full) + 1
        if self.nstates_full is None:
            self.nstates_full = nstates_full
        elif self.nstates_full < nstates_full:
            raise RuntimeError("Found more states (%d) than specified by nstates_full (%d)" % (
                nstates_full, self.nstates_full))
        self.nthermo = max(_np.max(t) for t in ttrajs) + 1
        # dimensionality checks
        for t, d, b, in zip(ttrajs, dtrajs_full, btrajs):
            assert t.shape[0] == d.shape[0] == b.shape[0]
            assert b.shape[1] == self.nthermo