How to use the pyemma.util.types.assert_array function in pyEMMA

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github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / util / View on Github external
    if conf < 0 or conf > 1:
        raise ValueError('Not a meaningful confidence level: '+str(conf))

        data = types.ensure_ndarray(data, kind='numeric')
        # if 1D array of arrays try to fuse it
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and np.ndim(data) == 1:
            newshape = tuple([len(data)] + list(data[0].shape))
            newdata = np.zeros(newshape)
            for i in range(len(data)):
                newdata[i, :] = data[i]
            data = newdata

    types.assert_array(data, kind='numeric')

    if np.ndim(data) == 1:
        m, lower, upper = _confidence_interval_1d(data, conf)
        return lower, upper
        I = _indexes(data[0])
        lower = np.zeros(data[0].shape)
        upper = np.zeros(data[0].shape)
        for i in I:
            col = _column(data, i)
            m, lower[i], upper[i] = _confidence_interval_1d(col, conf)
        # return
        return lower, upper
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / estimators / View on Github external
def _estimate(self, X):
        ttrajs, dtrajs_full, btrajs = X
        # shape and type checks
        assert len(ttrajs) == len(dtrajs_full) == len(btrajs)
        for t in ttrajs:
            _types.assert_array(t, ndim=1, kind='i')
        for d in dtrajs_full:
            _types.assert_array(d, ndim=1, kind='i')
        for b in btrajs:
            _types.assert_array(b, ndim=2, kind='f')
        # find dimensions
        self.nstates_full = max(_np.max(d) for d in dtrajs_full) + 1
        self.nthermo = max(_np.max(t) for t in ttrajs) + 1
        # dimensionality checks
        for t, d, b, in zip(ttrajs, dtrajs_full, btrajs):
            assert t.shape[0] == d.shape[0] == b.shape[0]
            assert b.shape[1] == self.nthermo

        # cast types and change axis order if needed
        ttrajs = [_np.require(t, dtype=_np.intc, requirements='C') for t in ttrajs]
        dtrajs_full = [_np.require(d, dtype=_np.intc, requirements='C') for d in dtrajs_full]
        btrajs = [_np.require(b, dtype=_np.float64, requirements='C') for b in btrajs]

        # find state visits
        self.state_counts_full = _util.state_counts(ttrajs, dtrajs_full)
        self.therm_state_counts_full = self.state_counts_full.sum(axis=1)
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / models / View on Github external
def set_model_params(self, models=None, f_therm=None, pi=None, f=None, label='ground state'):
        # don't normalize f, because in a multiensemble the relative energy levels matter
        _StationaryModel.set_model_params(self, pi=pi, f=f, normalize_f=False)
        # check and set other parameters
        _types.assert_array(f_therm, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
        f_therm = _np.array(f_therm, dtype=float)
        for m in models:
            assert issubclass(m.__class__, _Model)
        self.update_model_params(models=models, f_therm=f_therm)
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / estimators / View on Github external
def _estimate(self, trajs):
        # check input
        assert isinstance(trajs, (tuple, list))
        assert len(trajs) == 2
        ttrajs = trajs[0]
        dtrajs = trajs[1]
        # validate input
        for ttraj, dtraj in zip(ttrajs, dtrajs):
            _types.assert_array(ttraj, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
            _types.assert_array(dtraj, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
            assert _np.shape(ttraj)[0] == _np.shape(dtraj)[0]

        # harvest state counts
        self.state_counts_full = _util.state_counts(
            ttrajs, dtrajs, nthermo=self.nthermo, nstates=self.nstates_full)

        # active set
        self.active_set = _np.where(self.state_counts_full.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0]
        self.state_counts = _np.ascontiguousarray(
            self.state_counts_full[:, self.active_set].astype(_np.intc))
        self.bias_energies = _np.ascontiguousarray(
            self.bias_energies_full[:, self.active_set], dtype=_np.float64)

        # run estimator
        pg = _ProgressReporter()
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / estimators / View on Github external
def _estimate(self, X):
        ttrajs, dtrajs_full, btrajs = X
        # shape and type checks
        assert len(ttrajs) == len(dtrajs_full) == len(btrajs)
        for t in ttrajs:
            _types.assert_array(t, ndim=1, kind='i')
        for d in dtrajs_full:
            _types.assert_array(d, ndim=1, kind='i')
        for b in btrajs:
            _types.assert_array(b, ndim=2, kind='f')
        # find dimensions
        nstates_full = max(_np.max(d) for d in dtrajs_full) + 1
        if self.nstates_full is None:
            self.nstates_full = nstates_full
        elif self.nstates_full < nstates_full:
            raise RuntimeError("Found more states (%d) than specified by nstates_full (%d)" % (
                nstates_full, self.nstates_full))
        self.nthermo = max(_np.max(t) for t in ttrajs) + 1
        # dimensionality checks
        for t, d, b, in zip(ttrajs, dtrajs_full, btrajs):
            assert t.shape[0] == d.shape[0] == b.shape[0]
            assert b.shape[1] == self.nthermo

        # cast types and change axis order if needed
        ttrajs = [_np.require(t, dtype=_np.intc, requirements='C') for t in ttrajs]
        dtrajs_full = [_np.require(d, dtype=_np.intc, requirements='C') for d in dtrajs_full]
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / estimators / View on Github external
def _estimate(self, trajs):
        # check input
        assert isinstance(trajs, (tuple, list))
        assert len(trajs) == 2
        ttrajs = trajs[0]
        dtrajs = trajs[1]
        # validate input
        for ttraj, dtraj in zip(ttrajs, dtrajs):
            _types.assert_array(ttraj, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
            _types.assert_array(dtraj, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
            assert _np.shape(ttraj)[0] == _np.shape(dtraj)[0]

        # harvest state counts
        self.state_counts_full = _util.state_counts(
            ttrajs, dtrajs, nthermo=self.nthermo, nstates=self.nstates_full)

        # active set
        self.active_set = _np.where(self.state_counts_full.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0]
        self.state_counts = _np.ascontiguousarray(
            self.state_counts_full[:, self.active_set].astype(_np.intc))
        self.bias_energies = _np.ascontiguousarray(
            self.bias_energies_full[:, self.active_set], dtype=_np.float64)

        # run estimator
        pg = _ProgressReporter()
        stage = 'WHAM'
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / thermo / models / View on Github external
normalize_energy : bool, default=True
            If parametrized by free energy f, normalize them such that
            :math:`\sum_i \pi_i = 1`, which is achieved by :math:`\log \sum_i \exp(-f_i) = 0`.
        label : str, default=None
            Human-readable description for the thermodynamic state of this
            model. May contain a temperature description, such as '300 K' or
            a description of bias energy such as 'unbiased' or 'Umbrella 1'.
        if f is not None:
            _types.assert_array(f, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
            f = _np.array(f, dtype=float)
            if normalize_f:
                f += _logsumexp(-f)  # normalize on the level on energies to achieve sum_i pi_i = 1
            pi = _np.exp(-f)
        elif pi is not None:  # if f is not given, use pi. pi can't be None at this point
            _types.assert_array(pi, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
            pi = _np.array(pi, dtype=float)
            f = -_np.log(pi)
            f += _logsumexp(-f) # always shift f when set by pi
            raise ValueError(
                "Trying to initialize model without parameters: both pi (stationary distribution)" \
                " and f (free energy) are None. At least one of them needs to be set.")
        # set parameters (None does not overwrite)
        self.update_model_params(pi=pi, f=f, normalize_energy=normalize_f, label=label)