How to use the pyemma._ext.jsonpickle.util function in pyEMMA

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def loadclass(module_and_name):
    """Loads the module and returns the class.

    >>> cls = loadclass('datetime.datetime')
    >>> cls.__name__

    >>> loadclass('does.not.exist')

    >>> loadclass('')()

        module, name = module_and_name.rsplit('.', 1)
        module = util.untranslate_module_name(module)
        return getattr(sys.modules[module], name)
        return None
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def _get_flattener(self, obj):

        if PY2 and isinstance(obj, file):
            return self._flatten_file

        if util.is_primitive(obj):
            return lambda obj: obj

        if util.is_bytes(obj):
            return self._flatten_bytestring

        list_recurse = self._list_recurse

        if util.is_list(obj):
            if self._mkref(obj):
                return list_recurse
                return self._getref

        # We handle tuples and sets by encoding them in a "(tuple|set)dict"
        if util.is_tuple(obj):
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def _flatten_obj_instance(self, obj):
        """Recursively flatten an instance and return a json-friendly dict
        data = {}
        has_class = hasattr(obj, '__class__')
        has_dict = hasattr(obj, '__dict__')
        has_slots = not has_dict and hasattr(obj, '__slots__')
        has_getnewargs = util.has_method(obj, '__getnewargs__')
        has_getnewargs_ex = util.has_method(obj, '__getnewargs_ex__')
        has_getinitargs = util.has_method(obj, '__getinitargs__')
        has_reduce, has_reduce_ex = util.has_reduce(obj)

        # Support objects with __getstate__(); this ensures that
        # both __setstate__() and __getstate__() are implemented
        has_getstate = hasattr(obj, '__getstate__')
        # not using has_method since __getstate__() is handled separately below

        if has_class:
            cls = obj.__class__
            cls = type(obj)

        # Check for a custom handler
        class_name = util.importable_name(cls)
        handler = handlers.get(cls, handlers.get(class_name))
        if handler is not None:
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def _flatten_dict_obj(self, obj, data=None):
        """Recursively call flatten() and return json-friendly dict
        if data is None:
            data = obj.__class__()

        flatten = self._flatten_key_value_pair
        for k, v in sorted(obj.items(), key=util.itemgetter):
            flatten(k, v, data)

        # the collections.defaultdict protocol
        if hasattr(obj, 'default_factory') and callable(obj.default_factory):
            factory = obj.default_factory
            if util.is_type(factory):
                # Reference the class/type
                value = _mktyperef(factory)
                # The factory is not a type and could reference e.g. functions
                # or even the object instance itself, which creates a cycle.
                if self._mkref(factory):
                    # We've never seen this object before so pickle it in-place.
                    # Create an instance from the factory and assume that the
                    # resulting instance is a suitable examplar.
                    value = self._flatten(handlers.CloneFactory(factory()))
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                data = unicode(obj)
            return data

        if util.is_dictionary_subclass(obj):
            self._flatten_dict_obj(obj, data)
            return data

        if util.is_sequence_subclass(obj):
            return self._flatten_sequence_obj(obj, data)

        if util.is_noncomplex(obj):
            return [self._flatten(v) for v in obj]

        if util.is_iterator(obj):
            # force list in python 3
            data[tags.ITERATOR] = list(map(self._flatten, islice(obj, self._max_iter)))
            return data

        if reduce_val and not isinstance(reduce_val, (str, unicode)):
            # at this point, reduce_val should be some kind of iterable
            # pad out to len 5
            rv_as_list = list(reduce_val)
            insufficiency = 5 - len(rv_as_list)
            if insufficiency:
                rv_as_list += [None] * insufficiency

            if rv_as_list[0].__name__ == '__newobj__':
                rv_as_list[0] = tags.NEWOBJ

            data[tags.REDUCE] = list(map(self._flatten, rv_as_list))
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def flatten(self, obj, data):
        pickler = self.context
        if not pickler.unpicklable:
            return unicode(obj)
        cls, args = obj.__reduce__()
        flatten = pickler.flatten
        payload = util.b64encode(args[0])
        args = [payload] + [flatten(i, reset=False) for i in args[1:]]
        data['__reduce__'] = (flatten(cls, reset=False), args)
        return data
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:param cls: The custom object class to handle
        :param handler: The custom handler class (if None, a decorator wrapper is returned)
        :param base: Indicates whether the handler should be registered for all subclasses

        This function can be also used as a decorator by omitting the `handler` argument:

        @jsonpickle.handlers.register(Foo, base=True)
        class FooHandler(jsonpickle.handlers.BaseHandler):
        if handler is None:
            def _register(handler_cls):
                self.register(cls, handler=handler_cls, base=base)
                return handler_cls
            return _register
        if not util.is_type(cls):
            raise TypeError('{0!r} is not a class/type'.format(cls))
        # store both the name and the actual type for the ugly cases like
        # _sre.SRE_Pattern that cannot be loaded back directly
        self._handlers[util.importable_name(cls)] = self._handlers[cls] = handler
        if base:
            # only store the actual type for subclass checking
            self._base_handlers[cls] = handler
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def _flatten_key_value_pair(self, k, v, data):
        """Flatten a key/value pair into the passed-in dictionary."""
        if not util.is_picklable(k, v):
            return data
        if self.keys:
            if not isinstance(k, (str, unicode)) or k.startswith(tags.JSON_KEY):
                k = self._escape_key(k)
            if k is None:
                k = 'null'  # for compatibility with common json encoders

            if self.numeric_keys and isinstance(k, numeric_types):
            elif not isinstance(k, (str, unicode)):
                    k = repr(k)
                    k = unicode(k)
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restore = self._restore_id
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.REF):  # Backwards compatibility
            restore = self._restore_ref
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.ITERATOR):
            restore = self._restore_iterator
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.TYPE):
            restore = self._restore_type
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.REPR):  # Backwards compatibility
            restore = self._restore_repr
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.REDUCE):
            restore = self._restore_reduce
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.OBJECT):
            restore = self._restore_object
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.FUNCTION):
            restore = self._restore_function
        elif util.is_list(obj):
            restore = self._restore_list
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.TUPLE):
            restore = self._restore_tuple
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.SET):
            restore = self._restore_set
        elif util.is_dictionary(obj):
            restore = self._restore_dict
            restore = lambda x: x
        print("restore function:", str(restore))
        return restore(obj)
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cls = obj.__class__
            cls = type(obj)

        # Check for a custom handler
        class_name = util.importable_name(cls)
        handler = handlers.get(cls, handlers.get(class_name))
        if handler is not None:
            if self.unpicklable:
                data[tags.OBJECT] = class_name
            return handler(self).flatten(obj, data)

        reduce_val = None
        if has_class and not util.is_module(obj):
            if self.unpicklable:
                class_name = util.importable_name(cls)
                data[tags.OBJECT] = class_name

            # test for a reduce implementation, and redirect before doing anything else
            # if that is what reduce requests
            if has_reduce_ex:
                    # we're implementing protocol 2
                    reduce_val = obj.__reduce_ex__(2)
                except TypeError:
                    # A lot of builtin types have a reduce which just raises a TypeError
                    # we ignore those

            if has_reduce and not reduce_val:
                    reduce_val = obj.__reduce__()