How to use the pyemma.util.linalg.mdot function in pyEMMA

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    from import spd_inv_sqrt

    # SVD of symmetrized operator in empirical distribution
    U, S, V = _svd_sym_koopman(K, C00_train, Ctt_train)
    if k is not None:
        U = U[:, :k]
        # S = S[:k][:, :k]
        V = V[:, :k]
    A = spd_inv_sqrt(mdot(U.T, C00_test, U))
    B = mdot(U.T, C0t_test, V)
    C = spd_inv_sqrt(mdot(V.T, Ctt_test, V))

    # compute trace norm (nuclear norm), equal to the sum of singular values
    score = np.linalg.norm(mdot(A, B, C), ord='nuc')
    return score
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def _svd_sym_koopman(K, C00_train, Ctt_train):
    """ Computes the SVD of the symmetrized Koopman operator in the empirical distribution.
    from import spd_inv_sqrt
    # reweight operator to empirical distribution
    C0t_re = mdot(C00_train, K)
    # symmetrized operator and SVD
    K_sym = mdot(spd_inv_sqrt(C00_train), C0t_re, spd_inv_sqrt(Ctt_train))
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(K_sym, compute_uv=True, full_matrices=False)
    # projects back to singular functions of K
    U = mdot(spd_inv_sqrt(C00_train), U)
    Vt = mdot(Vt,spd_inv_sqrt(Ctt_train))
    return U, S, Vt.T
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def _svd_sym_koopman(K, C00_train, Ctt_train):
    """ Computes the SVD of the symmetrized Koopman operator in the empirical distribution.
    from import spd_inv_sqrt
    # reweight operator to empirical distribution
    C0t_re = mdot(C00_train, K)
    # symmetrized operator and SVD
    K_sym = mdot(spd_inv_sqrt(C00_train), C0t_re, spd_inv_sqrt(Ctt_train))
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(K_sym, compute_uv=True, full_matrices=False)
    # projects back to singular functions of K
    U = mdot(spd_inv_sqrt(C00_train), U)
    Vt = mdot(Vt,spd_inv_sqrt(Ctt_train))
    return U, S, Vt.T
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / util / View on Github external
VAMP-2 score

    from import spd_inv_sqrt

    # SVD of symmetrized operator in empirical distribution
    U, _, V = _svd_sym_koopman(K, C00_train, Ctt_train)
    if k is not None:
        U = U[:, :k]
        V = V[:, :k]
    A = spd_inv_sqrt(mdot(U.T, C00_test, U))
    B = mdot(U.T, C0t_test, V)
    C = spd_inv_sqrt(mdot(V.T, Ctt_test, V))

    # compute square frobenius, equal to the sum of squares of singular values
    score = np.linalg.norm(mdot(A, B, C), ord='fro') ** 2
    return score
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / models / View on Github external
        p0 = _types.ensure_ndarray(p0, ndim=1, size=self.nstates, kind='numeric')
        assert _types.is_int(k) and k >= 0, 'k must be a non-negative integer'

        if k == 0:  # simply return p0 normalized
            return p0 / p0.sum()

        if self.is_sparse:  # sparse: we don't have a full eigenvalue set, so just propagate
            pk = _np.array(p0)
            for i in range(k):
                pk =, self.transition_matrix)
        else:  # dense: employ eigenvalue decomposition
            from pyemma.util.linalg import mdot
            pk = mdot(p0.T,
                      _np.diag(_np.power(self.eigenvalues(), k)),
        # normalize to 1.0 and return
        return pk / pk.sum()