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import { AnyJson, getString } from '@salesforce/ts-types';
import * as jsforce from 'jsforce';
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
// Load the specific messages for this file. Messages from @salesforce/command, @salesforce/core,
// or any library that is using the messages framework can also be loaded this way.
const messages = Messages.loadMessages('sfdx-waw-plugin', 'waw');
export default class ApexLogGet extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('auth.username.login.description');
public static examples = [];
public static readonly flagsConfig = {
instanceurl: flags.url({
char: 'r',
description: messages.getMessage('auth.username.login.flags.instanceurl')
username: flags.string({
char: 'u',
description: messages.getMessage('auth.username.login.flags.username'),
required: true
password: flags.string({
char: 'p',
description: messages.getMessage('auth.username.login.flags.password')
public async run(): Promise {
const username = this.flags.username;