How to use the @salesforce/command.core.SfdxError function in @salesforce/command

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @salesforce/command examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github msrivastav13 / mo-dx-plugin / src / commands / hello / org.ts View on Github external
const conn =;
    const query = 'Select Name, TrialExpirationDate from Organization';

    // The type we are querying for
    interface Organization {
      Name: string;
      TrialExpirationDate: string;

    // Query the org
    const result = await conn.query(query);

    // Organization will always return one result, but this is an example of throwing an error
    // The output and --json will automatically be handled for you.
    if (!result.records || result.records.length <= 0) {
      throw new core.SfdxError(messages.getMessage('errorNoOrgResults', []));

    // Organization always only returns one result
    const orgName = result.records[0].Name;
    const trialExpirationDate = result.records[0].TrialExpirationDate;

    let outputString = `Hello ${name}! This is org: ${orgName}`;
    if (trialExpirationDate) {
      const date = new Date(trialExpirationDate).toDateString();
      outputString = `${outputString} and I will be around until ${date}!`;

    // this.hubOrg is NOT guaranteed because supportsHubOrgUsername=true, as opposed to requiresHubOrgUsername.
    if (this.hubOrg) {
      const hubOrgId = this.hubOrg.getOrgId();
github billryoung / sfdx-wry-plugin / src / commands / wry / hello / org.ts View on Github external
const conn =;
    const query = 'Select Name, TrialExpirationDate from Organization';

    // The type we are querying for
    interface Organization {
      Name: string;
      TrialExpirationDate: string;

    // Query the org
    const result = await conn.query(query);

    // Organization will always return one result, but this is an example of throwing an error
    // The output and --json will automatically be handled for you.
    if (!result.records || result.records.length <= 0) {
      throw new core.SfdxError(messages.getMessage('errorNoOrgResults', []));

    // Organization always only returns one result
    const orgName = result.records[0].Name;
    const trialExpirationDate = result.records[0].TrialExpirationDate;

    let outputString = `Hello ${name}! This is org: ${orgName}`;
    if (trialExpirationDate) {
      const date = new Date(trialExpirationDate).toDateString();
      outputString = `${outputString} and I will be around until ${date}!`;

    // this.hubOrg is NOT guaranteed because supportsHubOrgUsername=true, as opposed to requiresHubOrgUsername.
    if (this.hubOrg) {
      const hubOrgId = this.hubOrg.getOrgId();
github eltoroit / ETCopyData / src / @ELTOROIT / Util.ts View on Github external
public static throwError(msg: any) {
		this.isAborted = true;

		if (msg.stack) {
			Util.writeLog(`*** Abort Counter: ${this.abortedCounter} ***`, LogLevel.FATAL);
			Util.writeLog(msg.stack, LogLevel.FATAL);

		throw new core.SfdxError(msg, "Error", null, -1);