Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
char: 'd',
description: messages.getMessage('inputDirFlagDescription'),
required: true
mappingobjects: flags.array({
char: 'm',
description: messages.getMessage('mappingObjectsFlagDescription'),
map: (value: string) => {
const [ object, keyField = 'Name' ] = value.split(':');
return { object, keyField };
deletebeforeload: flags.boolean({
description: messages.getMessage('deleteBeforeLoadFlagDescription')
verbose: flags.builtin()
// Comment this out if your command does not require an org username
protected static requiresUsername = true;
// Comment this out if your command does not support a hub org username
protected static supportsDevhubUsername = false;
// Set this to true if your command requires a project workspace; 'requiresProject' is false by default
protected static requiresProject = false;
public async run(): Promise {
const inputDir = this.flags.inputdir;
json: flags.boolean({
description: "show output in json format (disables --verbose && --csv)"
csv: flags.boolean({
description: "show output in csv format (disables --verbose)"
depends: flags.boolean({
description: "show dependency information for Apex classes"
zombies: flags.boolean({
description: "show class fields, properties & methods that are not being used"
warnings: flags.boolean({
description: "show warnings messages for legal but possibly faulty code "
verbose: flags.builtin({
description: "show progress messages"
protected static requiresUsername = false;
protected static supportsDevhubUsername = false;
protected static requiresProject = false;
public async run(): Promise {
const json = this.flags.json || false;
const csv = this.flags.csv || false;
const depends = this.flags.depends || false;
const zombies = this.flags.zombies || false;
const warnings = this.flags.warnings || false;
const verbose = this.flags.verbose || false;