How to use the @salesforce/command.core.Org function in @salesforce/command

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @salesforce/command examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github amtrack / sfdx-browserforce-plugin / test / browserforce.e2e-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should successfully login with valid credentials', async function() {
      this.timeout(1000 * 300);
      this.slow(1000 * 30);
      const defaultScratchOrg = await core.Org.create({});
      const ux = await UX.create();
      const bf = new Browserforce(defaultScratchOrg, ux.cli);
      await bf.login();
      await bf.logout();
github amtrack / sfdx-browserforce-plugin / test / browserforce.e2e-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should determine an instance domain for a scratch org with my domain', async function() {
      this.timeout(1000 * 300);
      this.slow(1000 * 30);
      const defaultScratchOrg = await core.Org.create({});
      const ux = await UX.create();
      const bf = new Browserforce(defaultScratchOrg, ux.cli);
      await bf.login();
      const instanceDomain = bf.getInstanceDomain();
      assert.notDeepEqual(null, instanceDomain);
      await bf.logout();