Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
import {core, SfdxCommand} from '@salesforce/command';
import assert = require('assert');
import {join} from 'path';
import {ClusterPackager } from '../../../lib/clusterPackager';
import {ComponentGraph} from '../../../lib/componentGraph';
import {FileWriter} from '../../../lib/fileWriter';
import {Node, NodeGroup, ScalarNode } from '../../../lib/NodeDefs';
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('dependencies-cli', 'analyze');
export default class Analyze extends SfdxCommand {
public static outputFolder = 'lib/';
public static description = messages.getMessage('commandDescription');
public static examples = [
`sfdx andyinthecloud:dependencies:componentizer -u DevHub
public static args = [{name: 'file'}];
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
public static buildGraph(results: any, connectAuras: boolean = false, forwards: boolean = true, backwards: boolean = false): ComponentGraph {
const graph: ComponentGraph = new ComponentGraph();
import {core, flags, SfdxCommand} from '@salesforce/command';
import {AnyJson} from '@salesforce/ts-types';
import * as chalk from 'chalk';
import fs = require('fs-extra');
import {SobjectResult} from '../../models/sObjectResult';
import {Deploy, DeployResult} from '../../service/deploy';
import {display, displaylog} from '../../service/displayError';
import {getFileName} from '../../service/getFileName';
import {getNameSpacePrefix} from '../../service/getNamespacePrefix';
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
// Load the specific messages for this file. Messages from @salesforce/command, @salesforce/core,
// or any library that is using the messages framework can also be loaded this way.
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('mo-dx-plugin', 'org');
export default class ApexComponentDeploy extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('vfComponentDeploy');
public static examples = [
'$ sfdx deploy:vfcomponent -p filepath'
protected static flagsConfig = {
// flag with a value (-n, --name=VALUE)
filepath: flags.string({ char: 'p', description: 'file path', required: true })
import {core, flags, SfdxCommand} from '@salesforce/command';
import {AnyJson} from '@salesforce/ts-types';
import * as chalk from 'chalk';
import fs = require('fs-extra');
import {SobjectResult} from '../../models/sObjectResult';
import {displaylog} from '../../service/displayError';
import {getNameSpacePrefix} from '../../service/getNamespacePrefix';
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
// Load the specific messages for this file. Messages from @salesforce/command, @salesforce/core,
// or any library that is using the messages framework can also be loaded this way.
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('mo-dx-plugin', 'org');
export default class LWCDeploy extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('lwcDeploy');
public static examples = [
'$ sfdx deploy:lwc -p filepath'
protected static flagsConfig = {
// flag with a value (-n, --name=VALUE)
filepath: flags.string({char: 'p', description: 'file path' })
// Comment this out if your command does not require an org username
protected static requiresUsername = true;
import { core, flags, SfdxCommand } from '@salesforce/command';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import {DescribeMetadataResult} from '../../models/describemetadataResult';
import {DescribeMetadata} from '../../service/packagexmlbuilder/describeMetadata';
import {MetadataMember} from '../../service/packagexmlbuilder/metadataMember';
import {PackageXmlTemplate} from '../../service/packagexmlbuilder/packagexmlTemplate';
import { integer } from '@oclif/parser/lib/flags';
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
// Load the specific messages for this file. Messages from @salesforce/command, @salesforce/core,
// or any library that is using the messages framework can also be loaded this way.
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('mo-dx-plugin', 'org');
export default class PackageXML extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('generatePackageXML');
public static examples = [
'$ sfdx generate:packagexml -m ApexClass',
'$ sfdx generate:packagexml -m CustomObject',
'$ sfdx generate:packagexml -m ApexClass:MyApexClass1,MyApexClass2'
public static args = [{name: 'all'}];
import {core, flags, SfdxCommand} from '@salesforce/command';
import fs = require('fs');
//import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, RequestInfo } from 'jsforce';
//const request = require('request');
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
// Load the specific messages for this file. Messages from @salesforce/command, @salesforce/core,
// or any library that is using the messages framework can also be loaded this way.
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('sfdx-wry-plugin', 'count');
export default class Stats extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('commandDescription');
public static examples = [
`$ sfdx wry:data:count --targetusername -o Account,Opportunity,User
Account: 14 records
Account.Vendor: 2 records
Account.Customer: 12 records
Opportunity: 38 records
User: 5 records
import { core, flags, SfdxCommand } from '@salesforce/command';
import { AnyJson } from '@salesforce/ts-types';
import * as chalk from 'chalk';
import { SaveResult } from 'jsforce';
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('mo-dx-plugin', 'org');
export default class RenameMetadata extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('renamemetadata');
public static examples = [
'$ sfdx metadata:rename -t -n -o ',
'$ sfdx metadata:rename -t CustomObject -n MyCustomObject1New__c -o MyCustomObject1__c'
protected static flagsConfig = {
// flag with a value (-n, --name=VALUE)
metadatatype: flags.string({
required: true,
char: 't',
description: 'type of the metadata. Examples are CustomObject, Profile'
import {core, flags, SfdxCommand} from '@salesforce/command';
import { fs } from '@salesforce/core';
import {AnyJson} from '@salesforce/ts-types';
import {readFile, writeFile} from 'fs-extra';
import {Connection} from 'jsforce';
import * as path from 'path';
import {AutoMigrator, DumpQuery} from 'salesforce-migration-automatic';
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
// Load the specific messages for this file. Messages from @salesforce/command, @salesforce/core,
// or any library that is using the messages framework can also be loaded this way.
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('sfdx-migration-automatic', 'dump');
export default class Dump extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('commandDescription');
public static get usage() {
return SfdxCommand.usage.replace('<%= %>', 'automig:dump');
public static examples = [
'$ sfdx automig:dump --targetusername --objects Opportunity,Case,Account:related,Task:related --outputdir ./dump',
'$ sfdx automig:dump --targetusername --config automig-dump-config.json'
protected static flagsConfig = {
// flag with a value (-n, --name=VALUE)
import { core, flags, SfdxCommand } from "@salesforce/command";
import { AnyJson } from "@salesforce/ts-types";
import * as AdmZip from "adm-zip";
import * as chalk from 'chalk';
import fs = require("fs-extra");
import * as Mime from "mime-types";
import { displaylog } from "../../service/displayError";
import { getNameSpacePrefix } from "../../service/getNamespacePrefix";
// Initialize Messages with the current plugin directory
// Load the specific messages for this file. Messages from @salesforce/command, @salesforce/core,
// or any library that is using the messages framework can also be loaded this way.
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages("mo-dx-plugin", "org");
export default class StaticResourceDeploy extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage("staticresourceDeploy");
public static examples = [
"$ sfdx deploy:staticresource -p ",
"$ sfdx deploy:staticresource -p --cachecontrol public",
"$ sfdx deploy:staticresource -p --cachecontrol public --resourcefolder "
protected static flagsConfig = {
// flag with a value (-n, --name=VALUE)
filepath: flags.string({
char: "p",
description: "file path of the resource bundle"
import {core, flags, SfdxCommand } from '@salesforce/command';
import process = require('child_process');
import {ClusterPackager} from '../../../lib/clusterPackager';
import {DependencyGraph} from '../../../lib/dependencyGraph';
import {FileWriter} from '../../../lib/fileWriter';
import {MetadataComponentDependency, Node} from '../../../lib/NodeDefs';
import {Member, PackageMerger} from '../../../lib/PackageMerger';
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages('dependencies-cli', 'depends');
export default class Report extends SfdxCommand {
public static description = messages.getMessage('description');
public static examples = [messages.getMessage('example1')];
protected static flagsConfig = {
resultformat: flags.string({ char: 'r', description: messages.getMessage('resultformatFlagDescription'), default: 'dot', options: ['dot', 'xml'] }),
includelist: flags.string({char: 'i', description: messages.getMessage('includeListDescription')}),
excludelist: flags.string({char: 'e', description: messages.getMessage('excludeListDescription')}),
outputdir: flags.string({char: 'd', description: messages.getMessage('outputDirDescription')}),
generatemanifest: flags.boolean({char: 'm', description: messages.getMessage('generateManifestDescription')}),
excludepackagefile: flags.string({
char: 'x',
description: messages.getMessage('excludePackageDescription'),
dependsOn: ['generatemanifest']
import { core, flags, SfdxCommand } from '@salesforce/command';
import * as path from 'path';
import Browserforce from './browserforce';
import ConfigParser from './config-parser';
import * as DRIVERS from './plugins';
const messages = core.Messages.loadMessages(
export default class BrowserforceCommand extends SfdxCommand {
protected static requiresUsername = true;
protected static flagsConfig = {
definitionfile: flags.string({
char: 'f',
description: messages.getMessage('definitionFileDescription')
planfile: flags.string({
char: 'p',
name: 'plan',
description: messages.getMessage('planFileDescription')