How to use the fusesoc.section.Section function in fusesoc

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fusesoc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(MainSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('name'       , str     , "Component name")
        self._add_member('backend'    , str     , "Backend for FPGA implementation")
        self._add_member('component'  , PathList, "Core IP-Xact component file")
        self._add_member('description', str, "Core description")
        self._add_member('depend'     , VlnvList, "Common dependencies")
        self._add_member('simulators' , SimulatorList, "Supported simulators. Valid values are icarus, modelsim, verilator, isim and xsim. Each simulator have a dedicated section desribed elsewhere in this document")
        self._add_member('patches'    , StringList, "FuseSoC-specific patches")

        if items:

class VhdlSection(Section):

    TAG = 'vhdl'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(VhdlSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('src_files', PathList, "VHDL source files for simulation and synthesis")

        if items:
            self.export_files = self.src_files

class VerilogSection(Section):

    TAG = 'verilog'
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            if not self.scope:
                self.scope = 'public'
            if not self.usage:
                self.usage = ['sim', 'synth']
            for f in self.files:
                if not f.file_type:
                    f.file_type = self.file_type
                if self.is_include_file.lower() == "true":
                    f.is_include_file = True
                if not f.logical_name:
                    f.logical_name = self.logical_name
            self.export_files = self.files

class VpiSection(Section):

    TAG = 'vpi'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(VpiSection, self).__init__()

        self.include_dirs = []

        self._add_member('src_files'    , FileList, "C source files for VPI library")
        self._add_member('include_files', FileList, "C include files for VPI library")
        self._add_member('libs'         , StringList, "External libraries linked with the VPI library")

        if items:
            if self.include_files:
                self.include_dirs  += unique_dirs(self.include_files)
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if items:

class ToolSection(Section):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ToolSection, self).__init__()
        self._add_member('depend', VlnvList, "Tool-specific Dependencies")
    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        if self.depend:
            _s = "{}-specific dependencies : {}\n"
            s += _s.format(self.TAG,
                     ' '.join([x.depstr() for x in self.depend]))

class MainSection(Section):
    TAG = 'main'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(MainSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('name'       , str     , "Component name")
        self._add_member('backend'    , str     , "Backend for FPGA implementation")
        self._add_member('component'  , PathList, "Core IP-Xact component file")
        self._add_member('description', str, "Core description")
        self._add_member('depend'     , VlnvList, "Common dependencies")
        self._add_member('simulators' , SimulatorList, "Supported simulators. Valid values are icarus, modelsim, verilator, isim and xsim. Each simulator have a dedicated section desribed elsewhere in this document")
        self._add_member('patches'    , StringList, "FuseSoC-specific patches")

        if items:
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setattr(self, item, _type(e.args[0]))
                        'Unknown item "%(item)s" in section "%(section)s"' % {
                            'item': item, 'section': self.TAG})

    def __str__(self):
        s = ''
        for k,v in self._members.items():
            if isinstance(v.get('type'), list):
                s += k + ' : ' + ';'.join(getattr(self, item)) + '\n'
            elif isinstance(v.get('type'), str):
                s += k + ' : ' + getattr(self, k) + '\n'
        return s

class ScriptsSection(Section):
    TAG = 'scripts'
    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(ScriptsSection, self).__init__()
        self._add_member('pre_synth_scripts', StringList, 'Scripts to run before backend synthesis')
        self._add_member('post_impl_scripts', StringList, 'Scripts to run after backend implementation')
        self._add_member('pre_run_scripts'  , StringList, 'Scripts to run before running simulations')
        self._add_member('pre_build_scripts', StringList, 'Scripts to run before building')
        self._add_member('pre_run_scripts'  , StringList, 'Scripts to run before running simulations')
        self._add_member('post_run_scripts' , StringList, 'Scripts to run after simulations')

        if items:

class ToolSection(Section):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ToolSection, self).__init__()
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elif isinstance(v.get('type'), str):
                s += k + ' : ' + getattr(self, k) + '\n'
        return s

class ScriptsSection(Section):
    TAG = 'scripts'
    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(ScriptsSection, self).__init__()
        self._add_member('pre_build_scripts', StringList, 'Scripts to run before building')
        self._add_member('pre_run_scripts'  , StringList, 'Scripts to run before running simulations')
        self._add_member('post_run_scripts' , StringList, 'Scripts to run after simulations')

        if items:

class ToolSection(Section):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ToolSection, self).__init__()
        self._add_member('depend', StringList, "Tool-specific Dependencies")
        self._add_member('extra_files'    , FileList, 'Extra files to be exported to the build directory')

        self.export_files = self.extra_files

    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        if self.depend:
            _s = "{}-specific dependencies : {}\n"
            s += _s.format(self.TAG,
                     ' '.join([str(x) for x in self.depend]))

class MainSection(Section):
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class VhdlSection(Section):

    TAG = 'vhdl'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(VhdlSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('src_files', PathList, "VHDL source files for simulation and synthesis")

        if items:
            self.export_files = self.src_files

class VerilogSection(Section):

    TAG = 'verilog'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(VerilogSection, self).__init__()

        self.include_dirs = []
        self.tb_include_dirs = []

        self._add_member('src_files'           , FileList, "Verilog source files for synthesis/simulation")
        self._add_member('include_files'       , FileList, "Verilog include files")
        self._add_member('tb_src_files'        , FileList, "Verilog source files that are only used in simulation. Visible to other cores")
        self._add_member('tb_private_src_files', FileList, "Verilog source files that are only used in the core's own testbench. Not visible to other cores")
        self._add_member('tb_include_files'    , FileList, "Testbench include files")
        self._add_member('file_type'           , str     , "Default file type of the files in fileset")
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def __init__(self):
        super(ToolSection, self).__init__()
        self._add_member('depend', StringList, "Tool-specific Dependencies")
        self._add_member('extra_files'    , FileList, 'Extra files to be exported to the build directory')

        self.export_files = self.extra_files

    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        if self.depend:
            _s = "{}-specific dependencies : {}\n"
            s += _s.format(self.TAG,
                     ' '.join([str(x) for x in self.depend]))

class MainSection(Section):
    TAG = 'main'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(MainSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('name'       , str     , "Component name")
        self._add_member('component'  , PathList, "Core IP-Xact component file")
        self._add_member('description', str, "Core description")
        self._add_member('depend'     , StringList, "Common dependencies")
        self._add_member('simulators' , SimulatorList, "Supported simulators. Valid values are icarus, modelsim, verilator, isim and xsim. Each simulator have a dedicated section desribed elsewhere in this document")
        self._add_member('patches'    , StringList, "FuseSoC-specific patches")

        if items:

class VhdlSection(Section):
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TAG = 'main'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(MainSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('name'       , str     , "Component name")
        self._add_member('component'  , PathList, "Core IP-Xact component file")
        self._add_member('description', str, "Core description")
        self._add_member('depend'     , StringList, "Common dependencies")
        self._add_member('simulators' , SimulatorList, "Supported simulators. Valid values are icarus, modelsim, verilator, isim and xsim. Each simulator have a dedicated section desribed elsewhere in this document")
        self._add_member('patches'    , StringList, "FuseSoC-specific patches")

        if items:

class VhdlSection(Section):

    TAG = 'vhdl'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(VhdlSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('src_files', PathList, "VHDL source files for simulation and synthesis")

        if items:
            self.export_files = self.src_files

class VerilogSection(Section):

    TAG = 'verilog'
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class VhdlSection(Section):

    TAG = 'vhdl'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(VhdlSection, self).__init__()

        self._add_member('src_files', PathList, "VHDL source files for simulation and synthesis")

        if items:
            self.export_files = self.src_files

class VerilogSection(Section):

    TAG = 'verilog'

    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(VerilogSection, self).__init__()

        self.include_dirs = []
        self.tb_include_dirs = []

        self._add_member('src_files'           , FileList, "Verilog source files for synthesis/simulation")
        self._add_member('include_files'       , FileList, "Verilog include files")
        self._add_member('tb_src_files'        , FileList, "Verilog source files that are only used in simulation. Visible to other cores")
        self._add_member('tb_private_src_files', FileList, "Verilog source files that are only used in the core's own testbench. Not visible to other cores")
        self._add_member('tb_include_files'    , FileList, "Testbench include files")
        self._add_member('file_type'           , str     , "Default file type of the files in fileset")
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setattr(self, item, _type(e.args[0]))
                        'Unknown item "%(item)s" in section "%(section)s"' % {
                            'item': item, 'section': self.TAG})

    def __str__(self):
        s = ''
        for k,v in self._members.items():
            if isinstance(v.get('type'), list):
                s += k + ' : ' + ';'.join(getattr(self, item)) + '\n'
            elif isinstance(v.get('type'), str):
                s += k + ' : ' + getattr(self, k) + '\n'
        return s

class ScriptsSection(Section):
    TAG = 'scripts'
    def __init__(self, items=None):
        super(ScriptsSection, self).__init__()
        self._add_member('pre_build_scripts', StringList, 'Scripts to run before building')
        self._add_member('pre_run_scripts'  , StringList, 'Scripts to run before running simulations')
        self._add_member('post_run_scripts' , StringList, 'Scripts to run after simulations')

        if items:

class ToolSection(Section):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ToolSection, self).__init__()
        self._add_member('depend', StringList, "Tool-specific Dependencies")
        self._add_member('extra_files'    , FileList, 'Extra files to be exported to the build directory')