How to use the traits.api.Trait function in traits

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few traits examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github enthought / chaco / chaco / View on Github external
# Draw an arrow from the label to the data point?  Only
    # used if **data_point** is not None.
    arrow_visible = Bool(True)   # FIXME: replace with some sort of ArrowStyle

    # The length of the arrowhead, in screen points (e.g., pixels).
    arrow_size = Float(10)

    # The color of the arrow.
    arrow_color = ColorTrait("black")

    # The position of the base of the arrow on the label.  If this
    # is 'auto', then the label uses **label_position**.  Otherwise, it
    # treats the label as if it were at the label position indicated by
    # this attribute.
    arrow_root = Trait("auto", "auto", "top left", "top right", "bottom left",
                       "bottom right", "top center", "bottom center",
                       "left center", "right center")

    # The minimum length of the arrow before it will be drawn.  By default,
    # the arrow will be drawn regardless of how short it is.
    arrow_min_length = Float(0)

    # The maximum length of the arrow before it will be drawn.  By default,
    # the arrow will be drawn regardless of how long it is.
    arrow_max_length = Float(inf)

    # Bubble traits

    # The radius (in screen coordinates) of the curved corners of the "bubble".
github acoular / acoular / acoular / View on Github external
This class loads measured data from h5 files and
    and provides information about this data.
    It also serves as an interface where the data can be accessed
    (e.g. for use in a block chain) via the :meth:`result` generator.

    #: Full name of the .h5 file with data.
    name = File(filter=['*.h5'], 
        desc="name of data file")

    #: Basename of the .h5 file with data, is set automatically.
    basename = Property( depends_on = 'name', #filter=['*.h5'], 
        desc="basename of data file")
    #: Calibration data, instance of :class:`~acoular.calib.Calib` class, optional .
    calib = Trait( Calib, 
        desc="Calibration data")
    #: Number of channels, is set automatically / read from file.
    numchannels = CLong(0, 
        desc="number of input channels")

    #: Number of time data samples, is set automatically / read from file.
    numsamples = CLong(0, 
        desc="number of samples")

    #: The time data as array of floats with dimension (numsamples, numchannels).
    data = Any( transient = True, 
        desc="the actual time data array")

    #: HDF5 file object
    h5f = Instance(tables.File, transient = True)
github acoular / acoular / acoular / View on Github external
#: dictionary with block buffers (dict values) of registered objects (dict
    #: keys).  
    block_buffer = Dict(key_trait=Instance(SamplesGenerator)) 

    #: max elements/blocks in block buffers. 
    buffer_size = Int(100)

    #: defines behaviour in case of block_buffer overflow. Can be set individually
    #: for each registered object.
    #: * 'error': an IOError is thrown by the class
    #: * 'warning': a warning is displayed. Possibly leads to lost blocks of data
    #: * 'none': nothing happens. Possibly leads to lost blocks of data
    buffer_overflow_treatment = Dict(key_trait=Instance(SamplesGenerator),
                              desc='defines buffer overflow behaviour.')       
    # shadow trait to monitor if source deliver samples or is empty
    _source_generator_exist = Bool(False) 

    # shadow trait to monitor if buffer of objects with overflow treatment = 'error' 
    # or warning is overfilled. Error will be raised in all threads.
    _buffer_overflow = Bool(False)

    # Helper Trait holds source generator     
    _source_generator = Trait()
    def _create_block_buffer(self,obj):        
        self.block_buffer[obj] = deque([],maxlen=self.buffer_size)
    def _create_buffer_overflow_treatment(self,obj):
github capn-freako / PyAMI / pyibisami / View on Github external
if pformat == "Range":
                    new_traits.append((pname, Range(param.pmin, param.pmax, param.pvalue)))
                    gui_items.append(Item(pname, tooltip=param.pdescription))
                elif pformat == "List":
                    list_tips = param.plist_tip
                    default = param.pdefault
                    if list_tips:
                        tmp_dict = {}
                        tmp_dict.update(list(zip(list_tips, param.pvalue)))
                        val = list(tmp_dict.keys())[0]
                        if default:
                            for tip in tmp_dict:
                                if tmp_dict[tip] == default:
                                    val = tip
                        new_traits.append((pname, Trait(val, tmp_dict)))
                        val = param.pvalue[0]
                        if default:
                            val = default
                        new_traits.append((pname, Enum([val] + param.pvalue)))
                    gui_items.append(Item(pname, tooltip=param.pdescription))
                else:  # Value
                    new_traits.append((pname, param.pvalue))
                    gui_items.append(Item(pname, style="readonly", tooltip=param.pdescription))
    else:  # subparameter branch
        subparam_names = list(param.keys())
        sub_items = []
        group_desc = ""

        # Build GUI items for this branch.
github enthought / envisage / examples / plugins / tasks / attractors / model / View on Github external
""" Mixin class to facilitate defining a IModel3d -> IPlottable2D adapter.

    #### 'Adapter' interface ##################################################

    adaptee = Instance(IModel3d)

    #### 'IPlottable2D' interface #############################################

    name = DelegatesTo("adaptee")

    x_data = Property(Array, depends_on="adaptee.points, x_label")
    y_data = Property(Array, depends_on="adaptee.points, y_label")

    x_label = Trait("x", {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2})
    y_label = Trait("y", {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2})

    view = View(
                Item("adaptee", style="custom", show_label=False),
                Item("x_label", label="X axis"),
                Item("y_label", label="Y axis"),

github enthought / chaco / chaco / tools / View on Github external
# The key which, if held down while the mouse is being dragged, will
    # indicate that the selection should be appended to an existing selection
    # as opposed to overwriting it.
    append_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=(None, "control"))

    # Private traits

    # The value of the override plot to use, if any.  If None, then uses
    # self.component.
    _plot = Trait(None, Any)

    # The value of the override mapper to use, if any.  If None, then uses the
    # mapper on self.component.
    _mapper = Trait(None, Any)

    # Shadow trait for the **axis_index** property.
    _axis_index = Trait(None, None, Int)

    # The data space start and end coordinates of the selected region,
    # expressed as a list.
    _selection = Trait(None, None, Tuple, List, Array)

    # The selection in mask form.
    _selection_mask = Array

    # The end of the selection that is being actively modified by the mouse.
    _drag_edge = Enum("high", "low")

    # These record the mouse position when the user is moving (not resizing)
github enthought / traitsui / traitsui / null / View on Github external
### Note: Declare the editor to be a function which returns the RGBColorEditor
# class from traits ui to avoid circular import issues. For backwards
# compatibility with previous Traits versions, the 'editors' folder in Traits
# project declares 'from api import *' in its The 'api' in turn
# can contain classes that have a RGBColor trait which lead to this file getting
# imported. This will lead to a circular import when declaring a RGBColor
# trait.

def get_rgb_color_editor(*args, **traits):
    from ..editors.rgb_color_editor import ToolkitEditorFactory as RGBColorEditor
    return RGBColorEditor(*args, **traits)

# Trait whose value must be an RGB color
RGBColor = Trait('white', convert_to_color, rgb_standard_colors,
github acoular / acoular / acoular / View on Github external
class BeamformerDamasPlus (BeamformerDamas):
    DAMAS deconvolution, see :ref:`Brooks and Humphreys, 2006`,
    for solving the system of equations, instead of the original Gauss-Seidel 
    iterations, this class employs the NNLS or linear programming solvers from 
    scipy.optimize or one  of several optimization algorithms from the scikit-learn module.
    Needs a-priori delay-and-sum beamforming (:class:`BeamformerBase`).
    #: Type of fit method to be used ('LassoLars', 
    #: 'OMPCV', 'LP', or 'NNLS', defaults to 'NNLS').
    #: These methods are implemented in 
    #: the `scikit-learn `_ 
    #: module or within scipy.optimize respectively.
    method = Trait('NNLS','LP','LassoLars', 'OMPCV',  
                   desc="method used for solving deconvolution problem")
    #: Weight factor for LassoLars method,
    #: defaults to 0.0.
    # (Values in the order of 10^⁻9 should produce good results.)
    alpha = Range(0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                  desc="Lasso weight factor")
    #: Maximum number of iterations,
    #: tradeoff between speed and precision;
    #: defaults to 500
    max_iter = Int(500,
                   desc="maximum number of iterations")
    #: Unit multiplier for evaluating, e.g., nPa instead of Pa. 
    #: Values are converted back before returning. 
github enthought / chaco / chaco / View on Github external
unit interval [0,1], and then linearly mapping that interval to the color
    A TransformColorMapper allows an arbitrary transform to be inserted at two
    places in this process.  First, an initial transformation, `data_func` can
    be applied to the data *before* is it mapped to [0,1].  Then another
    function, `unit_func`, can be applied to the transformed data on [0,1]
    before it is mapped to color space.  Normally, a `unit_func` is map of the
    unit interval [0,1] to itself (e.g. x^2 or sin(pi*x/2)).

    data_func = Trait(None, None, Callable)
    unit_func = Trait(None, None, Callable)
    transformed_bounds = Tuple(Trait(None, None, Float),
                               Trait(None, None, Float))
    # Trait handlers

    @on_trait_change('data_func, range.updated')
    def _update_transformed_bounds(self):

        if self.range is None:
            # The ColorMapper doesn't have a range yet, so don't do anything.
            # This apparently occurs during initialization.
        if self.data_func is not None:
            low = self.range.low
            high = self.range.high
github enthought / chaco / chaco / View on Github external
# The style to use when a point is hovered over
    hover_metadata_name = Str('hover')
    hover_marker = Trait(None, None, MarkerTrait)
    hover_marker_size = Trait(None, None, Int)
    hover_line_width = Trait(None, None, Float)
    hover_color = Trait(None, None, ColorTrait)
    hover_outline_color = Trait(None, None, ColorTrait)

    # The style to use when a point has been selected by a click
    selection_metadata_name = Str('selections')
    selection_marker = Trait(None, None, MarkerTrait)
    selection_marker_size = Trait(None, None, Int)
    selection_line_width = Trait(None, None, Float)
    selection_color = Trait(None, None, ColorTrait)
    selection_outline_color = Trait(None, None, ColorTrait)

    # For now, implement the equivalent of this Traits 3 feature manually
    # using a series of trait change handlers (defined at the end of the
    # class)
    def metadata_changed(self, object, name, old, new):
        if self.component is not None:

    def overlay(self, component, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="normal"):
        plot = self.component
        if not plot or not plot.index or not getattr(plot, "value", True):

        for inspect_type in (self.hover_metadata_name, self.selection_metadata_name):