Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
field with non-uniform velocities that depend on the location. The
algorithm for the calculation uses a ray-tracing approach that bases on
rays cast from every microphone position in multiple directions and traced
backwards in time. The result is interpolated within a tetrahedal grid
spanned between these rays.
#: The flow field, must be of type :class:`~acoular.environments.FlowField`.
ff = Trait(FlowField,
desc="flow field")
#: Number of rays used per solid angle :math:`\Omega`, defaults to 200.
N = Int(200,
desc="number of rays per Om")
#: The maximum solid angle used in the algorithm, defaults to :math:`\pi`.
Om = Float(pi,
desc="maximum solid angle")
# internal identifier
digest = Property(
depends_on=['ff.digest', 'N', 'Om'],
traits_view = View(
['ff{Flow field}', 'N{Max. number of rays}', 'Om{Max. solid angle }'],
'|[General Flow]'
def _get_digest( self ):
from pychron.core.helpers.traitsui_shortcuts import okcancel_view
from pychron.core.pychron_traits import BorderHGroup
from pychron.persistence_loggable import PersistenceMixin
from pychron.pychron_constants import ANALYSIS_TYPES, NULL_STR
PREFIX = {'Last Day': 24, 'Last Week': 24 * 7, 'Last Month': 24 * 30}
class RecentView(HasTraits, PersistenceMixin):
mass_spectrometers = List(dump=True)
available_mass_spectrometers = List
use_mass_spectrometers = Bool
nhours = Float(dump=True)
ndays = Float(dump=True)
presets = Enum(NULL_STR, 'Last Day', 'Last Week', 'Last Month', dump=True)
analysis_types = List(ANALYSIS_TYPES, dump=True)
available_analysis_types = List(ANALYSIS_TYPES)
persistence_name = 'recent_view'
def traits_view(self):
v = okcancel_view(VGroup(HGroup(BorderHGroup(UItem('presets', ),
BorderHGroup(Item('ndays', label='Days',
tooltip='Number of days. Set Presets to --- to enable',
tooltip='Number of hours. Set Presets to --- to enable',
# Microphone locations.
# Deprecated! Use :attr:`mics` trait instead.
mpos = Property()
def _get_mpos(self):
return self.mics
def _set_mpos(self, mpos):
warn("Deprecated use of 'mpos' trait. ", Warning, stacklevel = 2)
self.mics = mpos
# --- End of backwards compatibility traits --------------------------------------
#: Start time of the signal in seconds, defaults to 0 s.
start_t = Float(0.0,
desc="signal start time")
#: Start time of the data aquisition at microphones in seconds,
#: defaults to 0 s.
start = Float(0.0,
desc="sample start time")
#: Number of samples is set automatically /
#: depends on :attr:`signal`.
numsamples = Delegate('signal')
#: Sampling frequency of the signal; is set automatically /
#: depends on :attr:`signal`.
sample_freq = Delegate('signal')
proportional_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
integral_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
derivative_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
integral_saturation_level = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
velocity_feed_forward_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
acceleration_feed_forward_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
maximum_following_error_threshold = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
position_deadband = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
update_interval = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
reduce_motor_torque_time = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
reduce_motor_torque_percent = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
slave_axis = Int(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
master_slave_reduction_ratio = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
master_slave_jog_velocity_update = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
master_slave_jog_velocity_scaling_coefficients = Str(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
backlash_compensation = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
linear_compensation = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
amplifier_io_configuration = Property(depends_on='_amplifier_io_configuration')
_amplifier_io_configuration = Int
feedback_configuration = Property(depends_on='_feedback_configuration')
_feedback_configuration = Int
estop_configuration = Property(depends_on='_estop_configuration')
_estop_configuration = Int
following_error_configuration = Property(depends_on='_following_error_configuration')
#: The tooltip to display when the mouse is over the column:
tooltip = Str
#: The width of the column (< 0.0: Default, 0.0..1.0: fraction of total table
#: width, > 1.0: absolute width in pixels):
width = Float(-1.0)
#: The width of the column while it is being edited (< 0.0: Default,
#: 0.0..1.0: fraction of total table width, > 1.0: absolute width in
#: pixels):
edit_width = Float(-1.0)
#: The height of the column cell's row while it is being edited
#: (< 0.0: Default, 0.0..1.0: fraction of total table height,
#: > 1.0: absolute height in pixels):
edit_height = Float(-1.0)
#: The resize mode for this column. This takes precedence over other settings
#: (like **width**, above).
#: "interactive": column can be resized by users or programmatically
#: "fixed": users cannot resize the column, but it can be set programmatically
#: "stretch": the column will be resized to fill the available space
#: "resize_to_contents": column will be sized to fit the contents, but then cannot be resized
resize_mode = Enum("interactive", "fixed", "stretch", "resize_to_contents")
#: The view (if any) to display when clicking a non-editable cell:
view = AView
#: Optional maximum value a numeric cell value can have:
maximum = Float(trait_value=True)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
home_search_low_speed = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
maximum_acceleration_deceleration = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
estop_deceleration = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
jerk_rate = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
proportional_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
integral_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
derivative_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
integral_saturation_level = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
velocity_feed_forward_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
acceleration_feed_forward_gain = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
maximum_following_error_threshold = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
position_deadband = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
update_interval = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
reduce_motor_torque_time = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
reduce_motor_torque_percent = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
slave_axis = Int(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
master_slave_reduction_ratio = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
master_slave_jog_velocity_update = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
master_slave_jog_velocity_scaling_coefficients = Str(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
backlash_compensation = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
linear_compensation = Float(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
amplifier_io_configuration = Property(depends_on='_amplifier_io_configuration')
smoothing_kernel_type = T.Enum(None, all_kernels.keys())
smoothing_kernel = T.Instance(T.HasTraits)
def set_smoothing_kernel(self):
if self.smoothing_kernel_type is not None:
kernel_factory = all_kernels[self.smoothing_kernel_type]
self.smoothing_kernel = kernel_factory()
self.smoothing_kernel = None
interpolator = T.Enum('NearestNeighbor', all_interpolators.keys())
model_type = T.Enum('SlowAdcOpdf', all_shmodels.keys())
sh_order = T.Int(4)
Lambda = T.Float(0, desc="Smoothing on the odf")
sphere_coverage = T.Int(5)
min_peak_spacing = T.Range(0., 1, np.sqrt(.5), desc="as a dot product")
min_relative_peak = T.Range(0., 1, .25)
probabilistic = T.Bool(False, label='Probabilistic (Residual Bootstrap)')
bootstrap_input = T.Bool(False)
bootstrap_vector = T.Array(dtype='int', value=[])
# integrator = Enum('Boundry', all_integrators.keys())
seed_largest_peak = T.Bool(False, desc="Ignore sub-peaks and start follow "
"the largest peak at each seed")
start_direction = T.Array(dtype='float', shape=(3,), value=[0, 0, 1],
desc="Prefered direction from seeds when "
"multiple directions are available. "
"(Mostly) doesn't matter when 'seed "
"largest peak' and 'track two directions' "
"Note: Various settings can be configured in "
"the \"Advanced settings\" section. Hover the "
"mouse over each parameter for a description of what "
"it does."
class SpikesRemoval(SpanSelectorInSignal1D):
interpolator_kind = t.Enum(
desc="the type of interpolation to use when\n"
"replacing the signal where a spike has been replaced")
threshold = t.Float(desc="the derivative magnitude threshold above\n"
"which to find spikes")
click_to_show_instructions = t.Button()
show_derivative_histogram = t.Button()
spline_order = t.Range(1, 10, 3,
desc="the order of the spline used to\n"
"connect the reconstructed data")
interpolator = None
default_spike_width = t.Int(5,
desc="the width over which to do the interpolation\n"
"when removing a spike (this can be "
"adjusted for each\nspike by clicking "
"and dragging on the display during\n"
"spike replacement)")
index = t.Int(0)
add_noise = t.Bool(True,
desc="whether to add noise to the interpolated\nportion"
output = (self.Kp * error) + (self.Ki * self._integral_err) + (self.Kd * derivative)
self._prev_err = error
return min(self.max_output, max(self.min_output, output))
def traits_view(self):
v = View(
return v
class Degasser(MachineVisionManager, ExecuteMixin):
_period = 0.05
crop_width = Int(5)
crop_height = Int(5)
_test_lumens = Float(100)
_test_duration = Int(10)
_test_graph = Instance(StackedGraph)
_test_image = Instance(TestImage)
_testing = False
pid = Instance(PID, ())
def degas(self, lumens, duration):
degas for duration trying to maintain
if self.laser_manager:
renderers = legend.plots[label_name]
return _ensure_list(renderers)
except (ValueError, KeyError):
return []
class LegendHighlighter(LegendTool):
""" A tool for legends that allows clicking on the legend to show
or hide certain plots.
#: Which mousebutton to use to move the legend
drag_button = "right"
#: What to divide the alpha value by when plot is not selected
dim_factor = Float(3.0)
#: How much to scale the line when it is selected or deselected
line_scale = Float(2.0)
# The currently selected renderers
_selected_renderers = List
def normal_left_down(self, event):
if (not self.component.visible or
not self.component.is_in(event.x, event.y)):
plots = get_hit_plots(self.component, event)
if event.shift_down:
# User in multi-select mode by using [shift] key.
for plot in plots: