Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
args = name.split(' ')
ms = ' '.join(args[1:]).lower()
return ms
class BaseBrowserModel(PersistenceLoggable, ColumnSorterMixin):
dvc = Instance('pychron.dvc.dvc.DVC')
plot_selected = Event
selected_principal_investigators = Any
principal_investigators = List
principal_investigator_names = List
projects = List
oprojects = List
repositories = List
orepositories = List
samples = List
osamples = List
selected_loads = Any
loads = List
include_recent = True
project_enabled = Bool(True)
repository_enabled = Bool(True)
principal_investigator_enabled = Bool(True)
load_enabled = Bool(True)
analysis_groups = List
identifier = IdentifierStr(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)
PERSPECTIVES = "envisage.ui.workbench.perspectives"
PREFERENCES_PAGES = "envisage.ui.workbench.preferences_pages"
VIEWS = "envisage.ui.workbench.views"
#### 'IPlugin' interface ##################################################
# The plugin's unique identifier.
id = "acme.workbench"
# The plugin's name (suitable for displaying to the user).
name = "Acme Workbench"
#### Contributions to extension points made by this plugin ################
# Action sets.
action_sets = List(contributes_to=ACTION_SETS)
def _action_sets_default(self):
""" Trait initializer. """
from test_action_set import TestActionSet
return [TestActionSet]
# Perspectives.
perspectives = List(contributes_to=PERSPECTIVES)
def _perspectives_default(self):
""" Trait initializer. """
from acme.workbench.perspective.api import FooPerspective
from acme.workbench.perspective.api import BarPerspective
example_context = {'step': 'A', 'aliquot': 1, 'sample': 'NM-001', 'name': 'Foo', 'label_name': 'Bar'}
base_predefined_labels = List(['Sample - Aliquot Step',
'Aliquot Step'])
persistence_name = 'label_maker'
class MeanLabelTemplater(BaseTemplater):
attributes = List(['Sample', 'Identifier', 'Material', ''])
attribute_formats = {'identifier': '',
'sample': '',
'material': ''}
example_context = {'material': 'GMC', 'identifier': '50102', 'sample': 'NM-001'}
base_predefined_labels = List(['Sample',
'Identifier Sample',
'Identifier( Sample )'])
persistence_name = 'mean_label_maker'
class MeanLabelTemplateView(BaseTemplateView):
view_title = 'Mean Label Maker'
class LabelTemplateView(BaseTemplateView):
view_title = 'Label Maker'
class TitleTemplateView(BaseTemplateView):
view_title = 'Title Maker'
# The action set's globally unique identifier.
id = Str
# The action set's name.
# fixme: This is not currently used, but in future it will be the name that
# is shown to the user when they are customizing perspectives by adding or
# removing action sets etc.
name = Str
# The actions in this set.
actions = List(Action)
# The groups in this set.
groups = List(Group)
# The menus in this set.
menus = List(Menu)
# The tool bars in this set.
tool_bars = List(ToolBar)
# Are the actions and menus in this set enabled (if they are disabled they
# will be greyed out). Tool bars are generally not greyed out themselves,
# but the actions within them are.
enabled = Bool(True)
# Are the actions, menus and tool bars in this set visible?
visible = Bool(True)
# A mapping from human-readable names to globally unique IDs.
name = Str
detectors = List(transient=True)
detector = Str
# detector_name = Str
additional_detectors = List
available_detectors = List
isotope = Str('Ar40')
isotopes = List(transient=True)
dac = Float
use_current_dac = Bool(True)
# integration_time = Enum(QTEGRA_INTEGRATION_TIMES)
integration_time = Either(Float, Int)
integration_times = List(transient=True)
directions = Enum('Increase', 'Decrease', 'Oscillate')
dataspace = Enum('dac', 'mass', 'av')
window = Float(0.015)
step_width = Float(0.0005)
min_peak_height = Float(1.0)
percent = Int(80)
use_interpolation = Bool
interpolation_kind = Enum('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic')
n_peaks = Enum(1, 2, 3, 4)
select_n_peak = Int
select_n_peaks = List
# ============= enthought library imports =======================
from __future__ import absolute_import
from traits.api import Str, Button, List, CStr, Property
# ============= standard library imports ========================
# ============= local library imports ==========================
from pychron.experiment.automated_run.spec import AutomatedRunSpec
from pychron.pychron_constants import NULL_STR
class UVAutomatedRunSpec(AutomatedRunSpec):
mask = CStr
attenuator = CStr
reprate = CStr
#masks = Property
extract_units_names = List([NULL_STR, 'burst', 'continuous'])
_default_extract_units = 'burst'
browser_button = Button('Browse')
image = Str
mask_position = Property(depends_on='mask')
mask_name = Property(depends_on='mask')
run_klass = 'pychron.experiment.automated_run.uv.automated_run.UVAutomatedRun'
def _get_mask_position(self):
return float(self.mask)
return 0
def _get_mask_name(self):
return self.mask
from pychron.options.aux_plot import AuxPlot
from pychron.options.options import AuxPlotFigureOptions
from pychron.pychron_constants import FIT_ERROR_TYPES
class FitAuxPlot(AuxPlot, Fit):
class FitOptions(AuxPlotFigureOptions):
global_fit = Str('Fit')
global_error_type = Str('Error')
nsigma = Int(1)
use_time_axis = Bool(True)
analysis_types = List(transient=True)
available_types = List(transient=True)
reference_types = List(transient=True)
def set_names(self, names, clear_missing=True):
for ai in self.aux_plots:
if clear_missing and not in names:
ai.plot_enabled = False
ai.save_enabled = False = ''
ai.names = names
def set_detectors(self, dets):
for p in self.aux_plots:
p.detectors = dets
def set_analysis_types(self, atypes):
self.analysis_types = atypes[:]
# Traits to pull data from a live solver.
live_mode = Bool(False, desc='if data is obtained from a running solver '
'or from saved files')
shell = Button('Launch Python Shell')
host = Str('localhost', desc='machine to connect to')
port = Int(8800, desc='port to use to connect to solver')
authkey = Password('pysph', desc='authorization key')
host_changed = Bool(True)
client = Instance(MultiprocessingClient)
controller = Property(depends_on='live_mode, host_changed')
# Traits to view saved solver output.
files = List(Str, [])
directory = Directory()
current_file = Str('', desc='the file being viewed currently')
update_files = Button('Refresh')
file_count = Range(low='_low', high='_n_files', value=0,
desc='the file counter')
play = Bool(False, desc='if all files are played automatically')
play_delay = Float(0.2, desc='the delay between loading files')
loop = Bool(False, desc='if the animation is looped')
# This is len(files) - 1.
_n_files = Int(0)
_low = Int(0)
# Timer traits.
timer = Instance(Timer)
interval = Range(0.5, 20.0, 2.0,
'AlphaCounter . Sample ( Identifier - Aliquot , Material )',
'Project Sample ( Identifier )'])
delimiter = Str
delimiters = Dict({',': 'Comma',
'\t': 'Tab',
' ': 'Space',
':': 'Colon',
';': 'Semicolon'})
example = Property(depends_on='label, delimiter, leading_text, trailing_text')
multi_group_example = Property(depends_on='label, delimiter, leading_text, trailing_text')
leading_text = Str
trailing_text = Str
leading_texts = List(['Project'])
trailing_texts = List(['Project'])
persistence_name = 'title_maker'
def _get_example(self):
return self._assemble_example(1)
def _get_multi_group_example(self):
return self._assemble_example(2)
def _assemble_example(self, n):
f = self.formatter
ts = []
for _ in range(n):
t = self.delimiter.join(ts)