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# Enthought library imports.
from traits.api import Dict, HasTraits, Str, provides
# Local imports.
from .i_resource_manager import IResourceManager
from .i_resource_protocol import IResourceProtocol
class ResourceManager(HasTraits):
""" The default resource manager. """
#### 'IResourceManager' interface #########################################
# The protocols used by the manager to resolve resource URLs.
resource_protocols = Dict(Str, IResourceProtocol)
# 'IResourceManager' interface.
#### Trait initializers ###################################################
def _resource_protocols_default(self):
""" Trait initializer. """
# We do the import(s) here in case somebody wants a resource manager
# that doesn't use the default protocol(s).
from .file_resource_protocol import FileResourceProtocol
from .http_resource_protocol import HTTPResourceProtocol
from .package_resource_protocol import PackageResourceProtocol
# Dictionary of arguments loaded from the pickle file.
pickled_args = Property(Dict, depends_on=['pickle_file'])
# List of required traits
# FIXME: Arguments required by the schema should't have to be programmed
# into the validator class. There must be a way to enforce requirements
# right in the schema itself.
required_args = ValidTraitList
# Parser args for pandas
parser_args = Property(Dict, depends_on=['filepath', 'delimiter', 'nrows',
'dtypes', 'colnames'])
# Protected traits
_dtypes = Property(Dict(key_trait=Str, value_trait=Type),
# Public interface
def get_parser_args(self):
"""Return parser args as required by pandas parsers."""
return self.parser_args
to_dict = get_parser_args
def set_parser_args(self, specs, write_to_file=False):
"""Magic method required by Property traits."""
self.parser_args = specs
if write_to_file:"Following specs for dataset {0}".format( +
" were written to specfile {0}".format(self.specfile))
# Information about what this object can produce.
output_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['image_data'])
# Our view.
view = View(Group(Include('time_step_group'),
# Private Traits
_image_reader_dict = Dict(Str, Instance(tvtk.Object))
# `object` interface
def __init__(self, **traits):
d = {'bmp':tvtk.BMPReader(),
Moore WA, Parks DR.
Cytometry A. 2012 Apr;81(4):273-7.
doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22030
PMID: 22411901
id = Constant('')
friendly_id = Constant("Logicle Transform")
name = Str()
channels = List(Str)
W = Dict(Str, Float, desc="the width of the linear range, in log10 decades.")
M = Float(4.5, desc = "the width of the display in log10 decades")
A = Dict(Str, Float, desc = "additional decades of negative data to include.")
r = Float(0.05, desc = "quantile to use for estimating the W parameter.")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
warnings.warn("Transforming data with LogicleTransformOp is deprecated; "
"rescale the data with the 'logicle' scale instead.",
super(LogicleTransformOp, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def estimate(self, experiment, subset = None):
"""Estimate A and W per-channel from the data (given r.)
Actually, that's not quite right. Set A to 0.0; and estimate W given r.
import struct
import math
import os
import numpy as np
import datetime
import time
import sbp_piksi as sbp_messages
class SimpleAdapter(TabularAdapter):
columns = [('Item', 0), ('Value', 1)]
width = 80
class SolutionView(HasTraits):
python_console_cmds = Dict()
# we need to doubleup on Lists to store the psuedo absolutes separately
# without rewriting everything
lats = List()
lngs = List()
alts = List()
lats_psuedo_abs = List()
lngs_psuedo_abs = List()
alts_psuedo_abs = List()
table_spp = List()
table_psuedo_abs = List()
dops_table = List()
pos_table_spp = List()
vel_table = List()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from traits.api import (HasTraits, Str, Int, List, Instance, Button, Bool,
on_trait_change, Array, Dict, Event)
from traitsui.api import View, Item, Handler, VGroup, HGroup, EnumEditor
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from scpy2.traits import PositionHandler, MPLFigureEditor
class PolygonWidget(HasTraits):
points = Array(dtype=float, shape=(None, 2))
axe = Instance(Axes)
style = Dict()
line = Instance(Line2D)
_selected_index = Int(-1)
changed = Event
view = View(
def __init__(self, **kw):
super(PolygonWidget, self).__init__(**kw)
x, y = self.get_xy()
self.line, = self.axe.plot(x, y, **
canvas = self.axe.figure.canvas
canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_callback)
canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_callback)
canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.motion_notify_callback)
channels = List(Str)
scale = Dict(Str, util.ScaleEnum)
by = List(Str)
# find_outliers = Bool(False)
# parameters that control estimation, with sensible defaults
h = util.PositiveFloat(1.5, allow_zero = False)
h0 = util.PositiveFloat(1, allow_zero = False)
tol = util.PositiveFloat(0.5, allow_zero = False)
merge_dist = util.PositiveFloat(5, allow_zero = False)
# parameters that control outlier selection, with sensible defaults
_kmeans = Dict(Any, Instance(sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans), transient = True)
_means = Dict(Any, List, transient = True)
_normals = Dict(Any, List(Function), transient = True)
_density = Dict(Any, Function, transient = True)
_peaks = Dict(Any, List(Array), transient = True)
_peak_clusters = Dict(Any, List(Array), transient = True)
_cluster_peak = Dict(Any, List, transient = True) # kmeans cluster idx --> peak idx
_cluster_group = Dict(Any, List, transient = True) # kmeans cluster idx --> group idx
_scale = Dict(Str, Instance(util.IScale), transient = True)
def estimate(self, experiment, subset = None):
Estimate the k-means clusters, then hierarchically merge them.
experiment : Experiment
The :class:`.Experiment` to use to estimate the k-means clusters
is_drop_duplicates = Property(Bool, depends_on=['rules'])
# whether to drop NAs
is_drop_na = Property(Bool, depends_on=['rules'])
# Names of columns to be rewritten
column_names = Property(Any, depends_on=['rules'])
# Specifications relating to the selection of rows.
nrows = Property(Any, depends_on=['rules'])
# Whether to shuffle the rows of the dataframe before returning
shuffle = Property(Bool, depends_on=['rules'])
# Unique values to maintain per column
unique_values = Property(Dict, depends_on=['column_rules'])
def _rules_default(self):
return {}
def _get_shuffle(self):
return self.rules.get("shuffle", False)
def _get_index_col(self):
return self.rules.get('index_col', False)
def _get_nrows(self):
return self.rules.get('nrows', {})
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> ex2 = bl_op.apply(ex2)
# traits
id = Constant('')
friendly_id = Constant("Linear Bleedthrough Correction")
name = Constant("Bleedthrough")
controls = Dict(Str, File)
spillover = Dict(Tuple(Str, Str), Float)
control_conditions = Dict(Str, Dict(Str, Any), {})
_sample = Dict(Str, Any, transient = True)
def estimate(self, experiment, subset = None):
Estimate the bleedthrough from simgle-channel controls in :attr:`controls`
if experiment is None:
raise util.CytoflowOpError('experiment', "No experiment specified")
channels = list(self.controls.keys())
if len(channels) < 2:
raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels',
"Need at least two channels to correct bleedthrough.")
# See TasksApplication for more information.
always_use_default_layout = Bool
class AttractorsPreferencesPane(PreferencesPane):
""" The preferences pane for the Attractors application.
#### 'PreferencesPane' interface ##########################################
# The factory to use for creating the preferences model object.
model_factory = AttractorsPreferences
#### 'AttractorsPreferencesPane' interface ################################
task_map = Dict(Str, Str)
view = View(
Label("Always use the default active task on startup"),
Label("Default active task:"),
"default_task", editor=EnumEditor(name="handler.task_map")