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def xiu(n):
points = []
for k in range(n + 1):
pt = []
# Slight adaptation:
# The article has points for the weight 1/sqrt(2*pi) exp(−x**2/2)
# so divide by sqrt(2) to adapt for 1/sqrt(pi) exp(−x ** 2)
for r in range(1, n // 2 + 1):
alpha = (2 * r * k * pi) / (n + 1)
pt += [cos(alpha), sin(alpha)]
if n % 2 == 1:
pt += [(-1) ** k / sqrt(2)]
points = numpy.array(points)
weights = numpy.full(n + 1, frac(1, n + 1))
return Enr2Scheme("Xiu", n, weights, points, 2, source)
def u(p, r):
""" p = (p1, p2, p3); r = 0,1 """
assert r in [1, 2]
p1, p2, p3 = p
if r == 1:
ksi = Matrix([[1], [0]])
ksi = Matrix([[0], [1]])
a = (sigma1*p1 + sigma2*p2 + sigma3*p3) / (E + m) * ksi
if a == 0:
a = zeros(2, 1)
return sqrt(E + m) * Matrix([[ksi[0, 0]], [ksi[1, 0]], [a[0, 0]], [a[1, 0]]])
if(u.symbol == th_3):
ntests += 1
self.assertTrue(u.solved, fs)
self.assertTrue([0] == sp.atan2(l_3, l_3) + sp.atan2(sp.sqrt(2*l_3**2 - (l_2 - l_4 + 5)**2), l_2 - l_4 + 5), fs)
self.assertTrue([1] == sp.atan2(l_3, l_3) + sp.atan2(-sp.sqrt(2*l_3**2 - (l_2 - l_4 + 5)**2), l_2 - l_4 + 5), fs)
if (u.symbol == th_4):
ntests += 1
self.assertTrue(not u.solved, fs + ' [th_4]' )
if (u.symbol == th_6):
ntests += 1
self.assertTrue([0] == sp.atan2(l_1 + l_4, l_3) + sp.atan2(sp.sqrt(-l_2**2 + l_3**2 + (l_1 + l_4)**2), l_2), fs + ' [th_6]')
self.assertTrue([1] == sp.atan2(l_1 + l_4, l_3) + sp.atan2(-sp.sqrt(-l_2**2 + l_3**2 + (l_1 + l_4)**2), l_2), fs + ' [th_6a]')
self.assertTrue(ntests == 4, 'sinANDcos_solver: Assert count fail FAIL')
def _stroud_secrest_11(positive):
p_m = 1 if positive else -1
sqrt2 = sqrt(2)
sqrt5 = sqrt(5)
sqrt10 = sqrt(10)
r = sqrt((25 + p_m * 15 * sqrt2 + 5 * sqrt5 + p_m * 3 * sqrt10) / 4)
s = sqrt((25 + p_m * 15 * sqrt2 - 5 * sqrt5 - p_m * 3 * sqrt10) / 4)
t = sqrt((3 - p_m * sqrt2) / 2)
u = sqrt((9 - p_m * 3 * sqrt2 - 3 * sqrt5 + p_m * sqrt10) / 4)
v = sqrt((9 - p_m * 3 * sqrt2 + 3 * sqrt5 - p_m * sqrt10) / 4)
A = (80 + p_m * 8 * sqrt2) / 245
B = (395 - p_m * 279 * sqrt2) / 13720
C = (45 + p_m * 29 * sqrt2) / 2744
data = [
(A, [[0, 0, 0]]),
(B, pm_roll([r, s, 0])),
(C, pm_roll([u, v, 0])),
(C, pm([t, t, t])),
def _stroud_secrest_11(positive):
p_m = 1 if positive else -1
sqrt2 = sqrt(2)
sqrt5 = sqrt(5)
sqrt10 = sqrt(10)
r = sqrt((25 + p_m * 15 * sqrt2 + 5 * sqrt5 + p_m * 3 * sqrt10) / 4)
s = sqrt((25 + p_m * 15 * sqrt2 - 5 * sqrt5 - p_m * 3 * sqrt10) / 4)
t = sqrt((3 - p_m * sqrt2) / 2)
u = sqrt((9 - p_m * 3 * sqrt2 - 3 * sqrt5 + p_m * sqrt10) / 4)
v = sqrt((9 - p_m * 3 * sqrt2 + 3 * sqrt5 - p_m * sqrt10) / 4)
A = (80 + p_m * 8 * sqrt2) / 245
B = (395 - p_m * 279 * sqrt2) / 13720
C = (45 + p_m * 29 * sqrt2) / 2744
data = [
(A, [[0, 0, 0]]),
(B, pm_roll([r, s, 0])),
(C, pm_roll([u, v, 0])),
(C, pm([t, t, t])),
points, weights = untangle(data)
return E3r2Scheme("Stroud-Secrest XI", weights, points, 7, source)
def measure_move2(x, dt, isSym=False):
landmark_pos = (5, 5)
x = np.array(x).reshape(-1)
if not isSym:
px = landmark_pos[0]
py = landmark_pos[1]
dist = np.sqrt((px - x[0])**2 + (py - x[1])**2)
hx = np.matrix([[dist],
[np.arctan2(py - x[1], px - x[0]) - x[2]]])
return hx
px = landmark_pos[0]
py = landmark_pos[1]
dist = sym.sqrt((px - x[0])**2 + (py - x[1])**2)
hx = sym.Matrix([[dist],
[sym.atan2(py - x[1], px - x[0]) - x[2]]])
return hx
def a_test_kequation(self): # another kequation test in ik_classes
e1 = kequation(th_2, sp.sin(th_1)*l_1 + sp.sqrt(l_4))
e2 = kequation(th_2, sp.sin(th_1)*l_1 / sp.sqrt(l_4))
print '>>-----------------------------<<'
print e1
print e1.LaTexOutput()
print e1.LaTexOutput(True)
print '>>-----------------------------<<'
fs = 'kequation LaTex output FAIL'
self.assertTrue(e1.LaTexOutput() == r'\theta_{2} = l_{1} \sin{\left (\theta_{1} \right )} + \sqrt{l_{4}}', fs)
self.assertTrue(e1.LaTexOutput(True) == r'\theta_{2} &= l_{1} \sin{\left (\theta_{1} \right )} + \sqrt{l_{4}}', fs + ' (align)')
#\theta_{2} = l_{1} \sin{\left (\theta_{1} \right )} + \sqrt{l_{4}}
#\theta_{2} &= l_{1} \sin{\left (\theta_{1} \right )} + \sqrt{l_{4}}
print '>>-----------------------------<<'
print e2
print e2.LaTexOutput()
print e2.LaTexOutput(True)
self.dbdy = self.b.diff(y, 1)
# x-derivative of thickness :
self.dhdx = self.h.diff(x, 1)
# y-derivative of thickness :
self.dhdy = self.h.diff(y, 1)
# rate of change of thickness :
self.dhdt = self.dsdt - self.dbdt
# outward-pointing-normal-vector magnitude at upper surface :
self.n_mag_s = sp.sqrt( 1 + self.dsdx**2 + self.dsdy**2 )
# outward-pointing-normal-vector magnitude at lower surface :
self.n_mag_b = sp.sqrt( 1 + self.dbdx**2 + self.dbdy**2 )
# thickness forcing term :
self.h_ring = self.n_mag_s * self.s_ring + self.n_mag_b * self.b_ring
# x-derivative of the x-component of velocity at the upper surface :
self.du_xs_dx = self.u_xs.diff(x, 1)
# y-derivative of the x-component of velocity at the upper surface :
self.du_xs_dy = self.u_xs.diff(y, 1)
# x-derivative of the x-component of velocity at the lower surface :
self.du_xb_dx = self.u_xb.diff(x, 1)
# y-derivative of the x-component of velocity at the lower surface :
self.du_xb_dy = self.u_xb.diff(y, 1)
Ts = sp.zeros(5)
Td[0,1] = l_1
Ts[0,1] = sp.cos(th_1)*l_2 + (l_3+l_4)*sp.cos(th_1) + l_5
Td[1,1] = l_1
Ts[1,1] = sp.sin(th_3)
Td[1,2] = l_2
Ts[1,2] = sp.cos(th_2)
Td[2,1] = l_2+5
Ts[2,1] = l_1*sp.cos(th_4)
Td[2,2] = l_2
Ts[2,2] = sp.sqrt(th_5)
Td[2,3] = l_2
Ts[2,3] = sp.cos(th_5)*sp.sin(th_2)
Td[3,1] = l_2 + l_1
Ts[3,1] = th_2+sp.cos(th_4)*l_3
Td[3,2] = 17
Ts[3,2] = l_1*sp.sin(th_3) + 2*l_2*sp.cos(th_3)
testm = matrix_equation(Td,Ts)
R = Robot()
R.mequation_list = [testm]
uth1 = unknown(th_1)
uth2 = unknown(th_2)
def stroud_secrest_4(n):
nu = sqrt(frac(n + 2, 2))
xi = sqrt(frac(n + 2, 4))
A = frac(2, n + 2)
B = frac(4 - n, 2 * (n + 2) ** 2)
C = frac(1, (n + 2) ** 2)
data = [(A, numpy.full((1, n), 0)), (B, fsd(n, (nu, 1))), (C, fsd(n, (xi, 2)))]
points, weights = untangle(data)
return Enr2Scheme("Stroud-Secrest IV", n, weights, points, 5, source)