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def g(v,w,i):
from sympy import Lambda, Function ,symbols ,IndexedBase,Idx ,Max, Sum
x = Function('x')
i, n, j, dim, k =symbols('i, n, j, dim, k')
net = Lambda((i, n, dim, k), Max(0.0, Sum(x(k)*w[n, k, i], (k, 0, dim-1))))
dim = [10**4]*10
index =[symbols('i%s'%m) for m in range(len(dim)+1)]
y = [0]*len(dim)
new = v[index[0]]
for n in range(len(dim)):
y[n] = net(index[n+1], n, dim[n], index[n])
y[n] = y[n].subs(x(index[n]), new)
new = y[n]
return y[-1]
def function_lst(fstr, xtuple):
sys.stderr.write(fstr + '\n')
fct_lst = []
for xstr in fstr.split():
f = sympy.Function(xstr)(*xtuple)
def _divide_constriant(s, symbols, cons_index, cons_dict, cons_import):
# Creates a CustomConstraint of the form `CustomConstraint(lambda a, x: FreeQ(a, x))`
lambda_symbols = sorted(set(get_free_symbols(s, symbols, [])))
r = generate_sympy_from_parsed(s)
r = sympify(r, locals={"Or": Function("Or"), "And": Function("And"), "Not":Function("Not")})
if r.has(Function('MatchQ')):
match_res = set_matchq_in_constraint(s, cons_index)
res = match_res[1]
res += '\n return {}'.format(rubi_printer(sympify(generate_sympy_from_parsed(match_res[0]), locals={"Or": Function("Or"), "And": Function("And"), "Not":Function("Not")}), sympy_integers = True))
elif contains_diff_return_type(s):
res = ' try:\n return {}\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False'.format(rubi_printer(r, sympy_integers=True))
res = ' return {}'.format(rubi_printer(r, sympy_integers=True))
# First it checks if a constraint is already present in `cons_dict`, If yes, use it else create a new one.
if not res in cons_dict.values():
cons_index += 1
cons = '\n def cons_f{}({}):\n'.format(cons_index, ', '.join(lambda_symbols))
if 'x' in lambda_symbols:
cons += ' if isinstance(x, (int, Integer, float, Float)):\n return False\n'
cons += res
# setup expression for the integration
step = Symbol('step') # use symbolic stepsize for flexibility
# let i represent an index of the grid array, and let A represent the
# grid array. Then we can approximate the integral by a sum over the
# following expression (simplified rectangular rule, ignoring end point
# corrections):
expr = A[i]**2*psi_ho(A[i])*psi[i]*step
if n == 0:
print("Setting up binary integrators for the integral:")
pprint(Integral(x**2*psi_ho(x)*Function('psi')(x), (x, 0, oo)))
# But it needs to be an operation on indexed objects, so that the code
# generators will recognize it correctly as an array.
# expr = expr.subs(x, A[i])
# Autowrap it. For functions that take more than one argument, it is
# a good idea to use the 'args' keyword so that you know the signature
# of the wrapped function. (The dimension m will be an optional
# argument, but it must be present in the args list.)
binary_integrator[n] = autowrap(expr, args=[A.label, psi.label, step, m])
# Lets see how it converges with the grid dimension
print("Checking convergence of integrator for n = %i" % n)
for g in range(3, 8):
grid, step = np.linspace(0, rmax, 2**g, retstep=True)
print("grid dimension %5i, integral = %e" % (2**g,
# Need to replace all the strings correctly
replicated_expression = replicated_expression.replace("%s{%d}" % (, i + 1),
"mod_solve[%d](x)" % i)
# build function dict
function_dict["%s_%d" % (, i + 1)] = func
# create sympy functions
mod_solve.append(Function("%s_%d" % (, i + 1)))
# add the total flux at the end
function_dict['total'] = composite_model
replicated_expression += "- mod_solve[%d](x)" % num_models
solutions = []
# go through all models and solve for component fluxes algebraically
for i, func in enumerate(composite_model.functions):
solutions.append(solve(eval(replicated_expression), str(mod_solve[i]) + '(x)')[0])
# use sympy to create new functions for the solved components
component_flux = [lambdify(x, sol, function_dict) for sol in solutions]
return component_flux
[-Derivative(u(t, x), t, t) + Derivative(u(t, x), x, x) == 0]
.. [1]
funcs = tuple(funcs) if iterable(funcs) else (funcs,)
if not funcs:
funcs = tuple(L.atoms(Function))
for f in funcs:
if not isinstance(f, Function):
raise TypeError('Function expected, got: %s' % f)
vars = tuple(vars) if iterable(vars) else (vars,)
if not vars:
vars = funcs[0].args
vars = tuple(sympify(var) for var in vars)
if not all(isinstance(v, Symbol) for v in vars):
raise TypeError('Variables are not symbols, got %s' % vars)
for f in funcs:
if not vars == f.args:
raise ValueError("Variables %s don't match args: %s" % (vars, f))
elif name == 'reduce':
return Reduce(*args)
elif name in _internal_zip_functions:
return Zip(*args)
elif name in _internal_product_functions:
return Product(*args)
msg = '{} not available'.format(name)
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
return Function(name)(*args)
elif isinstance(expr, (int, float, Integer, Float, Symbol)):
return expr
raise TypeError('Not implemented for {}'.format(type(expr)))
except AttributeError:
if len(exprs) != 4 or not all(len(exp.leaves) >= 1
for exp in exprs[:3]):
if len(exprs[0].leaves) != len(exprs[2].leaves):
sym_args = [leaf.to_sympy() for leaf in exprs[0].leaves]
if None in sym_args:
func = exprs[1].leaves[0]
sym_func = sympy.Function(str(sympy_symbol_prefix + func.__str__()))(*sym_args)
counts = [leaf.get_int_value() for leaf in exprs[2].leaves]
if None in counts:
# sympy expects e.g. Derivative(f(x, y), x, 2, y, 5)
sym_d_args = []
for sym_arg, count in zip(sym_args, counts):
return sympy.Derivative(sym_func, *sym_d_args)
except ValueError:
def replace_nosh_functions(expr):
fks = []
if isinstance(expr, float) or isinstance(expr, int):
function_vars = []
for f in expr.atoms(sympy.Function):
if hasattr(f, 'nosh'):
for function_var in function_vars:
# Replace all occurences of u(x) by u[k] (the value at the control
# volume center)
f = sympy.IndexedBase('%s' % function_var.func)
k = sympy.Symbol('k')
expr = expr.subs(function_var, f[k])
except AttributeError:
# 'int' object has no attribute 'subs'
return expr, fks
return_sensitivities (boolean): If True, return dictionary with
sensitivity coefficients (as expressions). Defaults to False.
return_components (boolean): If True, return dictionary with
component of evaluated uncertainty per argument/effect.
Only considers uncorrelated part (which is the only thing
implemented so far anyway).
Expression indicating uncertainty
if collect_failures is None:
collect_failures = set()
import sympy
u = sympy.Function("u")
rv = sympy.sympify(0)
sensitivities = {}
components = {}
for sym in recursive_args(expr):
sym = aliases.get(sym, sym)
sigma = sympy.diff(expr, sym)
comp = sigma**2 * u(sym)**2
rv += comp
sensitivities[sym] = sigma
components[sym] = sympy.sqrt(comp)
except ValueError as v:
if on_failure == "raise" or not "derivative" in v.args[0]:
warnings.warn("Unable to complete derivative on {!s}. "