How to use the sympy.sin function in sympy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sympy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nebffa / MathsExams / maths / relations / trigonometry / View on Github external
def expr_period(expr):
    if expr.has(sympy.cos):
        function_type = sympy.cos
    elif expr.has(sympy.sin):
        function_type = sympy.sin
    elif expr.has(sympy.tan):
        function_type = sympy.tan
    elif expr.has(sympy.cot):
        function_type = sympy.cot

    interior = expr.find(function_type).pop().args[0]

    if function_type in [sympy.sin, sympy.cos]:
        return abs(2 * sympy.pi / interior.coeff(x))
    elif function_type in [sympy.tan, sympy.cot]:
        return abs(sympy.pi / interior.coeff(x))
github hplgit / INF5620 / src / fem_approx / View on Github external
import sympy as sm
x, L, C, D, c_0, c_1, = sm.symbols('x L C D c_0 c_1')

f = sm.sin(x)

def model1(f, L, D):
    """Solve -u'' = f(x), u(0)=0, u(L)=D."""
    u_x = - sm.integrate(f, (x, 0, x)) + c_0
    u = sm.integrate(u_x, (x, 0, x)) + c_1
    r = sm.solve([u.subs(x, 0)-0, u.subs(x,L)-D], [c_0, c_1])
    u = u.subs(c_0, r[c_0]).subs(c_1, r[c_1])
    u = sm.simplify(sm.expand(u))
    return u

def model2(f, L, C, D):
    """Solve -u'' = f(x), u'(0)=C, u(L)=D."""
    u_x = - sm.integrate(f, (x, 0, x)) + c_0
    u = sm.integrate(u_x, (x, 0, x)) + c_1
    r = sm.solve([sm.diff(u,x).subs(x, 0)-C, u.subs(x,L)-D], [c_0, c_1])
    u = u.subs(c_0, r[c_0]).subs(c_1, r[c_1])
github sympy / sympy / sympy / physics / optics / View on Github external
        critical_angle_ = critical_angle(medium1, medium2)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        critical_angle_ = None

    if angle_of_incidence is not None:
        if normal is not None or plane is not None:
            raise ValueError('Normal/plane not allowed if incident is an angle')

        if not 0.0 <= angle_of_incidence < pi*0.5:
            raise ValueError('Angle of incidence not in range [0:pi/2)')

        if critical_angle_ and angle_of_incidence > critical_angle_:
            raise ValueError('Ray undergoes total internal reflection')
        return asin(n1*sin(angle_of_incidence)/n2)

    if angle_of_incidence and not 0 <= angle_of_incidence < pi*0.5:
        raise ValueError

    # Treat the incident as ray below
    # A flag to check whether to return Ray3D or not
    return_ray = False

    if plane is not None and normal is not None:
        raise ValueError("Either plane or normal is acceptable.")

    if not isinstance(incident, Matrix):
        if is_sequence(incident):
            _incident = Matrix(incident)
        elif isinstance(incident, Ray3D):
            _incident = Matrix(incident.direction_ratio)
github MiroK / fenics_ii / sandbox / View on Github external
def main(n):
    '''Solves grad-div problem in 2d with HypreAMS preconditioning'''
    # Exact solution
    x, y = sp.symbols('x[0] x[1]')
    sigma = sp.Matrix([sp.cos(pi*y**2), sp.sin(pi*x**2)])

    sp_div = lambda f: f[0].diff(x, 1) + f[1].diff(y, 1)

    sp_grad = lambda f: sp.Matrix([f.diff(x, 1), f.diff(y, 1)])
    f = -sp_grad(sp_div(sigma)) + sigma

    sigma_expr, f_expr = map(as_expression, (sigma, f))

    # The discrete problem
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'RT', 1)
    u, v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)

    a = inner(div(u), div(v))*dx + inner(u, v)*dx
github sympy / sympy / sympy / integrals / View on Github external
def lambda_s0(c1, c2):
                return c1*(q - p)*abs(omega)**(1/(q - p))*sin(psi) \
                    + c2*(v - u)*abs(sigma)**(1/(v - u))*sin(theta)
            lambda_s = Piecewise(
github springer-math / dynamical-systems-with-applications-using-python / Anaconda-files / View on Github external
# Program 02f: A linear first order ODE.
from sympy import Function, dsolve, Eq, symbols, sin

t = symbols('t');
I = symbols('I', cls=Function)
sol = dsolve(Eq(I(t).diff(t), 5*sin(t) - I(t)/5), I(t))

github and2345 / pytrajectory / animations / simple_example View on Github external
x = xt[0]
    phi = xt[2]
    # next we set some parameters
    car_width = 0.05
    car_heigth = 0.02
    rod_length = 0.5
    pendulum_size = 0.015
    # then we determine the current state of the system
    # according to the given simulation data
    x_car = x
    y_car = 0
    x_pendulum = -rod_length * sin(phi) + x_car
    y_pendulum = rod_length * cos(phi)
    # now we can build the image
    # the pendulum will be represented by a black circle with
    # center: (x_pendulum, y_pendulum) and radius `pendulum_size
    pendulum = mpl.patches.Circle(xy=(x_pendulum, y_pendulum), radius=pendulum_size, color='black')
    # the cart will be represented by a grey rectangle with
    # lower left: (x_car - 0.5 * car_width, y_car - car_heigth)
    # width: car_width
    # height: car_height
    car = mpl.patches.Rectangle((x_car-0.5*car_width, y_car-car_heigth), car_width, car_heigth,
                                fill=True, facecolor='grey', linewidth=2.0)
    # the joint will also be a black circle with
github devitocodes / devito / examples / seismic / skew_self_adjoint / View on Github external
def g3(field, phi, theta):
    return (sin(theta) * cos(phi) * field.dx(x0=x+x.spacing/2) +
            sin(theta) * sin(phi) * field.dy(x0=y+y.spacing/2) +
            cos(theta) *
github treverhines / RBF / demo / pde / fd / 2d / View on Github external
import logging
import rbf.domain
import scipy.sparse
import sympy
# set default cmap to viridis if you have it
if 'viridis' in vars(cm):
  plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'viridis'

# total number of nodes
N = 200

# symbolic definition of the solution
x,y = sympy.symbols('x,y')
r = sympy.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
true_soln_sym = (1-r)*sympy.sin(x)*sympy.cos(y)
# numerical solution
true_soln = sympy.lambdify((x,y),true_soln_sym,'numpy')

# symbolic forcing term
forcing_sym = true_soln_sym.diff(x,x) + true_soln_sym.diff(y,y)
# numerical forcing term
forcing = sympy.lambdify((x,y),forcing_sym,'numpy')

# define a circular domain
vert,smp =

nodes,smpid = menodes(N,vert,smp)
# smpid describes which boundary simplex, if any, the nodes are 
# attached to. If it is -1, then the node is in the interior
boundary, = (smpid>=0).nonzero()
interior, = (smpid==-1).nonzero()
github and2345 / pytrajectory / examples / View on Github external
def draw(xti, image):
    phi1, phi2 = xti[0], xti[2]
    L =0.4
    x1 = L*cos(phi1)
    y1 = L*sin(phi1)
    x2 = x1+L*cos(phi2+phi1)
    y2 = y1+L*sin(phi2+phi1)
    # rods
    rod1 = mpl.lines.Line2D([0,x1],[0,y1],color='k',zorder=0,linewidth=2.0)
    rod2 = mpl.lines.Line2D([x1,x2],[y1,y2],color='k',zorder=0,linewidth=2.0)
    # pendulums
    sphere1 = mpl.patches.Circle((x1,y1),0.01,color='k')
    sphere2 = mpl.patches.Circle((0,0),0.01,color='k')
    return image