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def single_beam_trapezload_test(curr_doc: CurrentDoc):
start_knot = Knot.Knot(0, 0, 0, ElSupEnum.SUPPORT_FIXED_END.value, 0)
end_knot = Knot.Knot(1, 1, 0, ElSupEnum.SUPPORT_ROLLER_END.value, 0)
q = Symbol('p')
x = Symbol('x')
l = Symbol('l')
lineload = [0, q * x]
temp_prop = TempProps.TempProps(0, 0, 0)
knot_list = [[start_knot, end_knot]]
elementlist = []
ele = ElementCalculation(0, start_knot, end_knot, l, lineload, temp_prop)
functions, x, l_list = CalculationElement(elementlist)
testbox.print_graphs(functions, x, l_list, knot_list)
if cli:
r =, [symbolic_sim, ac_sim])
E = r['symbolic'][0].as_symbol('E1')
out_hp = sympy.limit(r['symbolic'][0]['VU1o'], E, sympy.oo, '+')
out_bp = sympy.limit(r['symbolic'][0]['VU2o'], E, sympy.oo, '+')
out_lp = sympy.limit(r['symbolic'][0]['VU3o'], E, sympy.oo, '+')
out_hp = out_hp.simplify()
out_bp = out_bp.simplify()
out_lp = out_lp.simplify()
print("VU1o =", out_hp)
print("VU2o =", out_bp)
print("VU3o =", out_lp)
w = sympy.Symbol('w')
out_hp = out_hp.subs({r['symbolic'][0].as_symbol('RF1'):10e3,
out_bp = out_bp.subs({r['symbolic'][0].as_symbol('RF1'):10e3,
out_lp = out_lp.subs({r['symbolic'][0].as_symbol('RF1'):10e3,
out_lp = sympy.lambdify((w,), out_lp, modules='numpy')
def test_symbolics():
a = Symbol('a')
id = IntDiv(a, 3)
pkl_id = pickle.dumps(id)
new_id = pickle.loads(pkl_id)
assert id == new_id
ffp = FunctionFromPointer('foo', a, ['b', 'c'])
pkl_ffp = pickle.dumps(ffp)
new_ffp = pickle.loads(pkl_ffp)
assert ffp == new_ffp
li = ListInitializer(['a', 'b'])
pkl_li = pickle.dumps(li)
new_li = pickle.loads(pkl_li)
assert li == new_li
def test_args_type():
x = Symbol("x")
y = Symbol("y")
z = Symbol("z")
assert (x+y).type == ADD
assert set((x+y).args) == set((x, y))
assert set((x+y).args) != set((x, z))
assert (x*y*z).type == MUL
assert set((x*y*z).args) == set((x, y, z))
assert (x**y).type == POW
assert (x**y).args == (x, y)
assert x.type == SYMBOL
assert x.args in [(), None]
assert Integer(5).type == INTEGER
assert Integer(5).args in [(), None]
def test_hash2():
x = Symbol("x")
y = Symbol("y")
z = Symbol("z")
a = Symbol("x")
assert x*y+y*x == 2*x*y
assert x*y-y*x == 0
assert x*y+y*a == 2*x*y
assert x*y-y*a == 0
k = sm.Matrix(7, 1, lambda i, j: sm.Symbol('k%d' % i))
Taylor/Mclaurin polynomial aproximation for the given function.
The ``n`` (default 2) is the amount of aproximation terms for ``f``. Other
arguments are keyword-only and will be passed to the ``f.series`` method.
return sum(Stream(f.series(n=None, **kwargs)).limit(n))
# Symbols used
p = Symbol("p", real=True) # Laplace pole
f = Symbol("Omega", positive=True) # Frequency in rad/s (analog)
s = Symbol("s") # Laplace Transform complex variable
rate = Symbol("rate", positive=True) # Rate in samples/s
G = Symbol("G", positive=True) # Digital gain (linear)
R = Symbol("R", real=True) # Digital pole ("radius")
w = Symbol("omega", real=True) # Frequency (rad/sample) usually in [0;pi]
z = Symbol("z") # Z-Transform complex variable
zinv = Symbol("z^-1") # z ** -1
# Bilinear transform equation
print_header("Bilinear transformation method")
print("\nLaplace and Z Transforms are related by:")
pprint(Eq(z, exp(s / rate)))
print("\nBilinear transform approximation (no prewarping):")
z_num = exp( s / (2 * rate))
z_den = exp(-s / (2 * rate))
assert z_num / z_den == exp(s / rate)
z_bilinear = together(taylor(z_num, x=s, x0=0) / taylor(z_den, x=s, x0=0))
Generates the pseudoinverse for a given set of strains.
strain_states (6xN array like): a list of voigt-notation
"strain-states", i. e. perturbed indices of the strain
as a function of the smallest strain e. g. (0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
order (int): order of pseudoinverse to calculate
mis: pseudo inverses for each order tensor, these can
be multiplied by the central difference derivative
of the stress with respect to the strain state
absent_syms: symbols of the tensor absent from the PI
s = sp.Symbol('s')
nstates = len(strain_states)
ni = np.array(strain_states)*s
mis, absent_syms = [], []
for degree in range(2, order + 1):
cvec, carr = get_symbol_list(degree)
sarr = np.zeros((nstates, 6), dtype=object)
for n, strain_v in enumerate(ni):
# Get expressions
exps = carr.copy()
for i in range(degree - 1):
exps =, strain_v)
exps /= np.math.factorial(degree - 1)
sarr[n] = [sp.diff(exp, s, degree - 1) for exp in exps]
svec = sarr.ravel()
present_syms = set.union(*[exp.atoms(sp.Symbol) for exp in svec])
absent_syms += [set(cvec) - present_syms]
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with SUCEM. If not, see .
## Contact:
from __future__ import division
import sympy as sp
from sympy import sin, cos, exp, pi
import sys
from sucemfem.Consts import mu0, c0
omega, mu, L, beta, r, theta = sp.symbols(
'omega mu L beta r theta')
I0 = sp.Symbol('I0')
E_theta = 1j*omega*mu*I0*L*exp(-1j*beta*r)/(4*pi*r)*sin(theta)* \
def eval_E_theta(freq, L_val, I_val, theta_val, r_val=1):
return complex(E_theta.evalf(subs={
if __name__ == '__main__':
def parse_dim(dim):
if isinstance(dim, string_types):
dim = Dimension(Symbol(dim))
elif isinstance(dim, Dimension):
elif isinstance(dim, Symbol):
dim = Dimension(dim)
raise TypeError("%s wrong type" % dim)
return dim