How to use the pysal.model.spreg.utils.spdot function in pysal

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    n = float(w.shape[0])
    z_s = get_spFilter(w, lamb, reg.z)
    u_s = get_spFilter(w, lamb, reg.u)
    sig2 =, u_s) / n
    mu3 = np.sum(u_s ** 3) / n
    vecdA1 = np.array([wA1.diagonal()]).T
    psi, a1, a2, p = get_vc_hom(w, wA1, wA2, reg, lamb, z_s)
    j =, np.array([[1.], [2 * lamb]]))
    psii = la.inv(psi)
    t2 = spdot(reg.h.T, np.hstack((a1, a2)))
    psiDL = (mu3 * spdot(reg.h.T, np.hstack((vecdA1, np.zeros((int(n), 1))))) +
             sig2 * spdot(reg.h.T, np.hstack((a1, a2)))) / n

    oDD = spdot(la.inv(spdot(reg.h.T, reg.h)), spdot(reg.h.T, z_s))
    oDD = sig2 * la.inv(spdot(z_s.T, spdot(reg.h, oDD)))
    oLL = la.inv(spdot(j.T, spdot(psii, j))) / n
    oDL = spdot(spdot(spdot(p.T, psiDL), spdot(psii, j)), oLL)

    o_upper = np.hstack((oDD, oDL))
    o_lower = np.hstack((oDL.T, oLL))
    return np.vstack((o_upper, o_lower)), float(sig2)
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psi12 = sig2 ** 2 * tr12
    psi22 = sig2 ** 2 * tr22

    a1, a2, p = 0., 0., 0.

    if for_omegaOLS:
        x_s = get_spFilter(w, lambdapar, reg.x)
        p = la.inv(spdot(x_s.T, x_s) / n)

    if issubclass(type(z_s), np.ndarray) or \
            issubclass(type(z_s), SP.csr.csr_matrix) or \
        alpha1 = (-2 / n) * spdot(z_s.T, wA1 * u_s)
        alpha2 = (-2 / n) * spdot(z_s.T, wA2 * u_s)

        hth = spdot(reg.h.T, reg.h)
        hthni = la.inv(hth / n)
        htzsn = spdot(reg.h.T, z_s) / n
        p = spdot(hthni, htzsn)
        p = spdot(p, la.inv(spdot(htzsn.T, p)))
        hp = spdot(reg.h, p)
        a1 = spdot(hp, alpha1)
        a2 = spdot(hp, alpha2)

        psi11 = psi11 + \
            sig2 * spdot(a1.T, a1) + \
            2 * mu3 * spdot(a1.T, vecd1)
        psi12 = psi12 + \
            sig2 * spdot(a1.T, a2) + \
            mu3 * spdot(a2.T, vecd1)  # 3rd term=0
        psi22 = psi22 + \
            sig2 * spdot(a2.T, a2)  # 3rd&4th terms=0 bc vecd2=0
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def get_P_hat(reg, hthi, zf):
    P_hat from Appendix B, used for a1 a2, using filtered Z
    htzf = spdot(reg.h.T, zf)
    P1 = spdot(hthi, htzf)
    P2 = spdot(htzf.T, P1)
    P2i = la.inv(P2)
    return reg.n *, P2i)
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    n = float(w.shape[0])
    x_s = get_spFilter(w, lamb, reg.x)
    u_s = get_spFilter(w, lamb, reg.u)
    sig2 =, u_s) / n
    vecdA1 = np.array([wA1.diagonal()]).T
    psi, a1, a2, p = get_vc_hom(w, wA1, wA2, reg, lamb, for_omegaOLS=True)
    j =, np.array([[1.], [2 * lamb]]))
    psii = la.inv(psi)

    oDD = sig2 * la.inv(spdot(x_s.T, x_s))
    oLL = la.inv(spdot(j.T, spdot(psii, j))) / n
    #oDL = np.zeros((oDD.shape[0], oLL.shape[1]))
    mu3 = np.sum(u_s ** 3) / n
    psiDL = (mu3 * spdot(reg.x.T, np.hstack((vecdA1, np.zeros((int(n), 1)))))) / n
    oDL = spdot(spdot(spdot(p.T, psiDL), spdot(psii, j)), oLL)

    o_upper = np.hstack((oDD, oDL))
    o_lower = np.hstack((oDL.T, oLL))
    return np.vstack((o_upper, o_lower)), float(sig2)
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def _get_spat_diag_props(self, results, regi_ids, x, yend, q):
        self._cache = {}
        x = USER.check_constant(x)
        x = REGI.regimeX_setup(
            x, self.regimes, [True] * x.shape[1], self.regimes_set)
        self.z = sphstack(x, REGI.regimeX_setup(
            yend, self.regimes, [True] * yend.shape[1], self.regimes_set))
        self.h = sphstack(
            x, REGI.regimeX_setup(q, self.regimes, [True] * q.shape[1], self.regimes_set))
        hthi = np.linalg.inv(spdot(self.h.T, self.h))
        zth = spdot(self.z.T, self.h)
        self.varb = np.linalg.inv(spdot(spdot(zth, hthi), zth.T))
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    omega   :   array
                Omega matrix of VC of the model

    n = float(w.shape[0])
    z_s = get_spFilter(w, lamb, reg.z)
    u_s = get_spFilter(w, lamb, reg.u)
    sig2 =, u_s) / n
    mu3 = np.sum(u_s ** 3) / n
    vecdA1 = np.array([wA1.diagonal()]).T
    psi, a1, a2, p = get_vc_hom(w, wA1, wA2, reg, lamb, z_s)
    j =, np.array([[1.], [2 * lamb]]))
    psii = la.inv(psi)
    t2 = spdot(reg.h.T, np.hstack((a1, a2)))
    psiDL = (mu3 * spdot(reg.h.T, np.hstack((vecdA1, np.zeros((int(n), 1))))) +
             sig2 * spdot(reg.h.T, np.hstack((a1, a2)))) / n

    oDD = spdot(la.inv(spdot(reg.h.T, reg.h)), spdot(reg.h.T, z_s))
    oDD = sig2 * la.inv(spdot(z_s.T, spdot(reg.h, oDD)))
    oLL = la.inv(spdot(j.T, spdot(psii, j))) / n
    oDL = spdot(spdot(spdot(p.T, psiDL), spdot(psii, j)), oLL)

    o_upper = np.hstack((oDD, oDL))
    o_lower = np.hstack((oDL.T, oLL))
    return np.vstack((o_upper, o_lower)), float(sig2)
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def _compute_betas(y, x):
    compute MLE coefficients using iwls routine

    Methods: p189, Iteratively (Re)weighted Least Squares (IWLS),
    Fotheringham, A. S., Brunsdon, C., & Charlton, M. (2002).
    Geographically weighted regression: the analysis of spatially varying relationships.
    xT = x.T
    xtx = spdot(xT, x)
    xtx_inv = la.inv(xtx)
    xtx_inv = sp.csr_matrix(xtx_inv)
    xTy = spdot(xT, y, array_out=False)
    betas = spdot(xtx_inv, xTy)
    return betas
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def _compute_betas(y, x):
    compute MLE coefficients using iwls routine

    Methods: p189, Iteratively (Re)weighted Least Squares (IWLS),
    Fotheringham, A. S., Brunsdon, C., & Charlton, M. (2002).
    Geographically weighted regression: the analysis of spatially varying relationships.
    xT = x.T
    xtx = spdot(xT, x)
    xtx_inv = la.inv(xtx)
    xtx_inv = sp.csr_matrix(xtx_inv)
    xTy = spdot(xT, y, array_out=False)
    betas = spdot(xtx_inv, xTy)
    return betas
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def AB(self):
        Computes A and B matrices as in Cliff-Ord 1981, p. 203
        if 'AB' not in self._cache:
            U = (self.w.sparse + self.w.sparse.T) / 2.
            z = spdot(U, self.reg.x, array_out=False)
            c1 = spdot(self.reg.x.T, z, array_out=False)
            c2 = spdot(z.T, z, array_out=False)
            G = self.reg.xtxi
            A = spdot(G, c1)
            B = spdot(G, c2)
            self._cache['AB'] = [A, B]
        return self._cache['AB']