How to use the pysal.lib.weights.W function in pysal

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if id_order:
            self.n = len(id_order)
            self.shp = os.path.split(self.dataPath)[1].split('.')[0]
        self.id_var = id_var

        weights, neighbors = self._readlines(id_type)
        for k in neighbors:
            if k in neighbors[k]:
                k_index = neighbors[k].index(k)
                if weights[k][k_index] == 0.0:
                    del neighbors[k][k_index]
                    del weights[k][k_index]

        self.pos += 1
        return W(neighbors, weights)
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Read in the newly created text file

        >>> wnew =,'r').read()

        Compare values from old to new

        >>> wnew.pct_nonzero == w.pct_nonzero

        Clean up temporary file created for this example

        >>> os.remove(fname)

        if issubclass(type(obj), W):
            f = self.file
            n = obj.n
            if n > 256:
                raise ValueError('WK1 file format supports only up to 256 observations.')
            pack = struct.pack
            f.write(pack('<6B', 0, 0, 2, 0, 6, 4))
            f.write(pack('<6H', 6, 8, 0, 0, n, n))
            f.write(pack('<2H6B', 150, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
            f.write(pack('<2H1B', 47, 1, 0))
            f.write(pack('<2H1b', 2, 1, 0))
            f.write(pack('<2H1b', 3, 1, 0))
            f.write(pack('<2H1b', 4, 1, 0))
            f.write(pack('<2H1b', 5, 1, 0))
            f.write(pack('<2H1b', 49, 1, 1))
            f.write(pack('<4H2b13H', 7, 32, 0, 0, 113, 0, 10,
                         n, n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 0))
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for orderID in weightDict.keys():
                if len(weightDict[orderID]) > 0:
                    sumWeight = 0.0
                    for item in weightDict[orderID]:
                        sumWeight += item
                    weightArray = 1.0 * NUM.array(weightDict[orderID])/sumWeight
                    weightDict[orderID] = weightArray.tolist()
    if returnWeightFileType(weightsFile) == 'GWT' and master2Order:
        for neighKey in master2Order.keys():
            orderID = int(master2Order[int(neighKey)])
            if orderID not in neighDict:
                neighDict[orderID] = []
                weightDict[orderID] = []

    w = W(neighDict, weightDict)
    if inType == ".GAL":
        w.transform = 'r'

    w._varName = uid
    return w
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id_order = []
        weights, neighbors = {}, {}
        l = line1
        for i in range(n):
            obs, ngh, wgt = line2wgt(l)
            neighbors[obs] = ngh
            weights[obs] = wgt
            l = self.file.readline()
        if matrix_form:
            for obs in neighbors:
                neighbors[obs] = [id_order[ngh] for ngh in neighbors[obs]]

        self.pos += 1
        return W(neighbors, weights)
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        Get neighbor distances for a single observation

        >>> w[1] == dict({2.0: 0.3333, 5.0: 0.3333, 6.0: 0.3333})

        if self.pos > 0:
            raise StopIteration

        id_type = float
        weights, neighbors = self._readlines(id_type)

        self.pos += 1
        return W(neighbors, weights)
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elif distanceType.upper() == DISTTYPE[1]:
            weightObj = WEIGHTS.KNN(dataArray, knnNum)
        elif distanceType.upper() == DISTTYPE[2]:
            alpha = -1 * self.inverseDist
            weightObj = WEIGHTS.DistanceBand(\
                dataArray, threshold, alpha=alpha)
        #### Re-Create WeightObj for NOT 0-based idField #### 
        if idField:
            if ssdo.master2Order.keys() != ssdo.master2Order.values(): 
                o2M = ssdo.order2Master
                neighborDict = {o2M[oid] : [o2M[nid] for nid in nbrs] \
                                for oid,nbrs in weightObj.neighbors.items()}
                weightDict = {o2M[oid] : weights \
                              for oid, weights in weightObj.weights.items()}
                weightObj = WEIGHTS.W(neighborDict, weightDict)
        #### Save weightObj Class Object for Writing Result #### 
        self.weightObj = weightObj
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for masterKey in master2Order.keys():
                if not polyNeighborDict.has_key(masterKey):
                    polyNeighborDict[masterKey] = []
        #### Convert DefaultDict to Real Dict ?####
        if not self.idField:
            polyNeighborCopy = {}
            for key in polyNeighborDict.keys():
                polyNeighborCopy[master2Order[key]] = []
                for item in polyNeighborDict[key]:
            polyNeighborDict = polyNeighborCopy
        #### Create a PySAL W Object ####
        weightObj = WEIGHTS.W(polyNeighborDict)
        #### Building up Lower Order Spatial Weights ####
        if weightOrder > 1:
            ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", \
                                "Building up Lower Order Spatial Weights...")
            origWeight = weightObj
            weightObj = WEIGHTS.higher_order(weightObj, weightOrder)
            if isLowOrder:
                for order in range(weightOrder-1, 1, -1):
                    lowOrderW = WEIGHTS.higher_order(origWeight, order)
                    weightObj = WEIGHTS.w_union(weightObj, lowOrderW)
                weightObj = WEIGHTS.w_union(weightObj, origWeight)        
        #### Save weightObj Class Object for Writing Result #### 
        self.weightObj = weightObj
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# Unstandardize if Necessary
                                nhWeight = nhWeight * sumUnstandard[0]
                # Re-Standardize
                if nhIDs:
                    weights = NUM.array(weights)
                    if rowStandard:
                        weights = (1.0 / weights.sum()) * weights
        # Add To Dict Structures
        neighs[orderID] = nhIDs
        w[orderID] = weights

    wobj = W(neighs, w)
    wobj._varName = swm.masterField
    return wojb