Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
return new
if isinstance(e, str):
e = [e]
if isinstance(b, str):
b = [b]
if w is None:
found = False
for k in df._metadata:
w = df.__dict__.get(w, None)
if isinstance(w, W):
found = True
if not found:
raise Exception('Weights not provided and no weights attached to frame!'
' Please provide a weight or attach a weight to the'
' dataframe')
if isinstance(w, W):
w = [w] * len(e)
if len(b) == 1 and len(e) > 1:
b = b * len(e)
assert len(e) == len(b)
except AssertionError:
raise ValueError('There is no one-to-one mapping between event'
' variable and population at risk variable!')
for ei, bi, wi in zip(e, b, w):
ename = ei
bname = bi
ei = df[ename]
bi = df[bname]
outcol = '_'.join(('-'.join((ename, bname)), cls.__name__.lower()))
df[outcol] = cls(ei, bi, w=wi, **kwargs).r
if id_type == 'string':
ids = ['id' + str(i) for i in ids]
elif id_type == 'float':
ids = [i * 1. for i in ids]
if id_type == 'string' or id_type == 'float':
id_dict = dict(list(zip(list(range(n)), ids)))
alt_w = {}
alt_weights = {}
for i in w:
values = [id_dict[j] for j in w[i]]
key = id_dict[i]
alt_w[key] = values
alt_weights[key] = weights[i]
w = alt_w
weights = alt_weights
return W(w, weights, ids=ids, id_order=ids[:], **kwargs)
weights = {}
neighbors = {}
for row in self.file:
i, j, w = tuple(row)[startPos:]
i = id_type(i)
j = id_type(j)
w = float(w)
if i not in weights:
weights[i] = []
neighbors[i] = []
self.pos = self.file.pos
return W(neighbors, weights)
warn("ID_VAR:'%s' was not in the DBF header, proceeding with unordered string ids." % (id_var), RuntimeWarning)
warn("DBF relating to GWT was not found, proceeding with unordered string ids.", RuntimeWarning)
warn("Exception occurred will reading DBF, proceeding with unordered string ids.", RuntimeWarning)
self.flag = flag
self.n = n
self.shp = shp
self.id_var = id_var
if id_order is None:
weights, neighbors, id_order = self._readlines(id_type, True)
weights, neighbors = self._readlines(id_type)
self.pos += 1
w = W(neighbors, weights, id_order)
#w.transform = 'b'
#set meta data
w._shpName = self.shpName
w._varName = self.varName
#warn("Weights have been converted to binary. To retrieve original values use w.transform='o'", RuntimeWarning)
return w
# If not, we can use the same kdtree we have
data = self.kdtree
ids = self.id_order
elif (new_data is None) and (new_ids is not None):
Warn('Remapping ids must be done using w.remap_ids')
if k is None:
k = self.k
if p is None:
p = self.p
if inplace:
self.__init__(data, ids=ids, k=k, p=p)
return KNN(data, ids=ids, k=k, p=p)
class Kernel(W):
Spatial weights based on kernel functions.
data : array
(n,k) or KDTree where is array (n,k)
n observations on k characteristics used to measure
distances between the n objects
bandwidth : float
or array-like (optional)
the bandwidth :math:`h_i` for the kernel.
fixed : binary
If true then :math:`h_i=h \\forall i`. If false then
bandwidth is adaptive across observations.
from import FileIO
from .weights import W, WSP
from ._contW_lists import ContiguityWeightsLists
from .util import get_ids
WT_TYPE = {'rook': 2, 'queen': 1} # for _contW_Binning
__author__ = "Sergio J. Rey , Levi John Wolf "
__all__ = ['Rook', 'Queen', 'Voronoi']
class Rook(W):
Construct a weights object from a collection of pysal polygons that share at least one edge.
polygons : list
a collection of PySAL shapes to build weights from
ids : list
a list of names to use to build the weights
**kw : keyword arguments
optional arguments for :class:`pysal.weights.W`
See Also
def __init__(self, polygons, **kw):
criterion = 'queen'
ids = kw.pop('ids', None)
neighbors, ids = _build(polygons, ids=ids,
W.__init__(self, neighbors, ids=ids, **kw)
id_order = self.id_order
if id_order:
# replace indices with user IDs
indices = [id_order[i] for i in indices]
id_order = list(range(self.n))
neighbors, weights = {}, {}
start = indptr[0]
for i in range(self.n):
oid = id_order[i]
end = indptr[i + 1]
neighbors[oid] = indices[start:end]
weights[oid] = data[start:end]
start = end
ids = copy.copy(self.id_order)
w = W(neighbors, weights, ids,
w._sparse = copy.deepcopy(self.sparse)
w._cache['sparse'] = w._sparse
return w
Read in the newly created gwt file
>>> wnew =,'r').read()
Compare values from old to new
>>> wnew.pct_nonzero == w.pct_nonzero
Clean up temporary file created for this example
>>> os.remove(fname)
if issubclass(type(obj), W):
#transform = obj.transform
#obj.transform = 'o'
if hasattr(obj, '_shpName'):
self.shpName = obj._shpName
if hasattr(obj, '_varName'):
self.varName = obj._varName
header = '%s %i %s %s\n' % ('0', obj.n, self.shpName, self.varName)
#obj.transform = transform
raise TypeError("Expected a pysal weights object, got: %s" % (