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self.sta.progress(percentage, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
# crop refocused image for consistent image dimensions
crop = int(overlap/2)
final_img = img_slice[crop:-crop, crop:-crop, :] if (a != 0) else img_slice
# write upscaled version to hard drive
if self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_refi]:
upscale_img = LfpContrast().auto_hist_align(final_img.copy(), ref_img=final_img, opt=True)
upscale_img = GammaConverter().srgb_conv(img=upscale_img)
fname = np.round(a/patch_len, 2)
LfpExporter(cfg=self.cfg, sta=self.sta).save_refo_slice(fname, upscale_img, string='upscale_')
del upscale_img
# spatially downscale image to original resolution (less memory required)
final_img = misc.img_resize(final_img, 1./factor) if factor > 1 else final_img
return True
for fp in [fp_lytro, fp_ours]:
slice_fns = [f for f in os.listdir(fp) if f.__contains__('crop')]
s_list = list()
# loop over filenames in directory
for slice_fn in slice_fns:
# load cropped slice
img_tile = misc.load_img_file(os.path.join(fp, slice_fn))
# remove alpha channel if present
img_tile = img_tile[..., :3]
# rescale tile for fair comparison
img_tile = misc.img_resize(img_tile, 2.28122448) if fp.__contains__('refo_lytro') else img_tile
# store results
s_list.append((slice_fn, blur_metric(img_tile), michelson_contrast(img_tile)))
for s in s_list:
# iterate through directories
for set in [(fp_lytro, coords_lists_lytro), (fp_ours, coords_lists_pcam)]:
fp, coords_lists = set
img_tiles, slice_fns = crop_imgs(fp, coords_lists)
# iterate through file names in directory
for img_tile, slice_fn in zip(img_tiles, slice_fns):
# leave out alpha channel if present
img_tile = img_tile[..., :3]
# rescale tile for fair comparison
img_tile = misc.img_resize(img_tile, scale_comp_x, scale_comp_y) if fp.__contains__('refo_lytro') else img_tile
img_tile = misc.Normalizer(img_tile).uint8_norm()
# store results
s_list.append((slice_fn, blur_metric(img_tile), michelson_contrast(img_tile), brisque_metric(img_tile)))
for s in s_list:
s_arr = np.asarray(s_list)'refo_metrics', s_list)
# divide intensity to prevent clipping in shift and sum process
self._vp_img_arr /= patch_len
# iterate through refocusing parameter a
ran_refo = self.cfg.params[self.cfg.ran_refo]
a_list = tuple([factor*a for a in ran_refo]) if self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_refi] else ran_refo
for a in range(*a_list):
overlap = abs(a) * (patch_len - 1)
img_slice = np.zeros(np.append(np.array(self._vp_img_arr.shape[2:-1]) * factor + [overlap, overlap], 3))
for j in range(patch_len):
for i in range(patch_len):
# perform sub-pixel refinement if required
vp_img = misc.img_resize(self._vp_img_arr[j, i], factor) if factor > 1 else self._vp_img_arr[j, i]
# get viewpoint padding for each border
tb = (abs(a) * j, abs(a) * (patch_len - 1 - j)) # top, bottom
lr = (abs(a) * i, abs(a) * (patch_len - 1 - i)) # left, right
# flip padding for each axis if a is negative
pad_width = (tb, lr, (0, 0)) if a >= 0 else (tb[::-1], lr[::-1], (0, 0))
# shift viewpoint image and add its values to refocused image slice
img_slice = np.add(img_slice, np.pad(vp_img, pad_width, 'edge'))
# check interrupt status
if self.sta.interrupt:
return False
# print status
def export_vp_stack(self, type='png', downscale=None):
""" write viewpoint images stitched to together in a single image """
# print status
self.sta.status_msg('Write viewpoint image stack', self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
self.sta.progress(None, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
# downscale image
downscale = True if downscale is None else downscale
views_stacked_img = misc.img_resize(self.views_stacked_img.copy(), 1 / self._M) \
if downscale else self.views_stacked_img.copy()
# normalization
p_lo = np.percentile(rgb2gry(self.central_view), 0.05)
p_hi = np.percentile(rgb2gry(self.central_view), 99.995)
views_stacked_img = misc.Normalizer(views_stacked_img, min=p_lo, max=p_hi).uint8_norm()
# export all viewpoints in single image
views_stacked_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.exp_path, 'views_stacked_img_' + str(self._M) + 'px')
misc.save_img_file(views_stacked_img, file_path=views_stacked_path, file_type=type)
self.sta.progress(100, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])
return True