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def test_pbar_widget(self):
self.root.sta = self.sta
wid = PbarWidget(self.root)
wid.pack(fill='both', expand=True, side='bottom', padx=PX, pady=PY)
proc_name = 'Test'
self.assertEqual(proc_name, wid.tk_stat.__getitem__('text'))
exp_val = 50
self.assertEqual(exp_val, wid.tk_prog_bar['value'])
exp_val = 0
self.assertEqual(str(exp_val)+' %', wid.s.configure("LabeledProgressbar", 'text').strip())
exp_val = '1'
self.assertEqual(exp_val, wid.s.configure("LabeledProgressbar", 'text').strip())
self.parent = parent
# instantiate status
self.sta = parent.sta
# instantiate config settings
self.cfg = parent.cfg if hasattr(parent, 'cfg') else PlenopticamConfig()
# instantiate menu widget
self.men_wid = MenuWidget(self)
# instantiate config widget
self.fil_wid = FileWidget(self)
self.fil_wid.grid(padx=PX, pady=PY)
# instantiate command widget
self.cmd_wid = CmndWidget(self)
self.cmd_wid.grid(padx=PX, pady=PY)
self.all_btn_list = self.fil_wid.btn_list + self.men_wid.btn_list + self.cmd_wid.btn_list[:2]
('All files', ' '.join(ALL_EXTS+[x.upper() for x in ALL_EXTS]))]
CAL_EXTS = [('Supported files', ' '.join(merge_cal_exts+[x.upper() for x in merge_cal_exts])),
('Lytro files', ' '.join(LYT_CAL_EXTS+[x.upper() for x in lyt_cal_exts])),
('Generic image files', ' '.join(generic_exts+[x.upper() for x in generic_exts])),
('All files', ' '.join(ALL_EXTS+[x.upper() for x in ALL_EXTS]))]
# instantiate light field path widget
tk.Label(self, text='Light field image: ').grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W')
self.lfp_wid = PathWidget(self, path=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.lfp_path], path_type=False, file_exts=LFP_EXTS)
self.lfp_wid.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=PX, pady=PY)
self.lfp_wid.bind_to(self.set_lfp_path) # observe change in path variable
# instantiate calibration path widget
tk.Label(self, text='Calibration source: ').grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W')
self.cal_wid = PathWidget(self, path=self.cfg.params[self.cfg.cal_path], path_type=False, file_exts=CAL_EXTS)
self.cal_wid.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=PX, pady=PY)
self.cal_wid.bind_to(self.set_cal_path) # observe change in path variable
# radio button to enable change from path to file type
self.cal_wid.path_type = os.path.isdir(self.cfg.params[self.cfg.cal_path])
self.chk_var = tk.BooleanVar(value=bool(self.cal_wid.path_type))
self.chk_btn = tk.Checkbutton(self, text='Pick folder', variable=self.chk_var, command=self.btn_update)
self.chk_btn.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='W')
# list of button and entry widgets (collected to disable/enable widgets)
self.btn_list = [self.lfp_wid.btn, self.cal_wid.btn, self.chk_btn, self.lfp_wid.ent, self.cal_wid.ent]
# inheritance
# window title
# icon handling
# initialize parameters
self.sta = PlenopticamStatus()
# instantiate controller
self.ctrl_wid = CtrlWidget(self)
self.ctrl_wid.pack(fill='both', expand=True, side='top', padx=PX, pady=PY)
# instantiate view
self.pbar_wid = PbarWidget(self)
self.pbar_wid.pack(fill='both', expand=True, side='bottom', padx=PX, pady=PY)
def __init__(self):
# open about window
self.abt_widget = tk.Toplevel(padx=PX, pady=PY)
# window title
# name and version
line = tk.Label(master=self.abt_widget, text="Plenopticam "+__version__)
line.grid(row=0, padx=PX, pady=PY, sticky='NWSE')
# website
link = tk.Label(master=self.abt_widget, text=r"")
link.grid(row=1, padx=PX, pady=PY, sticky='NWSE')
# license
license = tk.Label(master=self.abt_widget, text=__license__)
license.grid(row=2, padx=PX, sticky='NWSE')
def __init__(self, parent):
# inheritance
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
self.cfg = parent.cfg
self.btn_list = []
# button for light field processing
run_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Process', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.process)
run_btn.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=PX, pady=PY)
# button for settings configuration
cfg_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Settings', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.cfg_change)
cfg_btn.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=PX, pady=PY)
# button to stop/cancel process
viw_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Viewer', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.view)
viw_btn.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=PX, pady=PY)
# button for application shutdown
qit_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Quit', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.exit)
qit_btn.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=PX, pady=PY)
self.tk_vars[key].set(value=value_sel) # set to default necessary for tkinter's spinbox
elif PROPERTIES[key][1] == 'bool':
self.tk_vars[key] = tk.BooleanVar(value=bool(self.cfg.params[key]))
obj_ent = tk.Checkbutton(self, variable=self.tk_vars[key])
# place entry
obj_ent.grid(row=i, column=1, sticky='W')
# display text from most right
obj_ent.xview_moveto(1.0) if PROPERTIES[key][1] != 'bool' else None
self.obj_ents[key] = obj_ent
self.btn = tk.Button(self, text="Save & Close", width=BTN_W*2, command=self.close)
self.btn.grid(row=len(self.gui_keys)+1, columnspan=2, padx=PX, pady=PY)
# makes sure no mouse or keyboard events are sent to other windows (avoid multiple simultaneous instances)
def __init__(self, parent):
# inheritance
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
self.cfg = parent.cfg
self.btn_list = []
# button for light field processing
run_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Process', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.process)
run_btn.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=PX, pady=PY)
# button for settings configuration
cfg_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Settings', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.cfg_change)
cfg_btn.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=PX, pady=PY)
# button to stop/cancel process
viw_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Viewer', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.view)
viw_btn.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=PX, pady=PY)
# button for application shutdown
qit_btn = tk.Button(self, text='Quit', width=BTN_W, command=self.parent.exit)
qit_btn.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=PX, pady=PY)
def instantiate_viewer(self, btn):
self.view_frame = tk.Toplevel(padx=PX, pady=PY) # open window
self.view_frame.resizable(width=0, height=0) # make window not resizable
ViewWidget(self.view_frame, cfg=self.cfg, sta=self.sta, btn=btn).pack(expand="no", fill="both")
# store extension names and types
self.title = title
self.path_type = path_type
self.file_exts = file_exts
# create current path and entry placeholder
self._path = tk.StringVar(value=path)
self._path_observers = []
self.ent = tk.Entry(self, width=2*BTN_W, textvariable=self._path)
self.ent.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=PX, pady=PY)
self.ent.xview_moveto(1.0) # display path from most right
# create search button
self.btn = tk.Button(self, width=BTN_W, text=self.title, command=self.choose_path)
self.btn.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=PX, pady=PY)