How to use the plenopticam.lfp_calibrator.find_centroid.find_centroid function in plenopticam

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def _get_lens_max(self, start_mic, axis=0):

        cur_mic = start_mic
        lens_max = 1    # start with 1 to account for upper left centroid
        odd = self.estimate_odd(start_mic, axis)

        # check if column of upper left is complete
        while cur_mic[axis] < self._lower_r[axis] + self._pitch[axis]/2:
            # get adjacent MIC
            found_center = find_centroid(self._centroids, cur_mic, self._pitch, axis, self._pattern, odd)
            odd = not odd
            if len(found_center) != 2:
                if len(found_center) > 2:
                    # average of found centroids
                    found_center = np.mean(found_center.reshape(-1, 2), axis=0)
                    if cur_mic[axis] > (self._bbox[axis] - self._pitch[axis]/2):
                        odd = self.estimate_odd(start_mic, axis)
                        start_mic = find_centroid(self._centroids, start_mic, self._pitch, not axis, self._pattern, not odd)
                        found_center = start_mic
                        lens_max = 0
            lens_max += 1
            cur_mic = found_center
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def estimate_odd(self, cur_mic, axis):
        return find_centroid(self._centroids, cur_mic, self._pitch, axis, 'hex', odd=False).size == 0
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def _calc_pattern(self, pitch):
        """ This function determines whether the geometric arrangement of micro lenses is rectangular or hexagonal.

        :param pitch: scalar of type int or float representing the spacing between micro image centers
        :return: pattern, e.g. 'hex' or 'rec'

        # pick arbitrary micro image center in middle of centroid list
        point = self._centroids[int(len(self._centroids)/2)]

        diff_vertical = []
        pattern_list = ['rec', 'hex']

        for pattern in pattern_list:
            k = 1 if pattern == 'rec' else np.sqrt(3) / 2
            adj_vertical = find_centroid(self._centroids, point, [k*pitch, pitch], axis=0, pattern=pattern)
            if list(adj_vertical):
                diff_vertical.append(abs(k*pitch - abs(adj_vertical[0] - point[0])))

        # store detected pattern type
        self._pattern = pattern_list[np.array(diff_vertical).argmin()]

        return self._pattern
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last_neighbor = self._upper_l
        self._mic_list = []
        self._mic_list.append([last_neighbor[0], last_neighbor[1], 0, 0])
        j = 0
        odd = self.estimate_odd(self._upper_l, axis=0)
        row_len_odd = True

        # print status
        self.sta.status_msg('Sort micro image centers', self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])

        # jump to the next row
        for ly in range(self._lens_y_max):
            # find all centers in one row
            for lx in range(self._lens_x_max-1):    # -1 to account for first row center which is already found
                # get adjacent MIC
                found_center = find_centroid(self._centroids, last_neighbor, self._pitch, 1, 'rec', None)
                # retrieve single MIC
                if len(found_center) != 2:
                    if len(found_center) > 2:
                        # average of found centroids
                        found_center = np.mean(found_center.reshape(-1, 2), axis=0)
                        # skip when looking for last MIC with unequal row length
                        if lx == self._lens_x_max-1 and (row_len_odd or self._pattern == 'rec'):
                        # create missing centroid
                        found_center = self._mic_list[j][:2]+np.array([0, self._pitch[1]])
                j += 1
                self._mic_list.append([found_center[0], found_center[1], ly, lx+1])
                last_neighbor = found_center
            # find most-left center of next row
            if ly < self._lens_y_max-1:
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if len(found_center) > 2:
                        # average of found centroids
                        found_center = np.mean(found_center.reshape(-1, 2), axis=0)
                        # skip when looking for last MIC with unequal row length
                        if lx == self._lens_x_max-1 and (row_len_odd or self._pattern == 'rec'):
                        # create missing centroid
                        found_center = self._mic_list[j][:2]+np.array([0, self._pitch[1]])
                j += 1
                self._mic_list.append([found_center[0], found_center[1], ly, lx+1])
                last_neighbor = found_center
            # find most-left center of next row
            if ly < self._lens_y_max-1:
                # get adjacent MIC
                found_center = find_centroid(self._centroids, self._upper_l, self._pitch, 0, self._pattern, odd)
                # retrieve single MIC
                if len(found_center) != 2:
                    if len(found_center) > 2:
                        # average of found centroids
                        found_center = np.mean(found_center.reshape(-1, 2), axis=0)
                        # create missing centroid (considering MLA packing)
                        if self._pattern == 'rec':
                            found_center = self._upper_l + np.array([self._pitch[0], 0])
                        elif self._pattern == 'hex':
                            if odd:
                                found_center = self._upper_l + np.array([self._pitch[0], +self._pitch[1]/2])
                                found_center = self._upper_l + np.array([self._pitch[0], -self._pitch[1]/2])
                j += 1
                self._mic_list.append([found_center[0], found_center[1], ly+1, 0])
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# check if column of upper left is complete
        while cur_mic[axis] < self._lower_r[axis] + self._pitch[axis]/2:
            # get adjacent MIC
            found_center = find_centroid(self._centroids, cur_mic, self._pitch, axis, self._pattern, odd)
            odd = not odd
            if len(found_center) != 2:
                if len(found_center) > 2:
                    # average of found centroids
                    found_center = np.mean(found_center.reshape(-1, 2), axis=0)
                    if cur_mic[axis] > (self._bbox[axis] - self._pitch[axis]/2):
                        odd = self.estimate_odd(start_mic, axis)
                        start_mic = find_centroid(self._centroids, start_mic, self._pitch, not axis, self._pattern, not odd)
                        found_center = start_mic
                        lens_max = 0
            lens_max += 1
            cur_mic = found_center

        return lens_max, cur_mic, start_mic