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def setUp(self):
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.cfg = PlenopticamConfig()
self.sta = PlenopticamStatus()
self.root.cfg = self.cfg
self.root.sta = self.sta
def setUp(self):
# instantiate config and status objects
self.cfg = PlenopticamConfig()
self.sta = PlenopticamStatus()
# enable options in config to cover more algorithms in tests
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.cal_meth] = 'grid-fit'
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_vign] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_rota] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_refi] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_pflu] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_arti] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_lier] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_cont] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_awb_] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_sat_] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_dbug] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.ran_refo] = [0, 1]
# compute 3x3 viewpoints only (to reduce computation time)
def setUp(self):
# set config for unit test purposes
self.sta = PlenopticamStatus()
self.cfg = PlenopticamConfig()
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_dbug] = True
self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt] = True
def main():
# program info
print("\nPlenoptiCam v%s \n" % __version__)
# create config object
cfg = PlenopticamConfig()
# parse options
cfg = parse_options(sys.argv[1:], cfg)
# instantiate status object
sta = misc.PlenopticamStatus()
# force relative paths to be absolute
cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path] = os.path.abspath(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path])
cfg.params[cfg.cal_path] = os.path.abspath(cfg.params[cfg.cal_path])
# collect light field image file name(s) based on provided path
if os.path.isdir(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]):
lfp_filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]) if f.lower().endswith(SUPP_FILE_EXT)]
cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path] = os.path.join(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path], 'dummy.ext')
elif not os.path.isfile(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]):
lfp_filenames = [misc.select_file(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path], 'Select plenoptic image')]
lfp_filenames = [cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]]
if not cfg.params[cfg.cal_path]:
# manual calibration data selection
def __init__(self, file=None, cfg=None, sta=None, **kwargs):
# input variables
self.cfg = cfg if cfg is not None else PlenopticamConfig()
self.sta = sta if sta is not None else PlenopticamStatus()
self.file = file
self._lfp_path = kwargs['lfp_path'] if 'lfp_path' in kwargs else self.cfg.params[self.cfg.lfp_path]
# internal variables
self._json_dict = kwargs['json_dict'] if 'json_dict' in kwargs else {}
self._shape = None
self._img_buf = None
# output variable
self.cfg.lfpimg = {} if not hasattr(self.cfg, 'lfpimg') else self.cfg.lfpimg
self._bay_img = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cfg = kwargs['cfg'] if 'cfg' in kwargs else PlenopticamConfig()
self.sta = kwargs['sta'] if 'sta' in kwargs else PlenopticamStatus()
self._bay_img = kwargs['bay_img'] if 'bay_img' in kwargs else np.array([])
def correct_luma_outliers(img, n=2, perc=.2, sta=None):
# status init
sta = sta if sta is not None else misc.PlenopticamStatus()
sta.status_msg('Hot pixel removal', True)
# luma channel conversion
luma = misc.yuv_conv(img.copy())[..., 0]
for i in range(n, luma.shape[0]-n):
for j in range(n, luma.shape[1]-n):
win = luma[i-n:i+n+1, j-n:j+n+1]
# hot pixel detection
num_hi = len(win[win > luma[i, j]*(1-perc)])
# dead pixel detection
num_lo = len(win[win < luma[i, j]*(1+perc)])
if num_hi < win.size/5 or num_lo < win.size/5:
def correct_outliers(img, n=2, perc=.2, sta=None):
# status init
sta = sta if sta is not None else misc.PlenopticamStatus()
sta.status_msg('Hot pixel removal', True)
for i in range(n, img.shape[0]-n):
for j in range(n, img.shape[1]-n):
win = img[i-n:i+n+1, j-n:j+n+1]
# hot pixel detection
num_hi = len(win[win > img[i, j]*(1-perc)])
# dead pixel detection
num_lo = len(win[win < img[i, j]*(1+perc)])
if num_hi < win.size/5 or num_lo < win.size/5:
# replace outlier by average of all directly adjacent pixels
img[i, j] = (sum(sum(img[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2]))-img[i, j])/8.
def proc_vp_arr(fun, vp_img_arr, **kwargs):
''' process viewpoint images based on provided function handle and argument data '''
sta = kwargs['sta'] if 'sta' in kwargs else misc.PlenopticamStatus()
cfg = kwargs['cfg'] if 'cfg' in kwargs else Config()
msg = kwargs['msg'] if 'msg' in kwargs else 'Viewpoint process'
sta.status_msg(msg, cfg.params[cfg.opt_dbug])
args = [kwargs[key] for key in kwargs.keys() if key not in ('cfg', 'sta', 'msg')]
for j in range(vp_img_arr.shape[0]):
for i in range(vp_img_arr.shape[1]):
vp_img_arr[j, i, :, :, :] = fun(vp_img_arr[j, i, :, :, :], *args)
# progress update
percentage = (i*vp_img_arr.shape[1]+(j+1))/(vp_img_arr.shape[0]*vp_img_arr.shape[1]*100)
sta.progress(percentage, cfg.params[cfg.opt_dbug])
return vp_img_arr
def __init__(self, img, centroids, cfg=None, sta=None):
# input variables
self._img = rgb2gry(img.copy())[..., 0] if len(img.shape) == 3 else img.copy()
self._img = Normalizer(self._img).uint8_norm()
self._centroids = np.asarray(centroids)
self.cfg = cfg if cfg is not None else PlenopticamConfig()
self.sta = sta if sta is not None else PlenopticamStatus()