How to use the daal.algorithms.covariance function in daal

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jp(DATA_PREFIX, 'covcormoments_csr_2.csv'),
    jp(DATA_PREFIX, 'covcormoments_csr_3.csv'),
    jp(DATA_PREFIX, 'covcormoments_csr_4.csv')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rankId = comm.Get_rank()

    # Retrieve the input data from a .csv file
    dataTable = createSparseTable(datasetFileNames[rankId])

    # Create an algorithm for principal component analysis using the correlation method on local nodes
    localAlgorithm = pca.Distributed(step1Local)
    localAlgorithm.parameter.covariance = covariance.Distributed(step1Local, method=covariance.fastCSR)

    # Set the input data set to the algorithm
    localAlgorithm.input.setDataset(, dataTable)

    # Compute PCA decomposition
    pres = localAlgorithm.compute()

    # Serialize partial results required by step 2
    dataArch = InputDataArchive()

    nodeResults = dataArch.getArchiveAsArray()

    # Transfer partial results to step 2 on the root node
    serializedData = comm.gather(nodeResults)
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# Add partial results computed on local nodes to the algorithm on the master node
    for _, val in parts_list:
        dataArch = OutputDataArchive(val)
        deserialized_val = covariance.PartialResult()
        covarianceMaster.input.add(covariance.partialResults, deserialized_val)

    # Compute a dense variance-covariance matrix on the master node

    # Finalize computations and retrieve the results
    res = covarianceMaster.finalizeCompute()

    result = {}
    result['covariance'] = res.get(covariance.covariance)
    result['mean'] = res.get(covariance.mean)

    return result
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def computeOnMasterNode():
    global result

    # Create algorithm objects to compute a correlation matrix in the distributed processing mode using the default method
    algorithm = covariance.Distributed(step2Master, method=covariance.fastCSR)

    # Set input objects for the algorithm
    for i in range(nBlocks):
        algorithm.input.add(covariance.partialResults, partialResult[i])

    # Set the parameter to choose the type of the output matrix
    algorithm.parameter.outputMatrixType = covariance.correlationMatrix

    # Compute a partial estimate on the master node from the partial estimates on local nodes

    # Finalize the result in the distributed processing mode and get the computed correlation matrix
    result = algorithm.finalizeCompute()
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def computeOnMasterNode():
    global result

    # Create algorithm objects to compute a dense correlation matrix in the distributed processing mode using the default method
    algorithm = covariance.Distributed(step2Master)

    # Set input objects for the algorithm
    for i in range(nBlocks):
        algorithm.input.add(covariance.partialResults, partialResult[i])

    # Set the parameter to choose the type of the output matrix
    algorithm.parameter.outputMatrixType = covariance.correlationMatrix

    # Compute a partial estimate on the master node from the partial estimates on local nodes

    # Finalize the result in the distributed processing mode
    result = algorithm.finalizeCompute() # Get the computed dense correlation matrix
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def computestep1Local(block):
    global partialResult

    dataTable = createSparseTable(datasetFileNames[block])

    # Create algorithm objects to compute a correlation matrix in the distributed processing mode using the default method
    algorithm = covariance.Distributed(step1Local, method=covariance.fastCSR)

    # Set input objects for the algorithm
    algorithm.input.set(, dataTable)

    # Compute partial estimates on local nodes
    partialResult[block] = algorithm.compute()  # Get the computed partial estimates
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def computeOnMasterNode():
    global result

    # Create algorithm objects to compute a variance-covariance matrix in the distributed processing mode using the default method
    algorithm = covariance.Distributed(step2Master, method=covariance.fastCSR)

    # Set input objects for the algorithm
    for i in range(nBlocks):
        algorithm.input.add(covariance.partialResults, partialResult[i])

    # Compute a partial estimate on the master node from the partial estimates on local nodes

    # Finalize the result in the distributed processing mode and get the computed variance-covariance matrix
    result = algorithm.finalizeCompute()
github intel / daal / examples / python / source / pca / View on Github external
# Input data set parameters
nBlocks = 4
datasetFileNames = [
    os.path.join(DAAL_PREFIX, 'distributed', 'covcormoments_csr_1.csv'),
    os.path.join(DAAL_PREFIX, 'distributed', 'covcormoments_csr_2.csv'),
    os.path.join(DAAL_PREFIX, 'distributed', 'covcormoments_csr_3.csv'),
    os.path.join(DAAL_PREFIX, 'distributed', 'covcormoments_csr_4.csv')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Create an algorithm for principal component analysis using the correlation method
    algorithm = pca.Online(fptype=np.float64)

    # Use covariance algorithm for sparse data inside the PCA algorithm
    algorithm.parameter.covariance = covariance.Online(fptype=np.float64,method=covariance.fastCSR)

    for i in range(nBlocks):
        # Read data from a file and create a numeric table to store input data
        dataTable = createSparseTable(datasetFileNames[i])

        # Set input objects for the algorithm
        algorithm.input.setDataset(, dataTable)

        # Update PCA decomposition

    # Finalize computations
    result = algorithm.finalizeCompute()

    printNumericTable(result.get(pca.eigenvalues), "Eigenvalues:")
    printNumericTable(result.get(pca.eigenvectors), "Eigenvectors:")
github intel / daal / examples / python / source / pca / View on Github external
os.path.join(DAAL_PREFIX, 'distributed', 'covcormoments_csr_4.csv')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Create an algorithm for principal component analysis using the correlation method on the master node
    masterAlgorithm = pca.Distributed(step2Master,fptype=np.float64)

    for i in range(nBlocks):
        dataTable = createSparseTable(datasetFileNames[i])

        # Create algorithm objects to compute a variance-covariance matrix in the distributed processing mode using the default method
        localAlgorithm = pca.Distributed(step1Local,fptype=np.float64)

        # Create an algorithm for principal component analysis using the correlation method on the local node
        localAlgorithm.parameter.covariance = covariance.Distributed(step1Local, fptype=np.float64, method=covariance.fastCSR)

        # Set input objects for the algorithm
        localAlgorithm.input.setDataset(, dataTable)

        # Compute partial estimates on local nodes
        # Set local partial results as input for the master-node algorithm
        masterAlgorithm.input.add(pca.partialResults, localAlgorithm.compute())

    # Use covariance algorithm for sparse data inside the PCA algorithm
    masterAlgorithm.parameter.covariance = covariance.Distributed(step2Master, fptype=np.float64, method=covariance.fastCSR)

    # Merge and finalize PCA decomposition on the master node

    result = masterAlgorithm.finalizeCompute()