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def test_03(self):
lmbda = 1e-1
W = cp.random.randn(*self.S.shape[0:2])
opt = onlinecdl.OnlineConvBPDNMaskDictLearn.Options()
b = onlinecdl.OnlineConvBPDNMaskDictLearn(self.D0, lmbda, opt=opt)
for it in range(5):
img_index = cp.random.randint(0, self.S.shape[-1])
b.solve(self.S[..., img_index], W)
except Exception as e:
assert 0
def test_22(self):
N = 32
M = 4
Nd = 8
D = cp.random.randn(Nd, Nd, M)
D /= cp.sqrt(cp.sum(D**2, axis=(0, 1)))
X0 = cp.zeros((N, N, M))
xr = cp.random.randn(N, N, M)
xp = cp.abs(xr) > 3
X0[xp] = cp.random.randn(X0[xp].size)
S = cp.sum(sl.fftconv(D, X0), axis=2)
lmbda = 1e-3
opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDN.Options(
{'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 500, 'RelStopTol': 1e-5,
'rho': 5e-1, 'AutoRho': {'Enabled': False}})
bp = cbpdn.ConvBPDN(D, S, lmbda, opt)
Xp = bp.solve()
epsilon = cp.linalg.norm(bp.reconstruct(Xp).squeeze() - S)
opt = cbpdn.ConvMinL1InL2Ball.Options(
{'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 500, 'RelStopTol': 1e-5,
'rho': 2e2, 'RelaxParam': 1.0, 'AutoRho': {'Enabled': False}})
bc = cbpdn.ConvMinL1InL2Ball(D, S, epsilon=epsilon, opt=opt)
Xc = bc.solve()
assert cp.linalg.norm(Xp - Xc) / cp.linalg.norm(Xp) < 1e-3
assert(cp.abs(cp.linalg.norm(Xp.ravel(), 1) -
cp.linalg.norm(Xc.ravel(), 1)) < 1e-3)
def test_18(self):
Nr = 16
Nc = 17
Nd = 5
M = 4
D = cp.random.randn(Nd, Nd, M)
s = cp.random.randn(Nr, Nc)
lmbda = 1e-1
mu = 1e-2
b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNGradReg(D, s, lmbda, mu)
except Exception as e:
assert 0
def test_29(self):
N = 16
Nd = 5
M = 4
D = cp.random.randn(Nd, Nd, M)
s = cp.random.randn(N, N)
w = cp.ones(s.shape)
lmbda = 1e-1
b = cbpdn.AddMaskSim(cbpdn.ConvBPDN, D, s, w, lmbda)
except Exception as e:
assert 0
def test_22(self):
N = 8
M = 16
D = cp.random.randn(N, M)
s = cp.random.randn(N, 1)
lmbda = 1e-1
opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 10,
'Callback': CallbackTest, 'RelaxParam': 1.0})
b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt=opt)
assert b.getitstat() is None
assert b.runtime > 0.0
assert b.k == 7
assert b.var_x() is not None
assert b.var_y() is not None
assert b.var_u() is not None
def test_02(self):
N = 8
M = 16
D = cp.random.randn(N, M)
s = cp.random.randn(N, 1)
b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s)
except Exception as e:
assert 0
def test_06(self):
N = 8
M = 16
D = cp.random.randn(N, M)
s = cp.random.randn(N, 1)
dt = cp.float32
opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 20,
'AutoRho': {'Enabled': True},
'DataType': dt})
b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda=1.0, opt=opt)
assert b.X.dtype == dt
assert b.Y.dtype == dt
assert b.U.dtype == dt
def test_backward2(self):
x = np.random.randn(100, 200)
W = np.random.randn(200, 300)
b = None
f = lambda x: F.linear(x, W, b)
self.assertTrue(gradient_check(f, x))
def test_12(self):
N = 16
Nd = 5
Cs = 3
M = 4
D = cp.random.randn(Nd, Nd, M)
s = cp.random.randn(N, N, Cs)
lmbda = 1e-1
opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDN.Options({'LinSolveCheck': True})
b = cbpdn.ConvBPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt=opt, dimK=0)
except Exception as e:
assert 0
assert list2array(b.getitstat().XSlvRelRes).max() < 1e-5