How to use the cupy.asarray function in cupy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cupy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github StrangerZhang / pyECO / eco / View on Github external
# compute the fourier series indices and their transposes
        self._ky = [np.arange(-np.ceil(sz[0]-1)/2, np.floor((sz[0]-1)/2)+1, dtype=np.float32)
                        for sz in filter_sz]
        self._kx = [np.arange(-np.ceil(sz[1]-1)/2, 1, dtype=np.float32)
                        for sz in filter_sz]

        # construct the gaussian label function using poisson formula
        sig_y = np.sqrt( * config.output_sigma_factor * (self._output_sz / self._img_sample_sz)
        yf_y = [np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sig_y[0] / self._output_sz[0] * np.exp(-2 * (np.pi * sig_y[0] * ky_ / self._output_sz[0])**2)
                    for ky_ in self._ky]
        yf_x = [np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sig_y[1] / self._output_sz[1] * np.exp(-2 * (np.pi * sig_y[1] * kx_ / self._output_sz[1])**2)
                    for kx_ in self._kx]
        self._yf = [yf_y_.reshape(-1, 1) * yf_x_ for yf_y_, yf_x_ in zip(yf_y, yf_x)]
        if config.use_gpu:
            self._yf = [cp.asarray(yf) for yf in self._yf]
            self._ky = [cp.asarray(ky) for ky in self._ky]
            self._kx = [cp.asarray(kx) for kx in self._kx]

        # construct cosine window
        self._cos_window = [self._cosine_window(feature_sz_) for feature_sz_ in feature_sz]

        # compute fourier series of interpolation function
        self._interp1_fs = []
        self._interp2_fs = []
        for sz in filter_sz:
            interp1_fs, interp2_fs = self._get_interp_fourier(sz)

        # get the reg_window_edge parameter
        reg_window_edge = []
github rossant / pykilosort / pykilosort / View on Github external
# obtained pm for this batch
            Params[8] = float(pmi[ibatch])
            pm = pmi[ibatch] * ones((Nfilt,), dtype=np.float64, order='F')

        # loading a single batch (same as everywhere)
        offset = Nchan * batchstart[k]
        dat = proc.flat[offset:offset + NT * Nchan].reshape((-1, Nchan), order='F')
        dataRAW = cp.asarray(dat, dtype=np.float32) / params.scaleproc

        if ibatch == 0:
            # only on the first batch, we first get a new set of spikes from the residuals,
            # which in this case is the unmodified data because we start with no templates
            # CUDA function to get spatiotemporal clips from spike detections
            dWU, cmap = mexGetSpikes2(Params, dataRAW, wTEMP, iC)

            dWU = cp.asarray(dWU, dtype=np.float64, order='F')

            # project these into the wPCA waveforms
            dWU = cp.reshape(
      ,, dWU.reshape((dWU.shape[0], -1), order='F'))),
                dWU.shape, order='F')

            # initialize the low-rank decomposition with standard waves
            W = W0[:, cp.ones(dWU.shape[2], dtype=np.int32), :]
            Nfilt = W.shape[1]  # update the number of filters/templates
            # initialize the number of spikes for new templates with the minimum allowed value,
            # so it doesn't get thrown back out right away
            nsp = _extend(nsp, 0, Nfilt, m0)
            Params[1] = Nfilt  # update in the CUDA parameters

        if flag_resort:
            # this is a flag to resort the order of the templates according to best peak
github rossant / pykilosort / pykilosort / View on Github external
nPCs = nPCs or params.nPCs
    nt0min = params.nt0min
    Nchan = probe.Nchan
    batchstart = np.arange(0, NT * Nbatch + 1, NT).astype(np.int64)

    k = 0
    # preallocate matrix to hold 1D spike snippets
    # dd = cp.zeros((params.nt0, int(5e4)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    dds = []

    for ibatch in tqdm(range(0, Nbatch, nskip), desc="Extracting templates"):
        offset = Nchan * batchstart[ibatch]
        dat = proc.flat[offset:offset + NT * Nchan].reshape((-1, Nchan), order='F')

        # move data to GPU and scale it back to unit variance
        dataRAW = cp.asarray(dat, dtype=np.float32) / params.scaleproc

        # find isolated spikes from each batch
        row, col, mu = isolated_peaks_new(dataRAW, params)

        # for each peak, get the voltage snippet from that channel
        c = get_SpikeSample(dataRAW, row, col, params)

        # if k + c.shape[1] > dd.shape[1]:
        #     dd = cp.pad(dd, (0, dd.shape[1]), mode='constant')

        # dd[:, k:k + c.shape[1]] = c
        k = k + c.shape[1]
        if k > 1e5:
github musyoku / gqn-dataset-renderer / gqn / View on Github external
def save_mean_and_variance(self):
        subset_size = self.num_observations_per_file
        new_total_size = self.total_images + subset_size
        co1 = self.total_images / new_total_size
        co2 = subset_size / new_total_size

        images = cp.asarray(self.images)

        subset_mean = cp.mean(images, axis=(0, 1))
        subset_var = cp.var(images, axis=(0, 1))

        new_dataset_mean = subset_mean if self.dataset_mean is None else co1 * self.dataset_mean + co2 * subset_mean
        new_dataset_var = subset_var if self.dataset_var is None else co1 * (
            self.dataset_var + self.dataset_mean**2) + co2 * (
                subset_var + subset_mean**2) - new_dataset_mean**2

        # avoid negative value
        new_dataset_var[new_dataset_var < 0] = 0

        self.dataset_var = new_dataset_var
        self.dataset_mean = new_dataset_mean
        self.dataset_std = cp.sqrt(self.dataset_var)
github opensight-cv / opensight / opsi / util / cv / cuda / View on Github external
def apply(self, source_array):
        # Split image into channels as cupy (GPU) arrays
        blue_channel = cp.asarray(source_array[:, :, 0])
        green_channel = cp.asarray(source_array[:, :, 1])
        red_channel = cp.asarray(source_array[:, :, 2])

        # Determine parameters for CUDA Blur
        height, width = source_array.shape[:2]

        dim_grid_x = math.ceil(width / DIM_BLOCK)
        dim_grid_y = math.ceil(height / DIM_BLOCK)

        # Blur each channel of the image
        for channel in (red_channel, green_channel, blue_channel):
                (dim_grid_x, dim_grid_y),
                (DIM_BLOCK, DIM_BLOCK),
github AkandaAshraf / VirtualSoc / View on Github external
                            self.value[i] = 1
                        preferenceMutationCount +=1
                if mutatePreferenceProbability:
                    if 1.0 - intensity <= np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None):
                        self.value[i+1] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None)
                        probablityMutationCount +=1
            i +=1

        if preferenceMutationCount>0 or probablityMutationCount > 0:
           warnings.warn("mutation occured in %s preference(s) and %s preference weights(s)!" % (preferenceMutationCount, probablityMutationCount))
            warnings.warn("mutateDNA called but no mutation detected, try increasing intensity / changing mutatePreferenceProbability and/or mutatePreference = true!")
        if cp.cuda.is_available() and self.useGPU:
            if self.createInGPUMem:
                self.valueWeight = cp.asarray(self.value[1::2], dtype=np.float64)
                self.valuePreference = cp.asarray(self.value[0::2], dtype=np.float64)
    def getDnaType(self, *args, **kwargs):
github rflamary / POT / ot / gpu / View on Github external
def to_gpu(*args):
    """ Upload numpy arrays to GPU and return them"""
    if len(args) > 1:
        return (cp.asarray(x) for x in args)
        return cp.asarray(args[0])
github dgasmith / opt_einsum / opt_einsum / View on Github external
def convert_arrays_to_cupy(arrays):  # pragma: no cover
    """Convert numpy arrays to ``cupy.ndarray`` instances.
    import cupy
    return [cupy.asarray(x) for x in arrays]
github rossant / pykilosort / pykilosort / View on Github external
def mexDistances2(Params, Ws, W, iMatch, iC, Wh, mus, mu):
    code, _ = get_cuda('mexDistances2')

    Nspikes = int(Params[0])
    Nfilters = int(Params[2])

    d_Params = cp.asarray(Params, dtype=np.float64, order='F')

    d_Ws = cp.asarray(Ws, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    d_W = cp.asarray(W, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    d_iMatch = cp.asarray(iMatch, dtype=np.bool, order='F')
    d_iC = cp.asarray(iC, dtype=np.int32, order='F')
    d_Wh = cp.asarray(Wh, dtype=np.int32, order='F')
    d_mu = cp.asarray(mu, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    d_mus = cp.asarray(mus, dtype=np.float32, order='F')

    d_cmax = cp.zeros(Nspikes * Nfilters, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    d_id = cp.zeros(Nspikes, dtype=np.int32, order='F')
    d_x = cp.zeros(Nspikes, dtype=np.float32, order='F')

    # get list of cmaxes for each combination of neuron and filter
    computeCost = cp.RawKernel(code, 'computeCost')
        (Nfilters,), (1024,), (d_Params, d_Ws, d_mus, d_W, d_mu, d_iMatch, d_iC, d_Wh, d_cmax))