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Keyword Args:
diag_approx (bool): If ``True``, forces the diagonal
approximation. Default is ``False``.
array[float]: measured values
diag_approx = kwargs.pop("diag_approx", False)
if not self.ops or not self.cache:
# construct the circuit
self.construct(args, kwargs)
# temporarily store keyword arguments
keyword_values = {}
keyword_values.update({k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in self.keyword_defaults.items()})
keyword_values.update({k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in kwargs.items()})
# temporarily store the free parameter values in the Variable class
Variable.free_param_values = np.array(list(_flatten(args)))
Variable.kwarg_values = keyword_values
if not self._metric_tensor_subcircuits:
self.construct_metric_tensor(args, diag_approx=diag_approx, **kwargs)
tensor = np.zeros([self.num_variables, self.num_variables])
# execute any constructed metric tensor subcircuits
for params, circuit in self._metric_tensor_subcircuits.items():
s = np.array(circuit['scale'])
def apply_grad(self, grad, x):
r"""Update the variables x to take a single optimization step. Flattens and unflattens
the inputs to maintain nested iterables as the parameters of the optimization.
grad (array): The gradient of the objective
function at point :math:`x^{(t)}`: :math:`\nabla f(x^{(t)})`
x (array): the current value of the variables :math:`x^{(t)}`
array: the new values :math:`x^{(t+1)}`
grad_flat = np.array(list(_flatten(grad)))
x_flat = np.array(list(_flatten(x)))
x_new_flat = x_flat - self._stepsize * np.linalg.solve(self.metric_tensor, grad_flat)
return unflatten(x_new_flat, x)
def compute_grad(self, objective_fn, x, grad_fn=None):
r"""Compute gradient of the objective_fn at at
the shifted point :math:`(x - m\times\text{accumulation})`.
objective_fn (function): the objective function for optimization
x (array): NumPy array containing the current values of the variables to be updated
grad_fn (function): Optional gradient function of the
objective function with respect to the variables ``x``.
If ``None``, the gradient function is computed automatically.
array: NumPy array containing the gradient :math:`\nabla f(x^{(t)})`
x_flat = _flatten(x)
if self.accumulation is None:
shifted_x_flat = list(x_flat)
shifted_x_flat = [e - self.momentum * a for a, e in zip(self.accumulation, x_flat)]
shifted_x = unflatten(shifted_x_flat, x)
if grad_fn is not None:
g = grad_fn(shifted_x) # just call the supplied grad function
# default is autograd
g = autograd.grad(objective_fn)(shifted_x) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
return g
to the quantum circuit function.
QuantumFunctionError: if the :class:`pennylane.QNode`'s _current_context is attempted to be modified
inside of this method, the quantum function returns incorrect values or if
both continuous and discrete operations are specified in the same quantum circuit
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
self.queue = []
self.ev = [] # temporary queue for EVs
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
# flatten the args, replace each with a Variable instance with a unique index
temp = [Variable(idx) for idx, val in enumerate(_flatten(args))]
self.num_variables = len(temp)
# store the nested shape of the arguments for later unflattening
self.model = args
# arrange the newly created Variables in the nested structure of args
variables = unflatten(temp, args)
# get default kwargs that weren't passed
keyword_sig = _get_default_args(self.func)
self.keyword_defaults = {k: v[1] for k, v in keyword_sig.items()}
self.keyword_positions = {v[0]: k for k, v in keyword_sig.items()}
keyword_values = {}
def evaluate_obs(self, obs, args, **kwargs):
"""Evaluate the value of the given observables.
Assumes :meth:`construct` has already been called.
obs (Iterable[Observable]): observables to measure
args (array[float]): circuit input parameters
array[float]: measured values
# temporarily store keyword arguments
keyword_values = {}
keyword_values.update({k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in self.keyword_defaults.items()})
keyword_values.update({k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in kwargs.items()})
# temporarily store the free parameter values in the Variable class
Variable.free_param_values = args
Variable.kwarg_values = keyword_values
ret = self.device.execute(self.circuit.operations, obs, self.circuit.variable_deps)
return ret
self.keyword_defaults = {k: v[1] for k, v in keyword_sig.items()}
self.keyword_positions = {v[0]: k for k, v in keyword_sig.items()}
keyword_values = {}
if self.cache:
# caching mode, must use variables for kwargs
# wrap each keyword argument as a Variable
kwarg_variables = {}
for key, val in keyword_values.items():
temp = [Variable(idx, name=key) for idx, _ in enumerate(_flatten(val))]
kwarg_variables[key] = unflatten(temp, val)
Variable.free_param_values = np.array(list(_flatten(args)))
Variable.kwarg_values = {k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in keyword_values.items()}
# set up the context for Operation entry
if QNode._current_context is None:
QNode._current_context = self
raise QuantumFunctionError('QNode._current_context must not be modified outside this method.')
# generate the program queue by executing the quantum circuit function
if self.cache:
# caching mode, must use variables for kwargs
# so they can be updated without reconstructing
res = self.func(*variables, **kwarg_variables)
# no caching, fine to directly pass kwarg values
res = self.func(*variables, **keyword_values)
circuit_kwargs = pop_jacobian_kwargs(kwargs)
if not self.ops or not self.cache:
# construct the circuit
self.construct(params, circuit_kwargs)
sample_ops = [
e for e in self.circuit.observables if e.return_type is qml.operation.Sample]
if sample_ops:
names = [str(e) for e in sample_ops]
raise QuantumFunctionError("Circuits that include sampling can not be differentiated. "
"The following observable include sampling: {}".format('; '.join(names)))
flat_params = np.array(list(_flatten(params)))
if which is None:
which = range(len(flat_params))
if min(which) < 0 or max(which) >= self.num_variables:
raise ValueError("Tried to compute the gradient wrt. free parameters {} "
"(this node has {} free parameters).".format(which, self.num_variables))
if len(which) != len(set(which)): # set removes duplicates
raise ValueError("Parameter indices must be unique.")
# check if the method can be used on the requested parameters
mmap = _inv_dict(self.grad_method_for_par)
def check_method(m):
"""Intersection of ``which`` with free params whose best grad method is m."""
return mmap.get(m, set()).intersection(which)
# variables are appended to the argument list.
# flatten and unflatten arguments
flat_args = list(_flatten(args))
shaped_args = unflatten(flat_args, self.model)
# construct the circuit
self.construct(shaped_args, kwargs)
# circuit has not yet been constructed
# construct the circuit
self.construct(args, kwargs)
# temporarily store keyword arguments
keyword_values = {}
keyword_values.update({k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in self.keyword_defaults.items()})
keyword_values.update({k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in kwargs.items()})
# Try and insert kwargs-as-positional back into the kwargs dictionary.
# NOTE: this works, but the creation of new, temporary arguments
# by pd_analytic breaks this.
# positional = []
# kwargs_as_position = {}
# for idx, v in enumerate(args):
# if idx not in self.keyword_positions:
# positional.append(v)
# else:
# kwargs_as_position[self.keyword_positions[idx]] = np.array(list(_flatten(v)))
# keyword_values.update(kwargs_as_position)
# temporarily store the free parameter values in the Variable class
Variable.free_param_values = np.array(list(_flatten(args)))
"allowed in the same quantum circuit.")
# TODO: we should enforce plugins using the Device.capabilities dictionary to specify
# whether they are qubit or CV devices, and remove this logic here.
self.type = 'CV' if all(are_cvs) else 'qubit'
if self.device.operations:
# replace operations in the queue with any decompositions if required
self.queue = decompose_queue(self.queue, self.device)
self.ops = self.queue + self.ev #: list[Operation]: combined list of circuit operations
# map each free variable to the operations which depend on it
self.variable_deps = {}
for k, op in enumerate(self.ops):
for j, p in enumerate(_flatten(op.params)):
if isinstance(p, Variable):
if is None: # ignore keyword arguments
self.variable_deps.setdefault(p.idx, []).append(ParameterDependency(op, j))
# generate directed acyclic graph
self.circuit = CircuitGraph(self.ops, self.variable_deps)
#: dict[int->str]: map from free parameter index to the gradient method to be used with that parameter
self.grad_method_for_par = {k: self._best_method(k) for k in self.variable_deps}