How to use the raylib.LIGHTGRAY function in raylib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few raylib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github RobLoach / node-raylib / examples / audio / audio_sound_loading.js View on Github external
// Main game loop
while (!r.WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
    // Update
    if (r.IsKeyPressed(r.KEY_SPACE)) r.PlaySound(fxWav)      // Play WAV sound
    if (r.IsKeyPressed(r.KEY_ENTER)) r.PlaySound(fxOgg)      // Play OGG sound

    // Draw


        r.DrawText("Press SPACE to PLAY the WAV sound!", 200, 180, 20, r.LIGHTGRAY)
        r.DrawText("Press ENTER to PLAY the OGG sound!", 200, 220, 20, r.LIGHTGRAY)


// De-Initialization
r.UnloadSound(fxWav)     // Unload sound data
r.UnloadSound(fxOgg)     // Unload sound data

r.CloseAudioDevice()     // Close audio device

r.CloseWindow()          // Close window and OpenGL context
github RobLoach / node-raylib / examples / audio / audio_sound_loading.js View on Github external
while (!r.WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
    // Update
    if (r.IsKeyPressed(r.KEY_SPACE)) r.PlaySound(fxWav)      // Play WAV sound
    if (r.IsKeyPressed(r.KEY_ENTER)) r.PlaySound(fxOgg)      // Play OGG sound

    // Draw


        r.DrawText("Press SPACE to PLAY the WAV sound!", 200, 180, 20, r.LIGHTGRAY)
        r.DrawText("Press ENTER to PLAY the OGG sound!", 200, 220, 20, r.LIGHTGRAY)


// De-Initialization
r.UnloadSound(fxWav)     // Unload sound data
r.UnloadSound(fxOgg)     // Unload sound data

r.CloseAudioDevice()     // Close audio device

r.CloseWindow()          // Close window and OpenGL context
github RobLoach / node-raylib / templates / simple_game / simple_game.js View on Github external
default: break;

    // Draw


            case 'LOGO':
                // TODO: Draw LOGO screen here!
                r.DrawText("LOGO SCREEN", 20, 20, 40, r.LIGHTGRAY)
                r.DrawText("WAIT for 2 SECONDS...", 290, 220, 20, r.GRAY)

            } break
            case 'TITLE':
                // TODO: Draw TITLE screen here!
                r.DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, r.GREEN)
                r.DrawText("TITLE SCREEN", 20, 20, 40, r.DARKGREEN)
                r.DrawText("PRESS ENTER or TAP to JUMP to GAMEPLAY SCREEN", 120, 220, 20, r.DARKGREEN)

            } break
            case 'GAMEPLAY':
                // TODO: Draw GAMEPLAY screen here!
                r.DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, r.PURPLE)
                r.DrawText("GAMEPLAY SCREEN", 20, 20, 40, r.MAROON)
github RobLoach / node-raylib / examples / core / core_random_values.js View on Github external
if (((framesCounter/120)%2) == 1)
        randValue = r.GetRandomValue(-8, 5)
        framesCounter = 0

    // Draw


        r.DrawText("Every 2 seconds a new random value is generated:", 130, 100, 20, r.MAROON)

        r.DrawText(r.FormatText("%i", randValue), 360, 180, 80, r.LIGHTGRAY)


// De-Initialization
r.CloseWindow()        // Close window and OpenGL context
github RobLoach / node-raylib / examples / core / core_basic_window.js View on Github external
// Main game loop
while (!r.WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
    // Update
    // TODO: Update your variables here

    // Draw


        r.DrawText("Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, r.LIGHTGRAY)


// De-Initialization
r.CloseWindow()        // Close window and OpenGL context