How to use the raylib.DARKBLUE function in raylib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few raylib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github taniarascia / chip8 / example.js View on Github external

  // console.log(r.GetKeyPressed())
  r.DrawText('some basic shapes available on raylib', 20, 20, 20, r.DARKGRAY)

  var position = {
    x: 100,
    y: 100,
  var size = {
    x: 200,
    y: 150,
  r.DrawRectangleV(position, size, r.DARKBLUE)

      x: 50,
      y: 50,
      width: 50,
      height: 50,

        DrawCircle(screenWidth/4, 120, 35, DARKBLUE);
        DrawRectangle(screenWidth/4*2 - 60, 100, 120, 60, RED);
        DrawRectangleLines(screenWidth/4*2 - 40, 320, 80, 60, ORANGE);  // NOTE: Uses QUADS internally, not lines
        DrawRectangleGradientH(screenWidth/4*2 - 90, 170, 180, 130, MAROON, GOLD);
github RobLoach / node-raylib / templates / simple_game / simple_game.js View on Github external
r.DrawText("PRESS ENTER or TAP to JUMP to GAMEPLAY SCREEN", 120, 220, 20, r.DARKGREEN)

            } break
            case 'GAMEPLAY':
                // TODO: Draw GAMEPLAY screen here!
                r.DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, r.PURPLE)
                r.DrawText("GAMEPLAY SCREEN", 20, 20, 40, r.MAROON)
                r.DrawText("PRESS ENTER or TAP to JUMP to ENDING SCREEN", 130, 220, 20, r.MAROON)

            } break
            case 'ENDING':
                // TODO: Draw ENDING screen here!
                r.DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, r.BLUE);
                r.DrawText("ENDING SCREEN", 20, 20, 40, r.DARKBLUE);
                r.DrawText("PRESS ENTER or TAP to RETURN to TITLE SCREEN", 120, 220, 20, r.DARKBLUE);

            } break


// De-Initialization

// TODO: Unload all loaded data (textures, fonts, audio) here!

r.CloseWindow()        // Close window and OpenGL context
github RobLoach / node-raylib / examples / shapes / shapes_basic_shapes.js View on Github external


        r.DrawText("some basic shapes available on raylib", 20, 20, 20, r.DARKGRAY);

        var position = {
            x: 100,
            y: 100
        var size = {
            x: 200,
            y: 150
        r.DrawRectangleV(position, size, r.DARKBLUE)

            x: 50,
            y: 50,
            width: 50,
            height: 50
        }, r.PINK)

        DrawCircle(screenWidth/4, 120, 35, DARKBLUE);

        DrawRectangle(screenWidth/4*2 - 60, 100, 120, 60, RED);
        DrawRectangleLines(screenWidth/4*2 - 40, 320, 80, 60, ORANGE);  // NOTE: Uses QUADS internally, not lines
        DrawRectangleGradientH(screenWidth/4*2 - 90, 170, 180, 130, MAROON, GOLD);

        DrawTriangle((Vector2){screenWidth/4*3, 80},
github RobLoach / node-raylib / templates / simple_game / simple_game.js View on Github external
} break
            case 'GAMEPLAY':
                // TODO: Draw GAMEPLAY screen here!
                r.DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, r.PURPLE)
                r.DrawText("GAMEPLAY SCREEN", 20, 20, 40, r.MAROON)
                r.DrawText("PRESS ENTER or TAP to JUMP to ENDING SCREEN", 130, 220, 20, r.MAROON)

            } break
            case 'ENDING':
                // TODO: Draw ENDING screen here!
                r.DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, r.BLUE);
                r.DrawText("ENDING SCREEN", 20, 20, 40, r.DARKBLUE);
                r.DrawText("PRESS ENTER or TAP to RETURN to TITLE SCREEN", 120, 220, 20, r.DARKBLUE);

            } break


// De-Initialization

// TODO: Unload all loaded data (textures, fonts, audio) here!

r.CloseWindow()        // Close window and OpenGL context
github RobLoach / node-raylib / examples / core / core_input_mouse.js View on Github external
// Main game loop
while (!r.WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
    // Update
    ballPosition = r.GetMousePosition()

    if (r.IsMouseButtonPressed(r.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) {
        ballColor = r.MAROON
    else if (r.IsMouseButtonPressed(r.MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON)) {
        ballColor = r.LIME
    else if (r.IsMouseButtonPressed(r.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) {
        ballColor = r.DARKBLUE

    // Draw


        r.DrawCircleV(ballPosition, 40, ballColor)

        r.DrawText("move ball with mouse and click mouse button to change color", 10, 10, 20, r.DARKGRAY)

github RobLoach / node-raylib / examples / core / core_input_mouse.js View on Github external
*   Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)

const r = require('raylib')

// Initialization
const screenWidth = 800
const screenHeight = 450

r.InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [core] example - mouse input")

var ballPosition = r.Vector2(-100, -100)
var ballColor = r.DARKBLUE


// Main game loop
while (!r.WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
    // Update
    ballPosition = r.GetMousePosition()

    if (r.IsMouseButtonPressed(r.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) {
        ballColor = r.MAROON
    else if (r.IsMouseButtonPressed(r.MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON)) {
        ballColor = r.LIME