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import os
import time
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
segworm_file = '/Users/ajaver/Desktop/Gecko_compressed/20150511/Trajectories/Capture_Ch1_11052015_195105_segworm.hdf5';
contrastmap_file = '/Users/ajaver/Desktop/Gecko_compressed/20150511/Trajectories/Capture_Ch1_11052015_195105_lmap.hdf5';
cmap_fid = pd.HDFStore(contrastmap_file, 'r');
block_index = cmap_fid['/block_index'];
contrastmap_fid = tables.File(contrastmap_file, 'r');
segworm_fid = tables.File(segworm_file, 'r');
lmaps_data = contrastmap_fid.get_node('/block_lmap')
tic_ini = time.time()
worm_ids = [8]#block_index['worm_index_joined'].unique();
for ii_worm, worm_id in enumerate(worm_ids):
tic = time.time()
worm_block = block_index[block_index['worm_index_joined']==worm_id]
assert np.all(np.diff(worm_block['lmap_id']) == 1)
block_range = (worm_block['lmap_id'].iloc[0], worm_block['lmap_id'].iloc[-1])
block_maps = lmaps_data[block_range[0]:block_range[1]+1,:,:]
ind_list_ini.append((key1,key2, ind))
for ind in all_ind_last[key1][key2]:
ind_list_last.append((key1,key2, ind))
#this sorting should speed up reading operations for h5py
ind_list_ini = sorted(ind_list_ini, key = lambda indexes : indexes[0]);
ind_list_last = sorted(ind_list_last, key = lambda indexes : indexes[0]);
ind_list = zip(*ind_list_ini)[-1]+zip(*ind_list_last)[-1]
ind_list, cmap_ind = np.unique(ind_list, return_inverse=True)
ind_list_ini = zip(*ind_list_ini)+[tuple(cmap_ind[:len(ind_list_ini)])]
ind_list_last = zip(*ind_list_last)+[tuple(cmap_ind[len(ind_list_last):])]
contrastmap_fid = tables.File(contrastmap_file, 'w');
ind_block_table = contrastmap_fid.create_table('/', 'block_index', {
'worm_index_joined': tables.Int32Col(pos=0),
'block_id' : tables.Int32Col(pos=1),
'plate_worms_id' : tables.Int32Col(pos=2),
'segworm_id' : tables.Int32Col(pos=3)
}, filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', shuffle=True))
ind_ini_table = contrastmap_fid.create_table('/', 'block_initial', {
'worm_index_joined': tables.Int32Col(pos=0),
'block_id' : tables.Int32Col(pos=1),
'plate_worms_id' : tables.Int32Col(pos=2),
'cmap_id' : tables.Int32Col(pos=3)
}, filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', shuffle=True))
ind_last_table = contrastmap_fid.create_table('/', 'block_last', {
'worm_index_joined': tables.Int32Col(pos=0),
#contrastmap_file = '/Users/ajaver/Desktop/Gecko_compressed/20150323/Trajectories/CaptureTest_90pc_Ch1_02022015_141431_cmap-short.hdf5';
contrastmap_file = '/Users/ajaver/Desktop/Gecko_compressed/20150323/Trajectories/CaptureTest_90pc_Ch1_02022015_141431_cmap.hdf5';
segworm_file = '/Users/ajaver/Desktop/Gecko_compressed/20150323/Trajectories/CaptureTest_90pc_Ch1_02022015_141431_segworm.hdf5';
#contrastmap_fid = h5py.File(contrastmap_file, 'r');
segworm_file_fix = segworm_file[:-5] + '_fix2' + segworm_file[-5:];
os.system('cp "%s" "%s"' % (segworm_file, segworm_file_fix))
cmap_fid = pd.HDFStore(contrastmap_file, 'r');
block_index = cmap_fid['/block_index'];
contrastmap_fid = tables.File(contrastmap_file, 'r');
segworm_fid = h5py.File(segworm_file_fix, 'r+');
worm_id= 3;
worm_block = block_index[block_index['worm_index_joined']==worm_id]
block_count = worm_block['block_id'].value_counts();
block_order = block_count.index;
skeleton_std = np.zeros((block_order.max(), segworm_fid['/segworm_results/skeleton'].shape[2]-1))
for ii, bb in enumerate(block_order):
good = worm_block['block_id'] == bb;
segworm_id = worm_block.loc[good, 'segworm_id'].values
def saveData(self):
# pytables saving format is more convenient than pandas
# convert data into a rec array to save into pytables
trajectories_recarray = self.trajectories_data.to_records(index=False)
with tables.File(self.skel_file, "r+") as ske_file_id:
# pytables filters.
table_filters = tables.Filters(
complevel=5, complib='zlib', shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
newT = ske_file_id.create_table(
ske_file_id.remove_node('/', 'trajectories_data')
# display progress
dd = " Smoothing skeletons. Worm %i of %i done." % (n, tot_worms)
base_name +
dd +
' Total time:' +
#initialize arrays
food_cnt = read_food_contour(skeletons_file)
with tables.File(skeletons_file, 'r') as fid:
n_segments = fid.get_node('/skeleton').shape[1]
with tables.File(features_file, 'w') as fid_features:
if food_cnt is not None:
fid_features.create_array('/', 'food_cnt_coord', obj=food_cnt.astype(np.float32))
worm_coords_array = {}
w_node = fid_features.create_group('/', 'coordinates')
for array_name in ['skeletons', 'dorsal_contours', 'ventral_contours', 'widths']:
if array_name != 'widths':
a_shape = (0, n_segments, 2)
a_shape = (0, n_segments)
worm_coords_array[array_name] = fid_features.create_earray(
#read images from 'masked_image_file', and save the linked trajectories and their features into 'trajectories_file'
#use the first 'total_frames' number of frames, if it is equal -1, use all the frames in 'masked_image_file'
min_area -- min area of the segmented worm
min_length -- min size of the bounding box in the ROI of the compressed image
max_allowed_dist -- maximum allowed distance between to consecutive trajectories
area_ratio_lim -- allowed range between the area ratio of consecutive frames
is_single_worm -- filter
#check that the mask file is correct
if not os.path.exists(masked_image_file):
raise Exception('HDF5 Masked Image file does not exists.')
with tables.File(masked_image_file, 'r') as mask_fid:
mask_dataset = mask_fid.get_node("/mask")
if not mask_dataset._v_attrs['has_finished'] >= 1:
raise Exception('HDF5 Masked Image was not finished correctly.')
if mask_dataset.shape[0] == 0:
raise Exception('Empty set in masked image file. Nothing to do here.')
#intialize variables
base_name = masked_image_file.rpartition('.')[0].rpartition(os.sep)[-1]
progress_str = '####'
#read timestamps from the masked_image_file
timestamp, timestamp_time = getTimestamp(masked_image_file)
with tables.File(masked_image_file, 'r') as mask_fid, \
tables.open_file(trajectories_file, mode = 'w') as feature_fid:
where, name
Location of the filenode where the data shall be read from. If
no node *name* can be found at *where*, the first node at
*where* whose *_filename* attribute matches *name* will be read.
Whether or not a possibly existing file of the specified
*filename* shall be overwritten.
Whether or not the folder hierarchy needed to accomodate the
given target ``filename`` will be created.
new_h5file = not isinstance(h5file, tables.file.File)
f = tables.File(h5file, "r") if new_h5file else h5file
fnode = open_node(f.get_node(where=where, name=name))
except tables.NoSuchNodeError:
fnode = None
for n in f.walk_nodes(where=where, classname="EArray"):
if n.attrs._filename == name:
fnode = open_node(n)
if fnode is None:
raise tables.NoSuchNodeError("A filenode '%s' cannot be found at "
"'%s'" % (name, where))
# guess output filename if necessary
if os.path.isdir(filename) or filename.endswith(os.path.sep):
where : Group
Location of the table.
name : string
Name of the table.
maskedarray : MaskedArray
Masked array to store
title : {'', string}, optional
Title of the table
parentNode = self._getOrCreatePath(where, createparents)
return MaskedTable(parentNode, name, maskedarray,
title=title, filters=filters,
chunkshape=chunkshape, byteorder=byteorder)
File.createMaskedTable = createMaskedTable
def createTimeSeriesTable(self, where, name, series, title="",
filters=None, expectedrows=10000,
chunkshape=None, byteorder=None,
Creates a :class:`TimeSeriesTable` from
a :class:`~scikits.timeseries.TimeSeries` object.
where : Group
Location of the table.
name : string
desc="basename for cache file")
#: The cross spectral matrix,
#: (number of frequencies, numchannels, numchannels) array of complex
#: readonly.
csm = Property(
desc="cross spectral matrix")
# internal identifier
digest = Property(
depends_on = ['time_data.digest', 'calib.digest', 'block_size',
'window', 'overlap'],
# hdf5 cache file
h5f = Instance(tables.File, transient = True )
traits_view = View(
['ind_low{Low Index}',
'ind_high{High Index}',
'-[Frequency range indices]'],
['num_blocks~{Number of blocks}',
'freq_range~{Frequency range}',
#trajectories_data = trajectories_data[trajectories_data['frame_number']>1750]
#trajectories_data = trajectories_data[trajectories_data['frame_number']<1920]
#trajectories_data = trajectories_data[trajectories_data['worm_index_joined'] == 16]
trajectories_data['int_map_id'] = np.arange(len(trajectories_data))
tot_rows = len(trajectories_data)
#let's save this data into the intensities file
with tables.File(intensities_file, 'w') as fid:
fid.create_table('/', 'trajectories_data', \
obj = trajectories_data.to_records(index=False), filters=table_filters)
with tables.File(masked_image_file, 'r') as mask_fid, \
tables.File(skeletons_file, 'r') as ske_file_id, \
tables.File(intensities_file, "r+") as int_file_id:
#pointer to the compressed videos
mask_dataset = mask_fid.get_node("/mask")
#pointer to skeletons
skel_tab = ske_file_id.get_node('/skeleton')
skel_width_tab = ske_file_id.get_node('/width_midbody')
#create array to save the intensities
filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', shuffle=True)
worm_int_avg_tab = int_file_id.create_carray("/", "straighten_worm_intensity_median", \