How to use the statistics.pvariance function in statistics

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few statistics examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github polyswarm / polyswarmd / tests / View on Github external
    latency_var = property(lambda msgs: statistics.pvariance(msgs.bundles))
    latency_avg = property(lambda msgs: statistics.mean(msgs.bundles))
github RoboJackets / robocup-software / soccer / gameplay / skills / View on Github external
def processResults(self):
            timeTaken = self.timeTaken
            avgMotionTime = sum(self.timeTaken) / len(self.timeTaken)
            motionTimeVar = statistics.pvariance(self.timeTaken)
            avgEndPosError = sum(self.posEndError) / len(self.posEndError)
            maxEndPosError = max(self.posEndError)
            avgLineError = sum(self.lineFollowError) / len(self.lineFollowError)
            unitLineError = list(map(truediv, self.lineFollowError, self.timeTaken))
            lineErrorPerTime = sum(unitLineError) / len(unitLineError)
            rotationalError = sum(self.rotationalFollowError) / len(self.rotationalFollowError)
            unitRotError = list(map(truediv, self.rotationalFollowError, self.timeTaken))
            rotErrorPerTime = sum(unitRotError) / len(unitRotError)

            overshoot = self.maxOvershoot
            perOvershoot = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.maxOvershoot)):
                perOvershoot.append(self.maxOvershoot[i] / distances[i % len(self.distances)])

            avgAbsOvershoot = sum(overshoot) / len(overshoot)
github Lab41 / Circulo / circulo / metrics / View on Github external
def probability_metric_cluster(G, members):
    Given the members of a cluster and the graph they belong to, finds
    the cluster's mean, standard deviation, and variance. 

    Note: n currently defaults to the number of members in the community.
    TODO: testing, to find out whether this is a legitimate normalization.
    nMembers = len(members) # figure out if this is a good normalization
    # numVertices = G.vcount();
    # normalization = nMembers / numVertices 
    data = [p_in_after_n(G, v, nMembers, members) for v in members]
    mean = statistics.mean(data) # could divide mean by normalization
    var = statistics.pvariance(data, mu=mean)
    return mean, var
github joosthoeks / jhTAlib / jhtalib / volatility_indicators / View on Github external
def DVOLA(df, n=30, price='Close'):
    Daily Volatility
    dvola_list = []
    for i in range(len(df[price])):
        if i + 1 < n:
            dvola = float('NaN')
            start = i + 1 - n
            end = i + 1
            pvariance = statistics.pvariance(df[price][start:end])
            dvola = math.sqrt(pvariance)
    return dvola_list
github TuringApp / Turing / src / maths / lib / View on Github external
def variance(lst):
    return statistics.pvariance(lst)
github WLANThermo / WLANThermo_v2 / software / usr / sbin / View on Github external
WerteArray = []
            if kanal <= 7:
                median_value = median_filter(samples[kanal])
                if (median_value > 15) and (median_value < 4080):
                    if (sensorname[kanal] != 'KTYPE'):
                            Rtheta = messwiderstand[kanal]*((4096.0/median_value) - 1)
                                Temperatur[kanal] = round(temperatur_sensor(Rtheta, sensortyp[kanal]), 2)
                            except exceptions.TypeError:
                                Temperatur[kanal] = None
                        # AD595 = 10mV/°C
                        Temperatur[kanal] = median_value * 330 / 4096
                    Temperatur[kanal] = None
                variance = statistics.pvariance(samples[kanal])
                if variance > 4:
                    warnung = 'Channel:{kanal} variance: {variance} in {iterations}, median @ {median_value}!'.format(
                logger.debug(u'Channel {}, MCP3128 {}, temperature {}'.format(kanal, kanal, Temperatur[kanal]))
            elif kanal <= 9:
                if maverick is None:
                    Temperatur[kanal] = None
                    logger.debug(u'Channel {}, disabled or not available'.format(kanal))
                    logger.debug(u'Channel {}, Maverick {}, temperature {}'.format(kanal, kanal - 7, Temperatur[kanal]))
                    maverick_value = maverick['temperature_' + str(kanal - 7)]
                    if maverick_value == '':
github joosthoeks / jhTAlib / jhtalib / statistic_functions / View on Github external
pvariance = float('NaN')
                if start is None:
                    start = i
                end = i + 1
                pvariance = statistics.pvariance(df[price][start:end], mu)
            i += 1
        while i < len(df[price]):
            if i + 1 < n:
                pvariance = float('NaN')
                start = i + 1 - n
                end = i + 1
                pvariance = statistics.pvariance(df[price][start:end], mu)
            i += 1
    return pvariance_list
github django / django / django / db / backends / sqlite3 / View on Github external
conn.create_function('RADIANS', 1, none_guard(math.radians))
        conn.create_function('REPEAT', 2, none_guard(operator.mul))
        conn.create_function('REVERSE', 1, none_guard(lambda x: x[::-1]))
        conn.create_function('RPAD', 3, _sqlite_rpad)
        conn.create_function('SHA1', 1, none_guard(lambda x: hashlib.sha1(x.encode()).hexdigest()))
        conn.create_function('SHA224', 1, none_guard(lambda x: hashlib.sha224(x.encode()).hexdigest()))
        conn.create_function('SHA256', 1, none_guard(lambda x: hashlib.sha256(x.encode()).hexdigest()))
        conn.create_function('SHA384', 1, none_guard(lambda x: hashlib.sha384(x.encode()).hexdigest()))
        conn.create_function('SHA512', 1, none_guard(lambda x: hashlib.sha512(x.encode()).hexdigest()))
        conn.create_function('SIGN', 1, none_guard(lambda x: (x > 0) - (x < 0)))
        conn.create_function('SIN', 1, none_guard(math.sin))
        conn.create_function('SQRT', 1, none_guard(math.sqrt))
        conn.create_function('TAN', 1, none_guard(math.tan))
        conn.create_aggregate('STDDEV_POP', 1, list_aggregate(statistics.pstdev))
        conn.create_aggregate('STDDEV_SAMP', 1, list_aggregate(statistics.stdev))
        conn.create_aggregate('VAR_POP', 1, list_aggregate(statistics.pvariance))
        conn.create_aggregate('VAR_SAMP', 1, list_aggregate(statistics.variance))
        conn.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
        return conn
github redhat-performance / satellite-monitoring / adhoc-scripts / View on Github external
file_data = {}
for d in data:
    d_plain = [i[0] for i in d['datapoints'] if i[0] is not None]
    d_timestamps = [i[1] for i in d['datapoints'] if i[0] is not None]
    d_duration = args.to_ts - args.from_ts
    d_len = len(d_plain)
    if d_len < 5:
        logging.warning('Very low number of datapoints returned for %s: %s' % (d['target'], d_len))
    if len(d_plain) > 0:
        d_min = min(d_plain)
        d_max = max(d_plain)
        d_mean = statistics.mean(d_plain)
        d_median = statistics.median(d_plain)
        d_integral = scipy.integrate.simps(d_plain, d_timestamps) / d_duration
        d_pstdev = statistics.pstdev(d_plain)
        d_pvariance = statistics.pvariance(d_plain)
        d_hist = get_hist(d_plain)
        d_min = 0
        d_max = 0
        d_mean = 0
        d_median = 0
        d_integral = 0
        d_pstdev = 0
        d_pvariance = 0
        d_hist = {(0, 0): 0}
    table_row_data = [d_min, d_max, d_mean, d_median, d_integral, d_pstdev, d_pvariance, d_hist, d_duration, d_len]
    file_row = [d['target']] + table_row_data
    table_row = [d['target']] + reformat_number_list(table_row_data)
    file_data[d['target']] = {table_header[i]:file_row[i] for i in range(len(table_header))}