How to use the pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer.SpacegroupAnalyzer function in pymatgen

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github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / mpinterfaces / View on Github external
"final_energy_per_atom": d2["output"]["final_energy_per_atom"]}
            d["name"] = "vasp"
            p = d2["input"]["potcar_type"][0].split("_")
            pot_type = p[0]
            functional = "lda" if len(pot_type) == 1 else "_".join(p[1:])
            d["pseudo_potential"] = {"functional": functional.lower(),
                                     "pot_type": pot_type.lower(),
                                     "labels": d2["input"]["potcar"]}
            if len(d["calculations"]) == len(self.runs) or \
                    list(vasprun_files.keys())[0] != "relax1":
                d["state"] = "successful" if d2["has_vasp_completed"] \
                    else "unsuccessful"
                d["state"] = "stopped"
            d["analysis"] = analysis_and_error_checks(d)
            sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(
                Structure.from_dict(d["output"]["crystal"]), 0.1)
            d["spacegroup"] = {"symbol": sg.get_space_group_symbol(),
                               "number": sg.get_space_group_number(),
                               "point_group": sg.get_point_group(),
                               "source": "spglib",
                               "crystal_system": sg.get_crystal_system(),
                               "hall": sg.get_hall()}
            d["last_updated"] =
            return d
        except Exception as ex:
            import traceback
            logger.error("Error in " + os.path.abspath(dir_name) +
                         ".\n" + traceback.format_exc())
            return None
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / analysis / View on Github external
def symm_reduce(self, coords_set, threshold=1e-6):
        Reduces the set of adsorbate sites by finding removing
        symmetrically equivalent duplicates

            coords_set: coordinate set in cartesian coordinates
            threshold: tolerance for distance equivalence, used
                as input to in_coord_list_pbc for dupl. checking
        surf_sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(self.slab, 0.1)
        symm_ops = surf_sg.get_symmetry_operations()
        unique_coords = []
        # Convert to fractional
        coords_set = [self.slab.lattice.get_fractional_coords(coords)
                      for coords in coords_set]
        for coords in coords_set:
            incoord = False
            for op in symm_ops:
                if in_coord_list_pbc(unique_coords, op.operate(coords),
                    incoord = True
            if not incoord:
                unique_coords += [coords]
        # convert back to cartesian
        return [self.slab.lattice.get_cartesian_coords(coords)
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / io / View on Github external
block["_chemical_formula_structural"] = no_oxi_comp.reduced_formula
        block["_chemical_formula_sum"] = no_oxi_comp.formula
        block["_cell_volume"] = latt.volume.__str__()

        reduced_comp = no_oxi_comp.reduced_composition
        el = no_oxi_comp.elements[0]
        amt = comp[el]
        fu = int(amt / reduced_comp[Element(el.symbol)])

        block["_cell_formula_units_Z"] = str(fu)

        if symprec is None:
            block["_symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id"] = ["1"]
            block["_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz"] = ["x, y, z"]
            sf = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct, symprec)
            ops = [op.as_xyz_string() for op in sf.get_symmetry_operations()]
            block["_symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id"] = \
                ["%d" % i for i in range(1, len(ops) + 1)]
            block["_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz"] = ops


        contains_oxidation = True
            symbol_to_oxinum = OrderedDict([
                (el.__str__(), float(el.oxi_state))
                for el in sorted(comp.elements)])
        except AttributeError:
            symbol_to_oxinum = OrderedDict([(el.symbol, 0) for el in 
github bjmorgan / bsym / bsym / interface / View on Github external
def space_group_symbol_from_structure( structure ):
    Returns the symbol for the space group defined by this structure. 

        structure (pymatgen ``Structure``): The input structure.
        (str): The space group symbol.
    symmetry_analyzer = SpacegroupAnalyzer( structure )
    symbol = symmetry_analyzer.get_space_group_symbol()
    return symbol
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / analysis / View on Github external
Method to get the Wulff shape at a specific chemical potential.

            delu_dict (Dict): Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as
                constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the
                format: Symbol("delu_el") where el is the name of the element.
            delu_default (float): Default value for all unset chemical potentials
            symprec (float): See WulffShape.
            no_doped (bool): Consider stability of clean slabs only.
            no_clean (bool): Consider stability of doped slabs only.

            (WulffShape): The WulffShape at u_ref and u_ads.

        latt = SpacegroupAnalyzer(self.ucell_entry.structure). \

        miller_list = self.all_slab_entries.keys()
        e_surf_list = []
        for hkl in miller_list:
            # For all configurations, calculate surface energy as a
            # function of u. Use the lowest surface energy (corresponds
            # to the most stable slab termination at that particular u)
            gamma = self.get_stable_entry_at_u(hkl, delu_dict=delu_dict,

        return WulffShape(latt, miller_list, e_surf_list, symprec=symprec)
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / core / View on Github external
def fit_to_structure(self, structure, symprec=0.1):
        Returns a tensor that is invariant with respect to symmetry
        operations corresponding to a structure

            structure (Structure): structure from which to generate
                symmetry operations
            symprec (float): symmetry tolerance for the Spacegroup Analyzer
                used to generate the symmetry operations
        sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec)
        symm_ops = sga.get_symmetry_operations(cartesian=True)
        return sum([self.transform(symm_op)
                    for symm_op in symm_ops]) / len(symm_ops)
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / core / View on Github external
def get_ieee_rotation(structure, refine_rotation=True):
        Given a structure associated with a tensor, determines
        the rotation matrix for IEEE conversion according to
        the 1987 IEEE standards.

            structure (Structure): a structure associated with the
                tensor to be converted to the IEEE standard
            refine_rotation (bool): whether to refine the rotation
                using SquareTensor.refine_rotation
        # Check conventional setting:
        sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
        dataset = sga.get_symmetry_dataset()
        trans_mat = dataset['transformation_matrix']
        conv_latt = Lattice(np.transpose(
            structure.lattice.matrix), np.linalg.inv(trans_mat))))
        xtal_sys = sga.get_crystal_system()

        vecs = conv_latt.matrix
        lengths = np.array(
        angles = np.array(conv_latt.angles)
        rotation = np.zeros((3, 3))

        # IEEE rules: a,b,c || x1,x2,x3
        if xtal_sys == "cubic":
            rotation = [vecs[i] / lengths[i] for i in range(3)]

        # IEEE rules: a=b in length; c,a || x3, x1
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / analysis / diffraction / View on Github external
            structure (Structure): Input structure
            scaled (bool): Whether to return scaled intensities. The maximum
                peak is set to a value of 100. Defaults to True. Use False if
                you need the absolute values to combine XRD plots.
            two_theta_range ([float of length 2]): Tuple for range of
                two_thetas to calculate in degrees. Defaults to (0, 90). Set to
                None if you want all diffracted beams within the limiting
                sphere of radius 2 / wavelength.

        if self.symprec:
            finder = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=self.symprec)
            structure = finder.get_refined_structure()

        wavelength = self.wavelength
        latt = structure.lattice
        is_hex = latt.is_hexagonal()

        # Obtained from Bragg condition. Note that reciprocal lattice
        # vector length is 1 / d_hkl.
        min_r, max_r = (0, 2 / wavelength) if two_theta_range is None else \
            [2 * sin(radians(t / 2)) / wavelength for t in two_theta_range]

        # Obtain crystallographic reciprocal lattice points within range
        recip_latt = latt.reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic
        recip_pts = recip_latt.get_points_in_sphere(
            [[0, 0, 0]], [0, 0, 0], max_r)
        if min_r:
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / mpinterfaces / View on Github external
        numpy array of unique coordinates
    coords = np.array([site.coords for site in struct])
    z = coords[:, 2]
    z = np.around(z, decimals=4)
    zu, zuind = np.unique(z, return_index=True)
    z_nthlayer = z[zuind[-nlayers]]
    zfilter = (z >= z_nthlayer)
    if not top:
        z_nthlayer = z[zuind[nlayers - 1]]
        zfilter = (z <= z_nthlayer)
    # site indices in the layers
    indices_layers = np.argwhere(zfilter).ravel()
    sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct)
    symm_data = sa.get_symmetry_dataset()
    # equivalency mapping for the structure
    # i'th site in the struct equivalent to eq_struct[i]'th site
    eq_struct = symm_data["equivalent_atoms"]
    # equivalency mapping for the layers
    eq_layers = eq_struct[indices_layers]
    # site indices of unique atoms in the layers
    __, ueq_layers_indices = np.unique(eq_layers, return_index=True)
    # print(ueq_layers_indices)
    indices_uniq = indices_layers[ueq_layers_indices]
    # coordinates of the unique atoms in the layers
    return coords[indices_uniq]
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        self.initial_structure = structure.copy()
        if self.structure_refinement == self.STRUCTURE_REFINEMENT_NONE:
            self.structure = structure.copy()
            self.spg_analyzer = None
            self.symmetrized_structure = None
            self.spg_analyzer = SpacegroupAnalyzer(self.initial_structure,
            if self.structure_refinement == self.STRUCTURE_REFINEMENT_REFINED:
                self.structure = self.spg_analyzer.get_refined_structure()
                self.symmetrized_structure = None
            elif self.structure_refinement == self.STRUCTURE_REFINEMENT_SYMMETRIZED:
                self.structure = self.spg_analyzer.get_refined_structure()
                self.spg_analyzer_refined = SpacegroupAnalyzer(
                self.symmetrized_structure = self.spg_analyzer_refined.get_symmetrized_structure()