Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
for l in output.split("\n"):
for e, v in error_defs.items():
if l.find(e) != -1:
if parse_time:
m =
if m:
time =
parse_time = False
if parse_geom:
if l.strip() == "Atomic Mass":
if lattice:
structures.append(Structure(lattice, species, coords,
molecules.append(Molecule(species, coords))
species = []
coords = []
lattice = []
parse_geom = False
m =
if m:
coords.append([float(, float(,
m =
if m:
lattice.append([float(, float(,
if parse_force:
qctask = QcTask.from_string('\n'.join(qctask_lines))
jobtype = qctask.params["rem"]["jobtype"]
parse_input = False
elif parse_coords:
if "-" * 50 in line:
if len(coords) == 0:
if qctask and qctask.ghost_atoms:
if isinstance(qctask.mol, Molecule):
for i in qctask.ghost_atoms:
species[i] = qctask.mol.sites[i].specie.symbol
molecules.append(Molecule(species, coords))
coords = []
species = []
parse_coords = False
if "Atom" in line:
m = coord_pattern.match(line)
coords.append([float("x")), float("y")),
elif parse_scf_iter:
if "SCF time: CPU" in line:
parse_scf_iter = False
if 'Convergence criterion met' in line and gen_scfman:
scf_successful = True
def boxed_molecule(cls, pseudos, cart_coords, acell=3*(10,)):
Creates a molecule in a periodic box of lengths acell [Bohr]
List of pseudopotentials
Cartesian coordinates
Lengths of the box in *Bohr*
cart_coords = np.atleast_2d(cart_coords)
molecule = Molecule([p.symbol for p in pseudos], cart_coords)
l = Bohr2Ang(acell)
structure = molecule.get_boxed_structure(l[0], l[1], l[2])
comment = structure.formula + " in a periodic box of size %s [Bohr]" % str(acell)
return cls(structure, pseudos, comment=comment)
if self.mol != "read":
raise ValueError('The only accept text value for mol is "read"')
elif isinstance(self.mol, list):
for m in self.mol:
if not isinstance(m, Molecule):
raise ValueError("In case of type list, every element of mol must be a pymatgen Molecule")
if self.charge is None or self.spin_multiplicity is None:
raise ValueError("For fragments molecule section input, charge and spin_multiplicity "
"must be specificed")
total_charge = sum([m.charge for m in self.mol])
total_unpaired_electron = sum([m.spin_multiplicity-1 for m in self.mol])
if total_charge != self.charge:
raise ValueError("The charge of the molecule doesn't equal to the sum of the fragment charges")
if total_unpaired_electron % 2 != (self.spin_multiplicity - 1) % 2:
raise ValueError("Spin multiplicity of molecule and fragments doesn't match")
elif isinstance(self.mol, Molecule):
self.charge = charge if charge is not None else self.mol.charge
ghost_nelectrons = 0
if ghost_atoms:
for i in ghost_atoms:
site = self.mol.sites[i]
for sp, amt in site.species_and_occu.items():
ghost_nelectrons += sp.Z * amt
nelectrons = self.mol.charge + self.mol.nelectrons - ghost_nelectrons - self.charge
if spin_multiplicity is not None:
self.spin_multiplicity = spin_multiplicity
if (nelectrons + spin_multiplicity) % 2 != 1:
raise ValueError("Charge of {} and spin multiplicity of {} "
"is not possible for this molecule"
.format(self.charge, spin_multiplicity))
self.spin_multiplicity = 1 if nelectrons % 2 == 0 else 2
num_sites = int(lines[0])
coords = []
sp = []
coord_patt = re.compile(
for i in range(2, 2 + num_sites):
m =[i])
if m:
sp.append( # this is 1-indexed
# this is 0-indexed
# in case of 0.0D+00 or 0.00d+01 old double precision writing
# replace d or D by e for ten power exponent
xyz = [val.lower().replace("d", "e") for val in m.groups()[1:4]]
coords.append([float(val) for val in xyz])
return Molecule(sp, coords)
def __init__(self, molecule=None, charge=None, spin_multiplicity=None,
jobtype='SP', title=None, exchange="HF", correlation=None,
basis_set="6-31+G*", aux_basis_set=None, ecp=None,
rem_params=None, optional_params=None, ghost_atoms=None):
self.mol = copy.deepcopy(molecule) if molecule else "read"
self.charge = charge
self.spin_multiplicity = spin_multiplicity
if isinstance(self.mol, six.string_types):
self.mol = self.mol.lower()
if self.mol != "read":
raise ValueError('The only accept text value for mol is "read"')
elif isinstance(self.mol, list):
for m in self.mol:
if not isinstance(m, Molecule):
raise ValueError("In case of type list, every element of mol must be a pymatgen Molecule")
if self.charge is None or self.spin_multiplicity is None:
raise ValueError("For fragments molecule section input, charge and spin_multiplicity "
"must be specificed")
total_charge = sum([m.charge for m in self.mol])
total_unpaired_electron = sum([m.spin_multiplicity-1 for m in self.mol])
if total_charge != self.charge:
raise ValueError("The charge of the molecule doesn't equal to the sum of the fragment charges")
if total_unpaired_electron % 2 != (self.spin_multiplicity - 1) % 2:
raise ValueError("Spin multiplicity of molecule and fragments doesn't match")
elif isinstance(self.mol, Molecule):
self.charge = charge if charge is not None else self.mol.charge
ghost_nelectrons = 0
if ghost_atoms:
for i in ghost_atoms:
site = self.mol.sites[i]
def pymatgen_mol(self):
Returns pymatgen Molecule object.
sp = []
coords = []
for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(self._obmol):
coords.append([atom.GetX(), atom.GetY(), atom.GetZ()])
return Molecule(sp, coords)
The species specification can take many forms. E.g.,
simple integers representing atomic numbers ("8"),
actual species string ("C") or a labelled species ("C1").
Sometimes, the species string is also not properly capitalized,
e.g, ("c1"). This method should take care of these known formats.
return int(sp_str)
except ValueError:
sp = re.sub(r"\d", "", sp_str)
return sp.capitalize()
species = list(map(parse_species, species))
return Molecule(species, coords)
The species specification can take many forms. E.g.,
simple integers representing atomic numbers ("8"),
actual species string ("C") or a labelled species ("C1").
Sometimes, the species string is also not properly capitalized,
e.g, ("c1"). This method should take care of these known formats.
return int(sp_str)
except ValueError:
sp = re.sub("\d", "", sp_str)
return sp.capitalize()
species = map(parse_species, species)
return Molecule(species, coords)
A Molecule object.
fname = os.path.basename(filename)
if fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.xyz*"):
return XYZ.from_file(filename).molecule
elif any([fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.{}*".format(r))
for r in ["gjf", "g03", "g09", "com", "inp"]]):
return GaussianInput.from_file(filename).molecule
elif any([fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.{}*".format(r))
for r in ["out", "lis", "log"]]):
return GaussianOutput(filename).final_structure
elif fnmatch(fname, "*.json*") or fnmatch(fname, "*.mson*"):
with zopen(filename) as f:
s = json.load(f, cls=MontyDecoder)
if type(s) != Molecule:
raise IOError("File does not contain a valid serialized "
return s
m ="\.(pdb|mol|mdl|sdf|sd|ml2|sy2|mol2|cml|mrv)",
if m:
return BabelMolAdaptor.from_file(filename,
raise ValueError("Unrecognized file extension!")