How to use the pymatgen.core.structure.Structure.from_file function in pymatgen

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github deepmodeling / dpgen / dpgen / auto_test / View on Github external
task_path = re.sub('confs', global_task_name, conf_path)
    task_path = os.path.join(task_path, vasp_str)
    os.makedirs(task_path, exist_ok=True)
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    if os.path.isfile('POSCAR') :
    os.symlink(os.path.relpath(equi_contcar), 'POSCAR')
    task_poscar = os.path.join(task_path, 'POSCAR')
    # stress
    equi_outcar = os.path.join(equi_path, 'OUTCAR')
    stress = vasp.get_stress(equi_outcar)
    np.savetxt(os.path.join(task_path, 'equi.stress.out'), stress)
    # gen strcture
    ss = Structure.from_file(task_poscar)
    # gen defomations
    norm_strains = [-norm_def, -0.5*norm_def, 0.5*norm_def, norm_def]
    shear_strains = [-shear_def, -0.5*shear_def, 0.5*shear_def, shear_def]
    dfm_ss = DeformedStructureSet(ss, 
                                  symmetry = False, 
                                  norm_strains = norm_strains,
                                  shear_strains = shear_strains)
    n_dfm = len(dfm_ss)
    # gen incar
    if  'relax_incar' in jdata.keys():
        relax_incar_path = jdata['relax_incar']
        relax_incar_path = os.path.abspath(relax_incar_path)
        fc = open(relax_incar_path).read()
        kspacing =float(re.findall((r"KSPACING(.+?)\n"),fc)[0].replace('=',''))
        kgamma =('T' in re.findall((r"KGAMMA(.+?)\n"),fc)[0])
github deepmodeling / dpgen / dpgen / auto_test / View on Github external
equi_path = os.path.join(equi_path, vasp_str)
    equi_contcar = os.path.join(equi_path, 'CONTCAR')
    assert os.path.exists(equi_contcar),"Please compute the equilibrium state using vasp first"
    task_path = re.sub('confs', global_task_name, conf_path)
    task_path = os.path.join(task_path, vasp_str)
    os.makedirs(task_path, exist_ok=True)
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    if os.path.isfile('POSCAR') :
    os.symlink(os.path.relpath(equi_contcar), 'POSCAR')
    task_poscar = os.path.join(task_path, 'POSCAR')
    # gen strcture
    print("task poscar: ", task_poscar)
    ss = Structure.from_file(task_poscar)
    # gen defects
    vds = InterstitialGenerator(ss, insert_ele)
    dss = []
    for jj in vds :
    # gen incar
    if  'relax_incar' in jdata.keys():
        relax_incar_path = jdata['relax_incar']
        relax_incar_path = os.path.abspath(relax_incar_path)
        fc = open(relax_incar_path).read()
    else :
        fp_params = jdata['vasp_params']
        ecut = fp_params['ecut']
        ediff = fp_params['ediff']
        npar = fp_params['npar']
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / View on Github external
def get_spacing(filename='POSCAR', cutoff=0.95):
    Returns the interlayer spacing for a 2D material.

    structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR')

    lines = open(filename).readlines()
    c_axis = lines[4].split()
    lattice_parameter = lines[1].split()
    split_coords = [line.split() for line in lines[8:8+structure.num_sites]]
    z_coords = list()
    for coord in split_coords:
        z_coord = float(coord[2])
        if z_coord > cutoff:
            z_coord -= 1
    max_height = max([z_height for z_height in z_coords])
    min_height = min([z_height for z_height in z_coords])
    spacing = ((1.0 + min_height) - max_height) * float(c_axis[2])\
        * float(lattice_parameter[0])
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / old_twod_materials / stability / View on Github external
def relax(submit=True, force_overwrite=False):
    Should be run before pretty much anything else, in order to get the
    right energy of the 2D material.

    if force_overwrite or not utl.is_converged(os.getcwd()):
        directory = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1]
        # Ensure 20A interlayer vacuum
        utl.add_vacuum(20 - utl.get_spacing(), 0.9)
        # vdw_kernel.bindat file required for VDW calculations.
        os.system('cp {} .'.format(KERNEL_PATH))
        # KPOINTS
        kpts_lines = open('KPOINTS').readlines()
        with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts:
            for line in kpts_lines[:3]:
            kpts.write(kpts_lines[3].split()[0] + ' '
                       + kpts_lines[3].split()[1] + ' 1')
        # INCAR
        INCAR_DICT.update({'MAGMOM': utl.get_magmom_string()})
        # POTCAR
        # Submission script
        if HIPERGATOR == 1:
            utl.write_pbs_runjob(directory, 1, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00',
github ashtonmv / twod_materials / twod_materials / pourbaix / View on Github external
def plot_pourbaix_diagram(metastability=0.0, ion_concentration=1e-6, fmt='pdf'):
    Creates a Pourbaix diagram for the material in the cwd.

        metastability (float): desired metastable tolerance energy
            (meV/atom). <~50 is generally a sensible range to use.
        ion_concentration (float): in mol/kg. Sensible values are
            generally between 1e-8 and 1.
        fmt (str): matplotlib format style. Check the matplotlib
            docs for options.

    # Create a ComputedEntry object for the 2D material.
    composition = Structure.from_file('POSCAR').composition
    energy = Vasprun('vasprun.xml').final_energy

    cmpd = ComputedEntry(composition, energy)

    # Define the chemsys that describes the 2D compound.
    chemsys = ['O', 'H'] + [elt.symbol for elt in composition.elements
                            if elt.symbol not in ['O', 'H']]

    # Experimental ionic energies
    # See ions.yaml for ion formation energies and references.
    exp_dict = ION_DATA['ExpFormEnergy']
    ion_correction = ION_DATA['IonCorrection']

    # Pick out the ions pertaining to the 2D compound.
    ion_dict = dict()
    for elt in chemsys:
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / dev_scripts / chem_sub / View on Github external
#    bulksDir = os.listdir('inputs/bulks')
    # else:
    #    bulks = []
    twod = [] 
    competitors = [] 
    monos = {}
    bulks = {}

    results = {}

    # making direcotries of types of chem sub directories 
    results['onRatio'] = []
    results['hull'] = []
    # read in monolayer and bulk motifs
    for mon in monosDir:
        monos[mon] = Structure.from_file(monolayer_path+'/'+mon)
        results[mon] = []
    for bulk in bulksDir:
        bulks[bulk] = Structure.from_file(bulk_path+'/'+mon)
        results[bulk+'_bulk'] = []
    # perform the chem sub based on the input X and M lists 
    for base_name, mono in monos.items():
        # os.mkdir(monolayer)
        # os.chdir(monolayer)
        for M in M_elements:
            for X in X_elements:
                coreElements = [M,X]
                # naming the files .. can be set as poscar.comment
                sub_spec = np.unique(mono.species)
                if len(sub_spec) != len(coreElements):
                    print (base_name+' DOES NOT HAVE '+len(coreElements)+' ELEMENTS. ENDING LOOP')
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / twod_materials / stability / View on Github external
# framework and store them in a dictionary ({formula: entry}).
    if os.path.isdir('all_competitors'):
        for comp_dir in [
            dir for dir in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if os.path.isdir(dir) and
            vasprun = Vasprun('{}/vasprun.xml'.format(comp_dir))
            composition = vasprun.final_structure.composition
            energy = vasprun.final_energy
            finished_competitors[comp_dir] = ComputedEntry(composition, energy)

    for directory in directories:
        composition = Structure.from_file('POSCAR').composition
            energy = Vasprun('vasprun.xml').final_energy
            energy = 100
        my_entry = ComputedEntry(composition, energy)  # 2D material
        entries = MPR.get_entries_in_chemsys(
            [elt.symbol for elt in composition]

        # If the energies of competing phases have been calculated in
        # the current framework, put them in the phase diagram instead
        # of the MP energies.
        for i in range(len(entries)):
            formula = entries[i].composition.reduced_formula
            if formula in finished_competitors:
                entries[i] = finished_competitors[formula]
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / View on Github external
    Convenience method to perform quick loading of data from a filename. The
    type of object returned depends the file type.

        fname (string): A filename.

        Note that fname is matched using unix-style, i.e., fnmatch.
        (Structure) if *POSCAR*/*CONTCAR*/*.cif
        (Vasprun) *vasprun*
        (obj) if *json* (passthrough to monty.serialization.loadfn)
    if (fnmatch(fname, "*POSCAR*") or fnmatch(fname, "*CONTCAR*") or
            ".cif" in fname.lower()) or fnmatch(fname, "*.vasp"):
        return Structure.from_file(fname)
    elif fnmatch(fname, "*vasprun*"):
        from import Vasprun
        return Vasprun(fname)
    elif fnmatch(fname, "*.json*"):
        from monty.serialization import loadfn
        return loadfn(fname)
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / vasp / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        mode = self["mode"]
        disp = self["displacement"]
        structure = Structure.from_file("POSCAR")
        nm_eigenvecs = np.array(fw_spec["normalmodes"]["eigenvecs"])
        nm_norms = np.array(fw_spec["normalmodes"]["norms"])

        # displace the sites along the given normal mode
        nm_displacement = nm_eigenvecs[mode, :, :] * disp / nm_norms[mode, :, np.newaxis]
        for i, vec in enumerate(nm_displacement):
            structure.translate_sites(i, vec, frac_coords=False)

        # write the modified structure to poscar"poscar", filename="POSCAR")
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / old_twod_materials / electronic_structure / View on Github external
def plot_local_potential(axis=2, fmt='pdf'):
    Plot data from the LOCPOT file along any of the 3 primary axes.
    Useful for determining surface dipole moments and electric
    potentials on the interior of the material.

    ax = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)).gca()

    locpot = Locpot.from_file('LOCPOT')
    structure = Structure.from_file('CONTCAR')
    vd = VolumetricData(structure,
    abs_potentials = vd.get_average_along_axis(axis)
    vacuum_level = max(abs_potentials)

    vasprun = Vasprun('vasprun.xml')
    cbm = vasprun.get_band_structure().get_cbm()['energy'] - vacuum_level
    vbm = vasprun.get_band_structure().get_vbm()['energy'] - vacuum_level

    potentials = [potential - vacuum_level for potential in abs_potentials]
    axis_length = structure.lattice._lengths[axis]
    positions = np.arange(0, axis_length, axis_length / len(potentials))

    ax.plot(positions, potentials, linewidth=2, color='k')

    ax.set_xlim(0, axis_length)
    ax.set_ylim(-20, 0)