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def _title_kwargs(self, abc=False, loc=None):
"""Position title text to the left, center, or right and either
inside or outside the axes. The default is center, outside."""
# Apply rc settings
prefix = 'abc' if abc else 'title'
kwargs = rc.fill({
'fontsize': f'{prefix}.fontsize',
'weight': f'{prefix}.weight',
'color': f'{prefix}.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if loc is None:
loc = rc[f'{prefix}.loc']
if loc is None:
return kwargs
# Add border props if we are moving it
'border': f'{prefix}.border',
'linewidth': f'{prefix}.linewidth',
}, cache=False)) # look up defaults
The subplot row and column labels. If list, length must match
the number of subplot rows, columns.
figtitle, suptitle : str, optional
The figure "super" title, centered between the left edge of
the lefmost column of subplots and the right edge of the rightmost
column of subplots, and automatically offset above figure titles.
This is more sophisticated than matplotlib's builtin "super title",
which is just centered between the figure edges and offset from
the top edge.
# Figure patch (for some reason needs to be re-asserted even if
# declared before figure is drawn)
# Look into `~matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase.is_last_row` and
# `~matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase.is_first_column` methods.
kw = rc.fill({'facecolor':'figure.facecolor'})
# Super title and labels
# NOTE: These are actually *figure-wide* settings, but that line seems
# to get blurred -- where we have shared axes, spanning labels, and
# whatnot. May result in redundant assignments if formatting more than
# one axes, but operations are fast so some redundancy is nbd.
fig = self.figure # the figure
suptitle = figtitle or suptitle
kw = rc.fill({
'fontsize': 'suptitle.fontsize',
'weight': 'suptitle.weight',
'color': 'suptitle.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if suptitle or kw: # if either is not None or non-empty
y1 = 0.5 + interval * len(pairs) / 2 - (i + 1) * interval
y2 = 0.5 + interval * len(pairs) / 2 - i * interval
ymin = min(y1, _notNone(ymin, y1))
ymax = max(y2, _notNone(ymax, y2))
# Draw legend
bbox = mtransforms.Bbox([[0, y1], [1, y2]])
leg = mlegend.Legend(
self, *zip(*ipairs), loc=loc, ncol=len(ipairs),
bbox_transform=self.transAxes, bbox_to_anchor=bbox,
frameon=False, **kwargs)
# Add legends manually so matplotlib does not remove old ones
# Also apply override settings
kw_handle = {}
outline = rc.fill({
'linewidth': 'axes.linewidth',
'edgecolor': 'axes.edgecolor',
'facecolor': 'axes.facecolor',
'alpha': 'legend.framealpha',
for key in (*outline,):
if key != 'linewidth':
if kwargs.get(key, None):
outline.pop(key, None)
for key, value in (
('color', color),
('marker', marker),
('linewidth', lw),
('linewidth', linewidth),
('markersize', markersize),
('linestyle', linestyle),
kw_ticks = {}
kw_ticks.pop('visible', None) # invalid setting
if ticklen is not None:
if which=='major':
kw_ticks['size'] = utils.units(ticklen, 'pt')
kw_ticks['size'] = utils.units(ticklen, 'pt') * rc.get('ticklenratio')
# Grid style and toggling
if igrid is not None:
axis.grid(igrid, which=which) # toggle with special global props
if which=='major':
kw_grid = rc.fill(grid_dict('grid'))
kw_major = kw_grid
kw_grid = rc.fill(grid_dict('gridminor'))
kw_grid.update({key:value for key,value in kw_major.items() if key not in kw_grid})
# Changed rc settings
axis.set_tick_params(which=which, **kw_grid, **kw_ticks)
# Tick and ticklabel properties that apply to both major and minor
# * Weird issue seems to cause set_tick_params to reset/forget that the grid
# is turned on if you access tick.gridOn directly, instead of passing through tick_params.
# Since gridOn is undocumented feature, don't use it. So calling _format_axes() a second time will remove the lines
# * Can specify whether the left/right/bottom/top spines get ticks; sides will be
# group of left/right or top/bottom
# * Includes option to draw spines but not draw ticks on that spine, e.g.
# on the left/right edges
if not isinstance(self, mproj.PolarAxes):
kw = {}
translate = {None: None, 'both': sides, 'neither': (), 'none': ()}
if bounds is not None and tickloc not in sides:
def format_partial(self, patch_kw={}, **kwargs):
# Documentation inherited from ProjectionAxes
grid, latmax, lonlim, latlim, lonlocator, latlocator, labels, lonlabels, latlabels, kwargs = \
if lonlim is not None or latlim is not None:
warnings.warn('You cannot "zoom into" a basemap projection after creating it. Pass a proj_kw dictionary in your call to subplots, with any of the following basemap keywords: llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, llcrnrx, llcrnry, urcrnrx, urcrnry, width, or height.')
# Map boundary
# * First have to *manually replace* the old boundary by just deleting
# the original one
# * If boundary is drawn successfully should be able to call
# self.m._mapboundarydrawn.set_visible(False) and edges/fill color disappear
# * For now will enforce that map plots *always* have background whereas
# axes plots can have transparent background
kw_face = rc.fill({
'facecolor': 'map.facecolor'
kw_edge = rc.fill({
'linewidth': 'map.linewidth',
'edgecolor': 'map.edgecolor'
self.axesPatch = self.patch # bugfix or something
if self.m.projection in self._proj_non_rectangular:
self.patch.set_alpha(0) # make patch invisible
if not self.m._mapboundarydrawn:
p = self.m.drawmapboundary(ax=self) # set fill_color to 'none' to make transparent
p = self.m._mapboundarydrawn
p.update({**kw_face, **kw_edge})
p.set_rasterized(False) # not sure about this; might be rasterized
# Figure patch (for some reason needs to be re-asserted even if
# declared before figure is drawn)
# Look into `~matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase.is_last_row` and
# `~matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase.is_first_column` methods.
kw = rc.fill({'facecolor':'figure.facecolor'})
# Super title and labels
# NOTE: These are actually *figure-wide* settings, but that line seems
# to get blurred -- where we have shared axes, spanning labels, and
# whatnot. May result in redundant assignments if formatting more than
# one axes, but operations are fast so some redundancy is nbd.
fig = self.figure # the figure
suptitle = figtitle or suptitle
kw = rc.fill({
'fontsize': 'suptitle.fontsize',
'weight': 'suptitle.weight',
'color': 'suptitle.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if suptitle or kw: # if either is not None or non-empty
fig._setup_suptitle(suptitle, **kw)
kw = rc.fill({
'fontsize': 'rowlabel.fontsize',
'weight': 'rowlabel.weight',
'color': 'rowlabel.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if rowlabels or kw:
fig._setup_labels(self, rowlabels, rows=True, **kw)
kw = rc.fill({
inside or outside the axes. The default is center, outside."""
# Apply rc settings
prefix = 'abc' if abc else 'title'
kwargs = rc.fill({
'fontsize': f'{prefix}.fontsize',
'weight': f'{prefix}.weight',
'color': f'{prefix}.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if loc is None:
loc = rc[f'{prefix}.loc']
if loc is None:
return kwargs
# Add border props if we are moving it
'border': f'{prefix}.border',
'linewidth': f'{prefix}.linewidth',
}, cache=False)) # look up defaults
# Get coordinates
ypad = rc.get('axes.titlepad')/(72*self.height) # to inches --> to axes relative
xpad = rc.get('axes.titlepad')/(72*self.width) # why not use the same for x?
if isinstance(loc, str): # coordinates
# Get horizontal position
if loc in ('c','uc','lc','center','upper center','lower center'):
x, ha = 0.5, 'center'
elif loc in ('l','ul','ll','left','upper left','lower left'):
x, ha = 1.5*xpad*(loc not in ('l','left')), 'left'
elif loc in ('r','ur','lr','right','upper right','lower right'):
x, ha = 1 - 1.5*xpad*(loc not in ('r','right')), 'right'
# Super title and labels
# NOTE: These are actually *figure-wide* settings, but that line seems
# to get blurred -- where we have shared axes, spanning labels, and
# whatnot. May result in redundant assignments if formatting more than
# one axes, but operations are fast so some redundancy is nbd.
fig = self.figure # the figure
suptitle = figtitle or suptitle
kw = rc.fill({
'fontsize': 'suptitle.fontsize',
'weight': 'suptitle.weight',
'color': 'suptitle.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if suptitle or kw: # if either is not None or non-empty
fig._setup_suptitle(suptitle, **kw)
kw = rc.fill({
'fontsize': 'rowlabel.fontsize',
'weight': 'rowlabel.weight',
'color': 'rowlabel.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if rowlabels or kw:
fig._setup_labels(self, rowlabels, rows=True, **kw)
kw = rc.fill({
'fontsize': 'collabel.fontsize',
'weight': 'collabel.weight',
'color': 'collabel.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if collabels or kw:
fig._setup_labels(self, collabels, rows=False, **kw)