How to use the proplot.internals._not_none function in proplot

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label=None, labels=None, values=None,
        # Parse input args
        name = func.__name__
        autoformat = rc['autoformat']
        legend_kw = legend_kw or {}
        colorbar_kw = colorbar_kw or {}
        labels = _not_none(
            legend_kw_labels=legend_kw.pop('labels', None),
        if name in ('pie',):  # add x coordinates as default pie chart labels
            labels = _not_none(labels, x)  # TODO: move to pie wrapper?
        colorbar_legend_label = None  # for colorbar or legend

        # Handle legend labels. Several scenarios:
        # 1. Always prefer input labels
        # 2. Always add labels if this is a *named* dimension.
        # 3. Even if not *named* dimension add labels if labels are string
        # WARNING: Most methods that accept 2D arrays use columns of data, but when
        # pandas DataFrame passed to hist, boxplot, or violinplot, rows of data
        # assumed! This is fixed in parse_1d by converting to values.
        sample = args[-1]
        ncols = 1
        if name in ('pie', 'boxplot', 'violinplot'):
            # Functions handle multiple labels on their own
            if labels is not None:
                kwargs['labels'] = labels  # error raised down the line
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            kw = rc.fill(
                    'fontsize': 'suptitle.size',
                    'weight': 'suptitle.weight',
                    'color': 'suptitle.color',
                    'fontfamily': ''
        if suptitle or kw:
            fig._update_super_title(suptitle, **kw)

        # Labels
        rlabels = _not_none(rightlabels=rightlabels, rlabels=rlabels)
        blabels = _not_none(bottomlabels=bottomlabels, blabels=blabels)
        llabels = _not_none(
            rowlabels=rowlabels, leftlabels=leftlabels, llabels=llabels,
        tlabels = _not_none(
            collabels=collabels, toplabels=toplabels, tlabels=tlabels,
        for side, labels in zip(
            ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'),
            (llabels, rlabels, tlabels, blabels)
            kw = rc.fill(
                    'fontsize': side + 'label.size',
                    'weight': side + 'label.weight',
                    'color': side + 'label.color',
                    'fontfamily': ''
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ygridminor = _not_none(
                    ygridminor, grid and axis in ('y', 'both')
                    and which in ('minor', 'both')

            # Sensible defaults for spine, tick, tick label, and label locs
            # NOTE: Allow tick labels to be present without ticks! User may
            # want this sometimes! Same goes for spines!
            xspineloc = _not_none(xloc=xloc, xspineloc=xspineloc,)
            yspineloc = _not_none(yloc=yloc, yspineloc=yspineloc,)
            xtickloc = _not_none(xtickloc, xspineloc, _parse_rcloc('x', 'xtick'))
            ytickloc = _not_none(ytickloc, yspineloc, _parse_rcloc('y', 'ytick'))
            xspineloc = _not_none(xspineloc, _parse_rcloc('x', 'axes.spines'))
            yspineloc = _not_none(yspineloc, _parse_rcloc('y', 'axes.spines'))
            if xtickloc != 'both':
                xticklabelloc = _not_none(xticklabelloc, xtickloc)
                xlabelloc = _not_none(xlabelloc, xticklabelloc)
                if xlabelloc not in (None, 'bottom', 'top'):  # e.g. "both"
                    xlabelloc = 'bottom'
            if ytickloc != 'both':
                yticklabelloc = _not_none(yticklabelloc, ytickloc)
                ylabelloc = _not_none(ylabelloc, yticklabelloc)
                if ylabelloc not in (None, 'left', 'right'):
                    ylabelloc = 'left'

            # Begin loop
            for (
                x, axis,
                label, color,
                linewidth, gridcolor,
                margin, bounds,
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# pass a scatter plot or contourf or whatever, and legend is generated by
    # drawing patch rectangles or markers using data values and their
    # corresponding cmap colors! For scatterplots just test get_facecolor()
    # to see if it contains more than one color.
    # TODO: It is *also* often desirable to label a colormap object with
    # one data value. Maybe add a legend option for the *number of samples*
    # or the *sample points* when drawing legends for colormap objects.
    # Look into "legend handlers", might just want to add own handlers by
    # passing handler_map to legend() and get_legend_handles_labels().
    if order not in ('F', 'C'):
        raise ValueError(
            f'Invalid order {order!r}. Choose from '
            '"C" (row-major, default) and "F" (column-major).'
    ncol = _not_none(ncols=ncols, ncol=ncol)
    title = _not_none(label=label, title=title)
    frameon = _not_none(
        frame=frame, frameon=frameon, default=rc['legend.frameon']
    if handles is not None and not np.iterable(handles):  # e.g. a mappable object
        handles = [handles]
    if labels is not None and (not np.iterable(labels) or isinstance(labels, str)):
        labels = [labels]
    if title is not None:
        kwargs['title'] = title
    if frameon is not None:
        kwargs['frameon'] = frameon
    if fontsize is not None:
        kwargs['fontsize'] = rc._scale_font(fontsize)

    # Handle and text properties that are applied after-the-fact
    # NOTE: Set solid_capstyle to 'butt' so line does not extend past error bounds
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lw = _not_none(kwargs.get('linewidth', None), kwargs.get('lw', None))
    elif name == 'violinplot':
        lw = _not_none(kwargs.pop('linewidth', None), kwargs.pop('lw', None))
    lw = _not_none(lw, 0.8)
    barlw = _not_none(barlinewidth=barlinewidth, barlw=barlw, default=lw)
    boxlw = _not_none(boxlinewidth=boxlinewidth, boxlw=boxlw, default=4 * barlw)
    capsize = _not_none(capsize, 3.0)

    # Infer color for error bars
    edgecolor = None
    if name == 'bar':
        edgecolor = kwargs.get('edgecolor', None)
    elif name == 'violinplot':
        edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', None)
    edgecolor = _not_none(edgecolor, 'k')
    barcolor = _not_none(barcolor, edgecolor)
    boxcolor = _not_none(boxcolor, barcolor)

    # Infer color for shading
    shadecolor_infer = shadecolor is None
    shadecolor = _not_none(
        shadecolor, kwargs.get('color', None), kwargs.get('facecolor', None), edgecolor
    fadecolor_infer = fadecolor is None
    fadecolor = _not_none(fadecolor, shadecolor)

    # Draw dark and light shading
    vert = kwargs.get('vert', kwargs.get('orientation', 'vertical') == 'vertical')
    axis = 'y' if vert else 'x'  # yerr
    errargs = (x, y) if vert else (y, x)
    errobjs = []
    means_or_medians = means or medians
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# instead of levels. (see:
    # NOTE: Often want levels instead of vmin/vmax, while simultaneously
    # using a Normalize (for example) to determine colors between the levels
    # (see: Workaround makes
    # sure locators are in vmin/vmax range exclusively; cannot match values.
    # NOTE: In legend_wrapper() we try to add to the objects accepted by
    # legend() using handler_map. We can't really do anything similar for
    # colorbars; input must just be insnace of mixin class cm.ScalarMappable
    # Mutable args
    norm_kw = norm_kw or {}
    formatter_kw = formatter_kw or {}
    locator_kw = locator_kw or {}
    minorlocator_kw = minorlocator_kw or {}

    # Parse input args
    label = _not_none(title=title, label=label)
    locator = _not_none(ticks=ticks, locator=locator)
    minorlocator = _not_none(minorticks=minorticks, minorlocator=minorlocator)
    ticklocation = _not_none(tickloc=tickloc, ticklocation=ticklocation)
    formatter = _not_none(ticklabels=ticklabels, formatter=formatter)

    # Colorbar kwargs
    # WARNING: PathCollection scatter objects have an extend method!
    # WARNING: Matplotlib 3.3 deprecated 'extend' parameter passed to colorbar()
    # but *also* fails to read 'extend' parameter when added to a pcolor mappable!
    # Need to figure out workaround!
    grid = _not_none(grid, rc['colorbar.grid'])
    if extend is None:
        if isinstance(getattr(mappable, 'extend', None), str):
            extend = mappable.extend or 'neither'
            extend = 'neither'
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def wrapper(
        self, *args, fmt=None, labels=None, labels_kw=None, precision=None, **kwargs,
        # Call main funtion
        name = func.__name__
        obj = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if not labels:
            return obj

        # Default formatter
        labels_kw = labels_kw or {}
        fmt = _not_none(labels_kw.pop('fmt', None), fmt, 'simple')
        fmt = constructor.Formatter(fmt, precision=precision)

        # Add contour labels
        if name in ('contour', 'tricontour', 'contourf', 'tricontourf'):
            cobj = obj
            cmap = obj.get_cmap()
            norm = obj.get_norm()
            levels = obj.levels
            colors = None
            if name in ('contourf', 'tricontourf'):
                lums = [to_xyz(cmap(norm(level)), 'hcl')[2] for level in levels]
                cobj = self.contour(*args, levels=levels, linewidths=0)
                colors = ['w' if lum < 50 else 'k' for lum in lums]
            text_kw = {}
            for key in tuple(labels_kw):  # allow dict to change size
                if key in (
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xtickdir = _not_none(xtickdir, rc.get('xtick.direction', context=True))
            ytickdir = _not_none(ytickdir, rc.get('ytick.direction', context=True))
            xformatter = _not_none(xformatter=xformatter, xticklabels=xticklabels)
            yformatter = _not_none(yformatter=yformatter, yticklabels=yticklabels)
            xlocator = _not_none(xlocator=xlocator, xticks=xticks)
            ylocator = _not_none(ylocator=ylocator, yticks=yticks)
            xtickminor = _not_none(
                xtickminor, rc.get('xtick.minor.visible', context=True)
            ytickminor = _not_none(
                ytickminor, rc.get('ytick.minor.visible', context=True)
            xminorlocator = _not_none(
                xminorlocator=xminorlocator, xminorticks=xminorticks,
            yminorlocator = _not_none(
                yminorlocator=yminorlocator, yminorticks=yminorticks,

            # Grid defaults are more complicated
            grid = rc.get('axes.grid', context=True)
            which = rc.get('axes.grid.which', context=True)
            if which is not None or grid is not None:  # if *one* was changed
                axis = rc['axes.grid.axis']  # always need this property
                if grid is None:
                    grid = rc['axes.grid']
                elif which is None:
                    which = rc['axes.grid.which']
                xgrid = _not_none(
                    xgrid, grid and axis in ('x', 'both')
                    and which in ('major', 'both')