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def _get_boundary_props(self):
Return map boundary properties.
rc_mode = rc._get_context_mode()
kw_face = rc.fill(
'facecolor': 'axes.facecolor',
'alpha': 'axes.alpha',
context=(rc_mode == 2),
kw_edge = rc.fill(
'linewidth': 'axes.linewidth',
'edgecolor': 'axes.edgecolor',
context=(rc_mode == 2),
kw_edge['capstyle'] = 'projecting' # NOTE: needed to fix cartopy bounds
return kw_face, kw_edge
obj_ref = self._get_title(loc)
self._abc_loc = loc
# Titles, with two workflows here:
# 1. title='name' and titleloc='position'
# 2. ltitle='name', rtitle='name', etc., arbitrarily many titles
# NOTE: Matplotlib added axes.titlecolor in version 3.2 but we
# still use custom title.size, title.weight, title.color
# properties for retroactive support in older matplotlib versions.
# First get params and update kwargs
kw = rc.fill(
'fontsize': 'title.size',
'weight': 'title.weight',
'color': 'title.color',
'fontfamily': '',
if 'color' in kw and kw['color'] == 'auto':
del kw['color'] # WARNING: matplotlib permits invalid color here
kwb = rc.fill(
'border': 'title.border',
'borderwidth': 'title.borderwidth',
If you plot something with a `datetime64 \
`pandas.Timestamp`, `pandas.DatetimeIndex`, ``,
`datetime.time`, or `datetime.datetime` array as the *x* or *y* axis
coordinate, the axis ticks and tick labels will be automatically
formatted as dates.
rc_kw, rc_mode, kwargs = self._parse_format(**kwargs)
with rc.context(rc_kw, mode=rc_mode):
# Background patch
kw_face = rc.fill(
'facecolor': 'axes.facecolor',
'alpha': 'axes.alpha'
patch_kw = patch_kw or {}
# No mutable default args
xlabel_kw = xlabel_kw or {}
ylabel_kw = ylabel_kw or {}
xscale_kw = xscale_kw or {}
yscale_kw = yscale_kw or {}
xlocator_kw = xlocator_kw or {}
kw_text[key] = value
kw_handle = {'solid_capstyle': 'butt'}
for key, value in (
('color', color),
('marker', marker),
('linewidth', lw),
('linewidth', linewidth),
('markersize', markersize),
('linestyle', linestyle),
('dashes', dashes),
if value is not None:
kw_handle[key] = value
# Legend box properties
outline = rc.fill(
'linewidth': 'axes.linewidth',
'edgecolor': 'axes.edgecolor',
'facecolor': 'axes.facecolor',
'alpha': 'legend.framealpha',
for key in (*outline,):
if key != 'linewidth':
if kwargs.get(key, None):
outline.pop(key, None)
# Get axes for legend handle detection
# TODO: Update this when no longer use "filled panels" for outer legends
axs = [self]
if self._panel_hidden:
See also
# Misc axes settings
# TODO: Add more settings to this?
cycle = rc.get('axes.prop_cycle', context=True)
if cycle is not None:
# Figure patch (for some reason needs to be re-asserted even if
# declared before figure is drawn)
kw = rc.fill({'facecolor': 'figure.facecolor'}, context=True)
if abovetop is not None:
self._above_top_panels = abovetop
pad = rc.get('axes.titlepad', context=True)
if pad is not None:
self._title_pad = pad
# Super title
# NOTE: These are actually *figure-wide* settings, but that line
# gets blurred where we have shared axes, spanning labels, and
# whatnot. May result in redundant assignments if formatting more than
# one axes, but operations are fast so some redundancy is nbd.
# NOTE: Below kludge prevents changed *figure-wide* settings
# from getting overwritten when user makes a new axes.
fig = self.figure
# Spine settings
kw = rc.fill(
'linewidth': 'axes.linewidth',
'color': 'axes.edgecolor',
sides = ('inner', 'polar') if r == 'r' else ('start', 'end')
spines = [self.spines[side] for side in sides]
for spine, side in zip(spines, sides):
# Grid and grid label settings
# NOTE: Not sure if polar lines inherit tick or grid props
kw = rc.fill(
'color': x + 'tick.color',
'labelcolor': 'tick.labelcolor', # new props
'labelsize': 'tick.labelsize',
'grid_color': 'grid.color',
'grid_alpha': 'grid.alpha',
'grid_linewidth': 'grid.linewidth',
'grid_linestyle': 'grid.linestyle',
axis.set_tick_params(which='both', **kw)
# Label settings that can't be controlled with set_tick_params
kw = rc.fill(
'fontfamily': '',
def _get_gridline_props(self, which='major', context=True):
Get dictionaries of gridline properties for lines and text.
# Line properties
# WARNING: Here we use apply existing *matplotlib* rc param to brand new
# *proplot* setting. So if rc mode is 1 (first format call) use context=False.
key = 'grid' if which == 'major' else 'gridminor'
kwlines = rc.fill(
'alpha': f'{key}.alpha',
'color': f'{key}.color',
'linewidth': f'{key}.linewidth',
'linestyle': f'{key}.linestyle',
axisbelow = rc.get('axes.axisbelow', context=True)
if axisbelow is not None:
kwlines['zorder'] = self._axis_below_to_zorder(axisbelow)
# Text properties
kwtext = {}
if which == 'major':
kwtext = rc.fill(
'alpha': f'{key}.alpha',
'color': f'{key}.color',
'linewidth': f'{key}.linewidth',
'linestyle': f'{key}.linestyle',
axisbelow = rc.get('axes.axisbelow', context=True)
if axisbelow is not None:
kwlines['zorder'] = self._axis_below_to_zorder(axisbelow)
# Text properties
kwtext = {}
if which == 'major':
kwtext = rc.fill(
'color': f'{key}.labelcolor',
'fontsize': f'{key}.labelsize',
'weight': f'{key}.labelweight',
return kwlines, kwtext
fig._update_super_title(suptitle, **kw)
# Labels
rlabels = _not_none(rightlabels=rightlabels, rlabels=rlabels)
blabels = _not_none(bottomlabels=bottomlabels, blabels=blabels)
llabels = _not_none(
rowlabels=rowlabels, leftlabels=leftlabels, llabels=llabels,
tlabels = _not_none(
collabels=collabels, toplabels=toplabels, tlabels=tlabels,
for side, labels in zip(
('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'),
(llabels, rlabels, tlabels, blabels)
kw = rc.fill(
'fontsize': side + 'label.size',
'weight': side + 'label.weight',
'color': side + 'label.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if labels or kw:
fig._update_subplot_labels(self, side, labels, **kw)
# Helper function
def sanitize_kw(kw, loc):
kw = kw.copy()
if loc in ('left', 'right', 'center'):
kw.pop('border', None)
self._title_pad = pad
# Super title
# NOTE: These are actually *figure-wide* settings, but that line
# gets blurred where we have shared axes, spanning labels, and
# whatnot. May result in redundant assignments if formatting more than
# one axes, but operations are fast so some redundancy is nbd.
# NOTE: Below kludge prevents changed *figure-wide* settings
# from getting overwritten when user makes a new axes.
fig = self.figure
suptitle = _not_none(figtitle=figtitle, suptitle=suptitle)
if len(fig._axes_main) > 1 and rc._context and rc._context[-1].mode == 1:
kw = {}
kw = rc.fill(
'fontsize': 'suptitle.size',
'weight': 'suptitle.weight',
'color': 'suptitle.color',
'fontfamily': ''
if suptitle or kw:
fig._update_super_title(suptitle, **kw)
# Labels
rlabels = _not_none(rightlabels=rightlabels, rlabels=rlabels)
blabels = _not_none(bottomlabels=bottomlabels, blabels=blabels)
llabels = _not_none(
rowlabels=rowlabels, leftlabels=leftlabels, llabels=llabels,