How to use the param.Integer function in param

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few param examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if 'defaults' in manifest:
            print('manifest defaults', manifest['defaults'])
            if self.builder == '':
                self.builder = manifest['defaults'].get('builder', '')
            if self.runner == '':
                self.runner = manifest['defaults'].get('runner', '')

class Resources(Base):
    memory = param.String(allow_None=True)
    cpu = param.String(allow_None=True)

class Instances(Base):
    count = param.Integer(allow_None=True)
    percentage = param.Number(allow_None=True)

class Dependency(Base):
    module = param.String()
    version = param.String()

class Build(Base):
    selectors = param.List(class_=str, allow_None=True)
    dependencies = param.List(allow_None=True)

class Run(Base):
    artifact = param.String(allow_None=True)
    test_params = param.Parameter(instantiate=True)
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / element / View on Github external
the chords connecting them. The amount of radial angle devoted to
    each node and the number of chords are scaled by the value
    dimension of the Chord element. If the values are integers then
    the number of chords is directly scaled by the value, if the
    values are floats then the number of chords are apportioned such
    that the lowest value edge is given one chord and all other nodes
    are given nodes proportional to their weight. The max_chords
    parameter scales the number of chords to be assigned to an edge.

    The chords are computed by interpolating a cubic spline from the
    source to the target node in the graph, the number of samples to
    interpolate the spline with is given by the chord_samples

    chord_samples = param.Integer(default=50, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        Number of samples per chord for the spline interpolation.""")

    max_chords = param.Integer(default=500, doc="""
        Maximum number of chords to render.""")

    def _process(self, element, key=None):
        nodes_el = element._nodes
        if nodes_el:
            idx_dim = nodes_el.kdims[-1]
            nodes = nodes_el.dimension_values(idx_dim, expanded=False)
            source = element.dimension_values(0, expanded=False)
            target = element.dimension_values(1, expanded=False)
            nodes = np.unique(np.concatenate([source, target]))

        # Compute indices and values for connectivity matrix
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# Set magnitudes, angles and colors if supplied.
        quiver = self.handles['artist']
        quiver.U = args[2]
        quiver.angles = style['angles']
        if self.color_index:
        return axis_kwargs

class BarPlot(LegendPlot):

    group_index = param.Integer(default=0, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will be laid out into groups.""")

    category_index = param.Integer(default=1, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will be laid out into categories.""")

    stack_index = param.Integer(default=2, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will stacked.""")

    padding = param.Number(default=0.2, doc="""
       Defines the padding between groups.""")

    color_by = param.List(default=['category'], doc="""
       Defines how the Bar elements colored. Valid options include
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frame_width = param.Integer(default=None, allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either
        fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.""")

    frame_height = param.Integer(default=None, allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        The height of the component (in pixels).  This can be either
        fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.""")

    min_width = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        Minimal width of the component (in pixels) if width is adjustable.""")

    min_height = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        Minimal height of the component (in pixels) if height is adjustable.""")

    max_width = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        Minimal width of the component (in pixels) if width is adjustable.""")

    max_height = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        Minimal height of the component (in pixels) if height is adjustable.""")

    margin = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
        Allows to create additional space around the component. May
        be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal)
        or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).""")

    responsive = param.ObjectSelector(default=False, objects=[False, True, 'width', 'height'])

    finalize_hooks = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
        Deprecated; use hooks options instead.""")

    hooks = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / plotting / mpl / View on Github external
class TablePlot(ElementPlot):
    A TablePlot can plot both TableViews and ViewMaps which display
    as either a single static table or as an animated table

    border = param.Number(default=0.05, bounds=(0.0, 0.5), doc="""
        The fraction of the plot that should be empty around the

    float_precision = param.Integer(default=3, doc="""
        The floating point precision to use when printing float
        numeric data types.""")

    max_value_len = param.Integer(default=20, doc="""
        The maximum allowable string length of a value shown in any
        table cell. Any strings longer than this length will be

    max_font_size = param.Integer(default=12, doc="""
        The largest allowable font size for the text in each table

    max_rows = param.Integer(default=15, doc="""
        The maximum number of Table rows before the table is

    font_types = param.Dict(default={'heading': FontProperties(weight='bold',
                            family='DejaVu Sans')}, doc="""
        The font style used for heading labels used for emphasis.""")
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def function(self, p):
        gens = [Wedge(size=1.0/,smoothing=p.smoothing/,
                      orientation=i*2*np.pi/ for i in range(]

        return Composite(generators=gens, bounds=p.bounds, orientation=p.orientation,
                         xdensity=p.xdensity, ydensity=p.ydensity)()

class Asterisk(Composite):
    Asterisk-like object composed of radial rectangular lines.
    Also makes crosses and tripods.

    parts = param.Integer(default=3,bounds=(1,None),softbounds=(0.0,2.0),
        precedence=0.31,doc="Number of parts in the asterisk.")

    thickness = param.Number(default=0.05,bounds=(0.0,None),softbounds=(0.0,0.5),
        precedence=0.60,doc="Thickness of the rectangle.")

    smoothing = param.Number(default=0.015,bounds=(0.0,None),softbounds=(0.0,0.5),
        precedence=0.61,doc="Width of the Gaussian fall-off around the rectangles.")

    size = param.Number(default=0.5,bounds=(0.01,None),softbounds=(0.1,2.0),
        precedence=0.62,doc="Overall diameter of the pattern.")

    def function(self, p):
        gens = [Rectangle(orientation=i*o,smoothing=p.smoothing,
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / plotting / plotly / View on Github external
Whether the bars should be stacked or grouped.""")

    show_legend = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
        Whether to show legend for the plot.""")

    # Deprecated parameters

    group_index = param.Integer(default=1, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will be laid out into groups.""")

    category_index = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will be laid out into categories.""")

    stack_index = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will stacked.""")

    stacked = param.Boolean(default=False)

    style_opts = ['visible']

    trace_kwargs = {'type': 'bar'}

    selection_display = PlotlyOverlaySelectionDisplay()

    def get_extents(self, element, ranges, range_type='combined'):
        Make adjustments to plot extents by computing
        stacked bar heights, adjusting the bar baseline
        and forcing the x-axis to be categorical.
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edit the element and the `editor`, which contains a list of tables,
    which make it possible to annotate each object in the element with
    additional properties defined in the `annotations`.

    annotations = param.ClassSelector(default=[], class_=(dict, list), doc="""
        Annotations to associate with each object.""")

    default_opts = param.Dict(default={'responsive': True, 'min_height': 400,
                                       'padding': 0.1}, doc="""
        Opts to apply to the element.""")

    object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Element, doc="""
        The Element to edit and annotate.""")

    num_objects = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        The maximum number of objects to draw.""")

    table_transforms = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
        Transform(s) to apply to element when converting data to Table.
        The functions should accept the Annotator and the transformed
        element as input.""")

    table_opts = param.Dict(default={'editable': True, 'width': 400}, doc="""
        Opts to apply to the editor table(s).""")

    # Once generic editing tools are merged into bokeh this could
    # include snapshot, restore and clear tools
    _tools = []

    # Allows patching on custom behavior
    _extra_opts = {}
github holoviz / holoviews / dataviews / View on Github external
class vectorfield(ViewOperation):
    Given a SheetView with a single channel, convert it to a
    VectorField object at a given spatial sampling interval. The
    values in the SheetView are assumed to correspond to the vector
    angle in radians and the value is assumed to be cyclic.

    If supplied with an overlay, the second sheetview in the overlay
    will be interpreted as the third vector dimension.

    rows = param.Integer(default=10, doc="""
         Number of rows in the vector field.""")

    cols = param.Integer(default=10, doc="""
         Number of columns in the vector field.""")

    label = param.String(default='Vectors', doc="""
      The label suffix used to label the resulting vector field
      where the suffix is added to the label of the  input SheetView""")

    def _process(self, view, key=None):

        if isinstance(view, Overlay) and len(view) >= 2:
            radians, lengths = view[0], view[1]
            radians, lengths = view, None

        if not radians.value.cyclic:
            raise Exception("First input SheetView must be declared cyclic")
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Legends add to much clutter in a grid and are disabled by default.""")

    xaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='bottom',
                                 objects=['bottom', 'top', None], doc="""
        Whether and where to display the xaxis, supported options are
        'bottom', 'top' and None.""")

    yaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='left',
                                 objects=['left', 'right', None], doc="""
        Whether and where to display the yaxis, supported options are
        'left', 'right' and None.""")

    xrotation = param.Integer(default=0, bounds=(0, 360), doc="""
        Rotation angle of the xticks.""")

    yrotation = param.Integer(default=0, bounds=(0, 360), doc="""
        Rotation angle of the yticks.""")

    def __init__(self, layout, axis=None, create_axes=True, ranges=None,
                 layout_num=1, keys=None, **params):
        if not isinstance(layout, GridSpace):
            raise Exception("GridPlot only accepts GridSpace.")
        super(GridPlot, self).__init__(layout, layout_num=layout_num,
                                       ranges=ranges, keys=keys, **params)
        # Compute ranges layoutwise
        grid_kwargs = {}
        if axis is not None:
            bbox = axis.get_position()
            l, b, w, h = bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.width, bbox.height
            grid_kwargs = {'left': l, 'right': l+w, 'bottom': b, 'top': b+h}
            self.position = (l, b, w, h)