Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
Saves the uploaded FileInput data to a file or BytesIO object.
filename (str): File path or file-like object
if isinstance(filename, string_types):
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
class StaticText(Widget):
style = param.Dict(default=None, doc="""
Dictionary of CSS property:value pairs to apply to this Div.""")
value = param.Parameter(default=None)
_format = '<b>{title}</b>: {value}'
_rename = {'name': None, 'value': 'text'}
_target_transforms = {'value': 'target.text.split(": ")[0]+": "+value'}
_source_transforms = {'value': 'value.split(": ")[1]'}
_widget_type = _BkDiv
def _process_param_change(self, msg):
msg = super(StaticText, self)._process_property_change(msg)
numeric data types.""")
max_value_len = param.Integer(default=20, doc="""
The maximum allowable string length of a value shown in any
table cell. Any strings longer than this length will be
max_font_size = param.Integer(default=12, doc="""
The largest allowable font size for the text in each table
max_rows = param.Integer(default=15, doc="""
The maximum number of Table rows before the table is
font_types = param.Dict(default={'heading': FontProperties(weight='bold',
family='DejaVu Sans')}, doc="""
The font style used for heading labels used for emphasis.""")
style_opts = ['alpha', 'sketch_params']
# Disable axes handling for Table plots
_has_axes = False
def __init__(self, table, **params):
super(TablePlot, self).__init__(table, **params)
if not self.dynamic:
self.cell_widths = self._format_table()
self.cell_widths = None
The bounds of the overall figure as a 4-tuple of the form
(left, bottom, right, top), defining the size of the border
around the subplots.""")
fig_inches = param.Parameter(default=4, doc="""
The overall matplotlib figure size in inches. May be set as
an integer in which case it will be used to autocompute a
size. Alternatively may be set with an explicit tuple or list,
in which case it will be applied directly after being scaled
by fig_size. If either the width or height is set to None,
it will be computed automatically.""")
fig_latex = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to use LaTeX text in the overall figure.""")
fig_rcparams = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
matplotlib rc parameters to apply to the overall figure.""")
fig_size = param.Number(default=100., bounds=(1, None), doc="""
Size relative to the supplied overall fig_inches in percent.""")
initial_hooks = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
Optional list of hooks called before plotting the data onto
the axis (now marked for deprecation). The hook is passed the
plot object and the displayed object; other plotting handles
can be accessed via plot.handles.""")
finalize_hooks = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
Deprecated; use hooks options instead.""")
hooks = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
Optional list of hooks called when finalizing a plot. The
The attributes and parameters are automatically synchronized
If an attribute key has a parameter value of None then the attribute is still observed and changes
are update in the html parameter. But it is not synchronized to a parameter.
`attributes_to_watch = {"checked": "checked", "value": None, "ballSize": "ball_size"}`
# @philippjfr: Can we enforce that this is Dict[str, Optional[str]]?
attributes_last_change = param.Dict(
The key is the name of the attribute changed. The value is the new value of the attribute.
Please note that the value is a string or None
attributes_last_change = {"checked": ""}
attributes_last_change = {"value": None}
attributes_last_change = {"ballSize": "2"}
polys = param.ClassSelector(class_=Path, precedence=-1, doc="""
Polygon or Path element to annotate""")
points = param.ClassSelector(class_=Points, precedence=-1, doc="""
Point element to annotate""")
num_points = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
Maximum number of points to allow drawing (unlimited by default).""")
num_polys = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
Maximum number of polygons to allow drawing (unlimited by default).""")
node_style = param.Dict(default={'fill_color': 'indianred', 'size': 6}, doc="""
Styling to apply to the node vertices.""")
feature_style = param.Dict(default={'fill_color': 'blue', 'size': 10}, doc="""
Styling to apply to the feature vertices.""")
height = param.Integer(default=500, doc="Height of the plot",
width = param.Integer(default=900, doc="Width of the plot",
def __init__(self, polys=None, points=None, crs=None, **params):
super(GeoAnnotator, self).__init__(**params)
plot_opts = dict(height=self.height, width=self.width)
self.tiles = WMTS(self.tile_url, extents=self.extent,
polys = [] if polys is None else polys
points = [] if points is None else points
crs = ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR if crs is None else crs
old = self.objects
objects = self._get_objects(model, old, doc, root, comm)
children = self._get_children(objects, self.nrows, self.ncols)
msg[self._rename['objects']] = children
with hold(doc):
msg = {k: v for k, v in msg.items() if k not in ('nrows', 'ncols')}
super(Panel, self)._update_model(events, msg, root, model, doc, comm)
ref = root.ref['id']
if ref in state._views:
class GridSpec(Panel):
objects = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
The dictionary of child objects that make up the grid.""")
mode = param.ObjectSelector(default='warn', objects=['warn', 'error', 'override'], doc="""
Whether to warn, error or simply override on overlapping assignment.""")
width = param.Integer(default=600)
height = param.Integer(default=600)
_bokeh_model = BkGridBox
_source_transforms = {'objects': None, 'mode': None}
_rename = {'objects': 'children', 'mode': None}
def __init__(self, **params):
support separate from the indexing and data storage methods helps make both
classes easier to understand.
dimension_labels = param.List(default=[None], constant=True, doc="""
The dimension_labels parameter accepts a list of the features
along which the data will indexed.""")
data_type = param.Parameter(default=None, constant=True)
dim_info = param.Dict(default={}, constant=True, doc="""
Information associated with the dimension labels, supplied as a
dictionary. The key 'type' specifies the key type, other potentially
useful keys include units and cyclic_range for periodic dimensions.""")
metadata = param.Dict(default=AttrDict(), doc="""
Additional labels to be associated with the Dataview.""")
sorted = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Determines whether to keep internal data structure sorted, using
all dimensions indices to sort on. Important if data is not added in
a consistently increasing order but the order matters for plotting
or other purposes.""")
_deep_indexable = True
_check_key_type = True
def __init__(self, initial_items=None, **kwargs):
self._data = map_type()
kwargs, metadata = self.write_metadata(kwargs)
pn.config.embed = True
os.environ['PANEL_EMBED'] = 'True'
apply_signatures = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to set custom Signature which allows tab-completion
in some IDEs and environments.""")
css_files = param.List(default=_CSS_FILES, doc="""
External CSS files to load.""")
js_files = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
External JS files to load. Dictionary should map from exported
name to the URL of the JS file.""")
raw_css = param.List(default=[], doc="""
List of raw CSS strings to add to load.""")
safe_embed = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Ensure all bokeh property changes trigger events which are
embedded. Useful when only partial updates are made in an
app, e.g. when working with HoloViews.""")
sizing_mode = param.ObjectSelector(default=None, objects=[
'fixed', 'stretch_width', 'stretch_height', 'stretch_both',
'scale_width', 'scale_height', 'scale_both', None], doc="""
Specify the default sizing mode behavior of panels.""")
DeckGL panes allow rendering Deck.Gl/ PyDeck plots in Panel.
mapbox_api_key = param.String(default=None, doc="""
The MapBox API key if not supplied by a PyDeck object.""")
tooltips = param.ClassSelector(default=True, class_=(bool, dict), doc="""
Whether to enable tooltips""")
click_state = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
Contains the last click event on the DeckGL plot.""")
hover_state = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
The current hover state of the DeckGL plot.""")
view_state = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
The current view state of the DeckGL plot.""")
_rename = {
'click_state': 'clickState', 'hover_state': 'hoverState',
'view_state': 'viewState', 'tooltips': 'tooltip'
_updates = True
priority = None
def applies(cls, obj):
if (hasattr(obj, "to_json") and hasattr(obj, "mapbox_key")
and hasattr(obj, "deck_widget")):
return 0.8
to widget class.""")
priority = 0.1
_unpack = True
_mapping = {
param.Action: Button,
param.Boolean: Checkbox,
param.CalendarDate: DatePicker,
param.Color: ColorPicker,
param.Date: DatetimeInput,
param.DateRange: DateRangeSlider,
param.CalendarDateRange: DateRangeSlider,
param.DataFrame: DataFrame,
param.Dict: LiteralInputTyped,
param.FileSelector: SingleFileSelector,
param.Filename: TextInput,
param.Foldername: TextInput,
param.Integer: IntSlider,
param.List: LiteralInputTyped,
param.MultiFileSelector: FileSelector,
param.ListSelector: MultiSelect,
param.Number: FloatSlider,
param.ObjectSelector: Select,
param.Parameter: LiteralInputTyped,
param.Range: RangeSlider,
param.Selector: Select,
param.String: TextInput,
_rerender_params = []