How to use the function in nevergrad

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nevergrad examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_selector_assert_equivalent() -> None:
    select1 = tools.Selector(columns=["a", "b"], data=[[0, 1], [2, 3]])
    select2 = tools.Selector(columns=["b", "a"], data=[[3, 2], [1, 0]])
    select3 = tools.Selector(columns=["a", "b"], data=[[0, 5], [2, 3]])
    np.testing.assert_raises(AssertionError, select1.assert_equivalent, select3)
github facebookresearch / nevergrad / nevergrad / benchmark / View on Github external
def test_xp_plotter() -> None:
    opt = "OnePlusOneOptimizer"
    df = tools.Selector.read_csv(Path(__file__).parent / "sphere_perf_example.csv").select(optimizer_name=[opt])
    data = plotting.XpPlotter.make_data(df)
    # check data
    testing.assert_set_equal(data.keys(), {opt})
    testing.assert_set_equal(data[opt].keys(), {"budget", "loss", "loss_std", "num_eval"})
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data[opt]["budget"], [200, 400, 800])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data[opt]["loss"], [0.4811605, 0.3920045, 0.14778369])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data[opt]["loss_std"], [0.83034832, 0.73255529, 0.18551625])
    # plot
    with patch('matplotlib.pyplot.Figure.tight_layout'):  # avoid warning message
        plotter = plotting.XpPlotter(data, title="Title")
    with patch('matplotlib.pyplot.Figure.savefig'):"should_not_exist.png")
github facebookresearch / nevergrad / nevergrad / benchmark / View on Github external
random_seed = np.random.randint(1000)
    signature = inspect.signature(maker)
    if not signature.parameters:
        return  # not designed to be seedable
    # draw twice with same random seed_generator and once with a different one
    results = []
    algo = "OnePlusOne"  # for simplifying the test
    for seed in [random_seed, random_seed, random_seed + 1]:
        xps = list(itertools.islice(maker(seed), 0, 8))
        for xp in xps:
            if isinstance(xp.function, rl.agents.TorchAgentFunction):
                xp.function._num_test_evaluations = 1  # patch for faster evaluation
        simplified = [Experiment(xp.function, algo, budget=2, num_workers=min(2, xp.optimsettings.num_workers), seed=xp.seed) for xp in xps]
        np.random.shuffle(simplified)  # compute in any order
        selector = Selector(data=[ for xp in simplified])
        results.append(Selector(selector.loc[:, ["loss", "seed"]]))  # elapsed_time can vary...
    results[0].assert_equivalent(results[1], f"Non identical outputs for seed={random_seed}")
        AssertionError, results[1].assert_equivalent, results[2], f"Identical output with different seeds (seed={random_seed})"
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def _make_winners_df(df: pd.DataFrame, all_optimizers: List[str]) -> tools.Selector:
    """Finds mean loss over all runs for each of the optimizers, and creates a matrix
    winner_ij = 1 if opt_i is better (lower loss) then opt_j (and .5 for ties)
    if not isinstance(df, tools.Selector):
        df = tools.Selector(df)
    all_optim_set = set(all_optimizers)
    assert all(x in all_optim_set for x in df.unique("optimizer_name"))
    assert all(x in df.columns for x in ["optimizer_name", "loss"])
    winners = tools.Selector(index=all_optimizers, columns=all_optimizers, data=0.0)
    grouped = df.loc[:, ["optimizer_name", "loss"]].groupby(["optimizer_name"]).mean()
    df_optimizers = list(grouped.index)
    values = np.array(grouped)
    diffs = values - values.T
    # loss_ij = 1 means opt_i beats opt_j once (beating means getting a lower loss/regret)
    winners.loc[df_optimizers, df_optimizers] = (diffs < 0) + 0.5 * (diffs == 0)
    return winners
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if "error" not in df.columns:  # backward compatibility
        return df  # type: ignore
    # errors with no recommendation
    errordf = x: isinstance(x, str) and x, loss=np.isnan)
    for row in errordf.itertuples():
        print(f'Removing "{row.optimizer_name}" with dimension {row.dimension}: got error "{row.error}".')
    # error with recoreded recommendation
    handlederrordf = x: isinstance(x, str) and x, loss=lambda x: not np.isnan(x))
    for row in handlederrordf.itertuples():
            f'Keeping non-optimal recommendation of "{row.optimizer_name}" ' f'with dimension {row.dimension} which raised "{row.error}".'
    err_inds = set(errordf.index)
    output = df.loc[[i for i in df.index if i not in err_inds], [c for c in df.columns if c != "error"]]
    assert not output.loc[:, "loss"].isnull().values.any(), "Some nan values remain while there should not be any!"
    output = tools.Selector(output.reset_index(drop=True))
    return output  # type: ignore
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        -------["a", "b"])
        will return a new Selector with rows having either "a" or "b" as value in column1
        df = self
        for name, criterion in kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(criterion, abc.Iterable) and not isinstance(criterion, str):
                selected = df.loc[:, name].isin(criterion)
            elif callable(criterion):
                selected = [bool(criterion(x)) for x in df.loc[:, name]]
                selected = df.loc[:, name].isin([criterion])
            df = df.loc[selected, :]
        return Selector(df)
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else:  # computation was started but interrupted (eg: KeyboardInterrupt)
                if xp != self._current_experiment:
                    warnings.warn(f"Could not resume unfinished xp: {self._current_experiment}")
                    self._current_experiment = xp
                    opt = self._current_experiment._optimizer
                    if opt is not None:
                        print(f"Resuming existing experiment from iteration {opt.num_ask}.", flush=True)
            summary = self._current_experiment.get_description()
            if process_function is not None:
                process_function(self, self._current_experiment)
            self._current_experiment = None
            print(f"Finished {indstr}", flush=True)
        return tools.Selector(data=self.summaries)
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    assert xpaxis in ["budget", "pseudotime"]
    df = remove_errors(df)
    df.loc[:, "loss"] = pd.to_numeric(df.loc[:, "loss"])
    df = tools.Selector(df.fillna("N-A"))  # remove NaN in non score values
    assert not any("Unnamed: " in x for x in df.columns), f"Remove the unnamed index column:  {df.columns}"
    assert "error " not in df.columns, f"Remove error rows before plotting"
    required = {"optimizer_name", "budget", "loss", "elapsed_time", "elapsed_budget"}
    missing = required - set(df.columns)
    assert not missing, f"Missing fields: {missing}"
    output_folder = Path(output_folder)
    os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
    # check which descriptors do vary
    descriptors = sorted(set(df.columns) - (required | {"seed", "pseudotime"}))  # all other columns are descriptors
    to_drop = [x for x in descriptors if len(df.unique(x)) == 1]
    df = tools.Selector(df.loc[:, [x for x in df.columns if x not in to_drop]])
    descriptors = sorted(set(df.columns) - (required | {"seed", "pseudotime"}))  # now those should be actual interesting descriptors
    print(f"Descriptors: {descriptors}")
    print("# Fight plots")
    # fight plot
    # choice of the combination variables to fix
    fight_descriptors = descriptors + ["budget"]  # budget can be used as a descriptor for fight plots
    combinable = [x for x in fight_descriptors if len(df.unique(x)) > 1]  # should be all now
    num_rows = 6

    # For the competence map case we must consider pairs of attributes, hence maxcomb_size >= 2.
    # A competence map shows for each value of each of two attributes which algorithm was best.
    if competencemaps:
        max_combsize = max(max_combsize, 2)
    for fixed in list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(combinable, order) for order in range(max_combsize + 1))):
        orders = [len(c) for c in df.unique(fixed)]