How to use the nevergrad.benchmark.xpbase.Experiment function in nevergrad

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nevergrad examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    names = ["sphere"]
    optims = sorted(x for x, y in ng.optimizers.registry.items() if y.one_shot and "arg" not in x and "mal" not in x)
    functions = [
        ArtificialFunction(name, block_dimension=bd, num_blocks=n_blocks, useless_variables=bd * uv_factor * n_blocks)
        for name in names
        for bd in [1, 4, 20]
        for uv_factor in [0, 10, 100]
        for n_blocks in [1]
    # functions are not initialized and duplicated at yield time, they will be initialized in the experiment
    for func in functions:
        for optim in optims:
            for budget in [30, 100, 3000]:
                # duplicate -> each Experiment has different randomness
                yield Experiment(func.duplicate(), optim, budget=budget, num_workers=1, seed=next(seedg))
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def oneshot2(seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Experiment]:
    # Experiment comparing one-shot optimizers in the context of useless vars vs critical vars.
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    names = ["sphere", "altcigar", "cigar", "ellipsoid", "rosenbrock", "rastrigin", "altellipsoid"]
    optims = sorted(x for x, y in optimization.registry.items() if y.one_shot and "arg" not in x and "mal" not in x)
    functions = [ArtificialFunction(name, block_dimension=2, num_blocks=1, useless_variables=20) for name in names]
    # functions are not initialized and duplicated at yield time, they will be initialized in the experiment
    for func in functions:
        for optim in optims:
            for budget in [30, 60, 100]:
                # duplicate -> each Experiment has different randomness
                yield Experiment(func.duplicate(), optim, budget=budget, num_workers=1, seed=next(seedg))
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x for x, y in ng.optimizers.registry.items() if ("SPSA" in x or "TBPSA" in x or "ois" in x or "epea" in x or "Random" in x)
    for budget in [50000]:
        for optim in optims:
            for d in [2, 20, 200]:
                for name in ["sphere", "rosenbrock"]:
                    for noise_dissymmetry in [False, True]:
                        function = ArtificialFunction(
                        yield Experiment(function, optim, budget=budget, seed=next(seedg))
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# prepare list of parameters to sweep for independent variables
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    names = ["deceptivemultimodal", "deceptiveillcond", "deceptivepath"]
    optims = ["NGO", "PSO", "MiniQrDE", "MiniLhsDE", "MiniDE", "CMA", "QrDE", "DE", "LhsDE"]
    functions = [
        ArtificialFunction(name, block_dimension=2, num_blocks=n_blocks, rotation=rotation, aggregator=aggregator)
        for name in names
        for rotation in [False, True]
        for n_blocks in [1, 2, 8, 16]
        for aggregator in ["sum", "max"]
    # functions are not initialized and duplicated at yield time, they will be initialized in the experiment (no need to seed here)
    for func in functions:
        for optim in optims:
            for budget in [25, 37, 50, 75, 87] + list(range(100, 3001, 100)):
                yield Experiment(func.duplicate(), optim, budget=budget, num_workers=1, seed=next(seedg))
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funcs += [_mlda.Perceptron.from_mlda(name) for name in ["quadratic", "sine", "abs", "heaviside"]]
    funcs += [_mlda.Landscape(transform) for transform in [None, "square", "gaussian"]]
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    algos = ["NaiveTBPSA", "ScrHammersleySearch", "PSO", "OnePlusOne", "NGO", "CMA", "OnePointDE", "TwoPointsDE", "QrDE", "LhsDE",
             "Zero", "PortfolioDiscreteOnePlusOne", "CauchyOnePlusOne", "RandomSearch", "RandomSearchPlusMiddlePoint",
             "HaltonSearchPlusMiddlePoint", "MiniQrDE", "HaltonSearch", "RandomScaleRandomSearch", "MiniDE", "DiscreteOnePlusOne",
             "ScrHaltonSearch", "ScrHammersleySearchPlusMiddlePoint", "HaltonSearch", "MilliCMA", "MicroCMA"]
    # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
    algos += ["Portfolio", "ASCMADEthird", "ASCMADEQRthird", "ASCMA2PDEthird", "CMandAS2", "CMandAS",
              "CM", "MultiCMA", "TripleCMA", "MultiScaleCMA"]
    for budget in [9600, 12800, 25600]:  # , 51200]:#, 102400]:
        for num_workers in [10, 100, 1000]:  # [1, 10, 100]:
            for algo in algos:
                for func in funcs:
                    if num_workers < budget:
                        xp = Experiment(func, algo, budget, num_workers=num_workers, seed=next(seedg))
                        if not xp.is_incoherent:
                            yield xp
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def dim10_select_one_feature(seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Experiment]:    # One and only one variable matters - LHS wins.
    # prepare list of parameters to sweep for independent variables
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    names = ["sphere"]
    optims = sorted(x for x, y in optimization.registry.items() if y.one_shot and "arg" not in x and "mal" not in x)
    functions = [ArtificialFunction(name, block_dimension=bd, num_blocks=n_blocks, useless_variables=bd * uv_factor * n_blocks)
                 for name in names for bd in [1] for uv_factor in [10] for n_blocks in [1]]
    # functions are not initialized and duplicated at yield time, they will be initialized in the experiment (no need to seed here)
    for func in functions:
        for optim in optims:
            for budget in [8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]:
                # duplicate -> each Experiment has different randomness
                yield Experiment(func.duplicate(), optim, budget=budget, num_workers=1, seed=next(seedg))
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def small_discrete(seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Experiment]:
    # prepare list of parameters to sweep for independent variables
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    names = ["hardonemax5", "hardjump5", "hardleadingones5"]
    optims = sorted(x for x, y in optimization.registry.items() if "iscrete" in x and "epea" not in x and "DE" not in x
                    and "SSNEA" not in x)
    functions = [ArtificialFunction(name, block_dimension=bd, num_blocks=n_blocks, useless_variables=bd * uv_factor * n_blocks)
                 for name in names for bd in [30] for uv_factor in [5, 10] for n_blocks in [1]]
    # functions are not initialized and duplicated at yield time, they will be initialized in the experiment (no need to seed here)
    for func in functions:
        for optim in optims:
            for budget in [100, 400, 700, 1000, 1300, 1600, 1900, 2200, 2500, 2800, 3000]:  # , 10000]:
                yield Experiment(func.duplicate(), optim, budget=budget, num_workers=1, seed=next(seedg))
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def oneshotcec(seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Experiment]:
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    names = ["sphere", "rastrigin", "cigar"]
    optims = sorted(x for x, y in optimization.registry.items() if y.one_shot and
                    not any(z in x for z in ["Large", "Small", "Stupid", "Zero"]))
    functions = [ArtificialFunction(name, block_dimension=bd, useless_variables=bd * uv_factor)
                 for name in names for bd in [3, 25] for uv_factor in [0, 5]]
    for func in functions:
        for optim in optims:
            for budget in [30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000]:
                yield Experiment(func.duplicate(), optim, budget=budget, num_workers=budget, seed=next(seedg))
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agent_mono = rl.agents.TorchAgent.from_module_maker(base_env, rl.agents.Perceptron, deterministic=False)
    env = base_env.with_agent(player_0=random_agent).as_single_agent()
    runner = rl.EnvironmentRunner(env.copy(), num_repetitions=100, max_step=50)
    for archi in ["mono", "multi"]:
        agent = agent_mono if archi == "mono" else agent_multi
        func = rl.agents.TorchAgentFunction(agent.copy(), runner, reward_postprocessing=lambda x: 1 - x)
        funcs += [func]

    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    algos = sorted(x for x, y in ng.optimizers.registry.items() if y.one_shot)
    for budget in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800]:
        for num_workers in [budget]:
            for algo in algos:
                for fu in funcs:
                    xp = Experiment(fu, algo, budget, num_workers=num_workers, seed=next(seedg))
                    if not xp.is_incoherent:
                        yield xp
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def noise(seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Experiment]:
    """All optimizers on ill cond problems
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    optims = sorted(x for x, y in optimization.registry.items()
                    if ("TBPSA" in x or "ois" in x or "CMA" in x or "epea" in x) and "iscr" not in x)
    for budget in [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 128000]:
        for optim in optims:
            for rotation in [True, False]:
                for name in ["sphere", "cigar", "sphere4"]:
                    function = ArtificialFunction(name=name, rotation=rotation, block_dimension=20, noise_level=10)
                    yield Experiment(function, optim, budget=budget, seed=next(seedg))