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if node:
del node
for item in data:
if item:
del item
else: # if single node, save data in same format as for multiple nodes for consistency
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: = [Dict(c.__getstate__()) for c in]
else: = [c.__dict__ for c in] = ODict()
for popLabel,pop in[popLabel] = pop.__getstate__() # can't use dict comprehension for OrderedDict
sim.allSimData = Dict()
for k in list(sim.simData.keys()): # initialize all keys of allSimData dict
sim.allSimData[k] = Dict()
for key,val in sim.simData.items(): # update simData dics of dics of h.Vector
if key in simDataVecs+singleNodeVecs: # simData dicts that contain Vectors
if isinstance(val,dict):
for cell,val2 in val.items():
if isinstance(val2,dict):
for stim,val3 in val2.items():
sim.allSimData[key][cell].update({stim:list(val3)}) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of dicts of Vectors (eg. ['stim']['cell_1']['backgrounsd']=h.Vector)
sim.allSimData[key].update({cell:list(val2)}) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of Vectors (eg. ['v']['cell_1']=h.Vector)
sim.allSimData[key] = list(sim.allSimData[key])+list(val) # udpate simData dicts which are Vectors
sim.allSimData[key] = val # update simData dicts which are not Vectors
for key in singleNodeVecs: # store single node vectors (eg. 't')
sim.allSimData[key] = list(nodeData['simData'][key])
# fill in allSimData taking into account if data is dict of h.Vector (code needs improvement to be more generic)
for node in gather: # concatenate data from each node
allCells.extend(node['netCells']) # extend allCells list
for popLabel,popCellGids in node['netPopsCellGids'].items():
for key,val in node['simData'].items(): # update simData dics of dics of h.Vector
if key in simDataVecs: # simData dicts that contain Vectors
if isinstance(val,dict):
for cell,val2 in val.items():
if isinstance(val2,dict):
for stim,val3 in val2.items():
sim.allSimData[key][cell].update({stim:list(val3)}) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of dicts of Vectors (eg. ['stim']['cell_1']['backgrounsd']=h.Vector)
sim.allSimData[key].update({cell:list(val2)}) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of Vectors (eg. ['v']['cell_1']=h.Vector)
sim.allSimData[key] = list(sim.allSimData[key])+list(val) # udpate simData dicts which are Vectors
elif gatherLFP and key == 'LFP':
sim.allSimData[key] += np.array(val)
elif key not in singleNodeVecs:
sim.allSimData[key].update(val) # update simData dicts which are not Vectors
if len(sim.allSimData['spkt']) > 0:
sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'] = zip(*sorted(zip(sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid']))) # sort spks
sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'] = list(sim.allSimData['spkt']), list(sim.allSimData['spkid']) = sorted(allCells, key=lambda k: k['gid'])
def __init__ (self, gid, tags, create=True, associateGid=True):
super(CompartCell, self).__init__(gid, tags)
self.secs = Dict() # dict of sections
self.secLists = Dict() # dict of sectionLists
if create: self.create() # create cell
if associateGid: self.associateGid() # register cell for this node
def __init__(self, simConfigDict = None):
# Simulation parameters
self.duration = self.tstop = 1*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms
self.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use
self.hParams = Dict({'celsius': 6.3, 'v_init': -65.0, 'clamp_resist': 0.001}) # parameters of h module
self.cache_efficient = False # use CVode cache_efficient option to optimize load when running on many cores
self.cvode_active = False # Use CVode variable time step
self.cvode_atol = 0.001 # absolute error tolerance
self.seeds = Dict({'conn': 1, 'stim': 1, 'loc': 1}) # Seeds for randomizers (connectivity, input stimulation and cell locations)
self.rand123GlobalIndex = None # Sets the global index used by all instances of the Random123 instances of Random
self.createNEURONObj = True # create runnable network in NEURON when instantiating netpyne network metadata
self.createPyStruct = True # create Python structure (simulator-independent) when instantiating network
self.enableRxD = False # import rxd module
self.addSynMechs = True # whether to add synaptich mechanisms or not
self.includeParamsLabel = True # include label of param rule that created that cell, conn or stim
self.gatherOnlySimData = False # omits gathering of net+cell data thus reducing gatherData time
self.compactConnFormat = False # replace dict format with compact list format for conns (need to provide list of keys to include)
self.connRandomSecFromList = True # select random section (and location) from list even when synsPerConn=1
self.saveCellSecs = True # save all the sections info for each cell (False reduces time+space; available in netParams; prevents re-simulation)
self.saveCellConns = True # save all the conns info for each cell (False reduces time+space; prevents re-simulation)
self.timing = True # show timing of each process
self.saveTiming = False # save timing data to pickle file
self.printRunTime = False # print run time at interval (in sec) specified here (eg. 0.1)
self.printPopAvgRates = False # print population avg firing rates after run
self.printSynsAfterRule = False # print total of connections after each conn rule is applied
# Python Structure
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
connParams = {k:v for k,v in params.items() if k not in ['synsPerConn']}
connParams['weight'] = weights[i]
connParams['delay'] = delays[i]
if not pointp:
connParams['sec'] = synMechSecs[i]
connParams['loc'] = synMechLocs[i]
if netStimParams:
connParams['preGid'] = 'NetStim'
connParams['preLabel'] = netStimParams['source']
if params.get('gapJunction', 'False') == True: # only run for post gap junc (not pre)
connParams['gapId'] = postGapId
connParams['preGapId'] = preGapId
connParams['gapJunction'] = 'post'
else: # do not fill in python structure (just empty dict for NEURON obj)
# NEURON objects
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
# gap junctions
if params.get('gapJunction', 'False') in [True, 'pre', 'post']: # create NEURON obj for pre and post
synMechs[i]['hObj'].weight = weights[i]
sourceVar = self.secs[synMechSecs[i]]['hObj'](synMechLocs[i])._ref_v
targetVar = synMechs[i]['hObj']._ref_vpeer # assumes variable is vpeer -- make a parameter
sec = self.secs[synMechSecs[i]]
sim.pc.target_var(targetVar, connParams['gapId'])
sim.pc.source_var(sourceVar, connParams['preGapId'])
netcon = None
def addSynMechParams(self, label=None, params=None):
if not label:
label = int(self._labelid)
self._labelid += 1
self.synMechParams[label] = Dict(params)
for pop in list(
del pop._morphSegCoords
simDataVecs = ['spkt','spkid','stims']+list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys())
singleNodeVecs = ['t']
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: = [Dict(c.__getstate__()) for c in]
else: = [c.__dict__ for c in] = ODict()
for popLabel,pop in[popLabel] = pop.__getstate__() # can't use dict comprehension for OrderedDict
saveData = Dict()
for k in list(sim.simData.keys()): # initialize all keys of allSimData dict
saveData[k] = Dict()
for key,val in sim.simData.items(): # update simData dics of dics of h.Vector
if key in simDataVecs+singleNodeVecs: # simData dicts that contain Vectors
if isinstance(val,dict):
for cell,val2 in val.items():
if isinstance(val2,dict):
for stim,val3 in val2.items():
saveData[key][cell].update({stim:list(val3)}) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of dicts of Vectors (eg. ['stim']['cell_1']['backgrounsd']=h.Vector)
saveData[key].update({cell:list(val2)}) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of Vectors (eg. ['v']['cell_1']=h.Vector)
saveData[key] = list(saveData[key])+list(val) # udpate simData dicts which are Vectors
saveData[key] = val # update simData dicts which are not Vectors
# synMech = next((synMech for synMech in sec['synMechs'] if synMech['label']==synLabel and synMech['loc']==loc), None)
synMech = None
if not synMech: # if synMech not in section, then create
synMech = Dict({'label': synLabel, 'loc': loc})
for paramName, paramValue in synMechParams.items():
synMech[paramName] = paramValue
synMech = None
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj and sim.cfg.addSynMechs:
# add synaptic mechanism NEURON objectes
if not synMech: # if pointer not created in createPyStruct, then check
synMech = next((synMech for synMech in sec['synMechs'] if synMech['label']==synLabel and synMech['loc']==loc), None)
if not synMech: # if still doesnt exist, then create
synMech = Dict()
if not synMech.get('hObj'): # if synMech doesn't have NEURON obj, then create
synObj = getattr(h, synMechParams['mod'])
synMech['hObj'] = synObj(loc, sec=sec['hObj']) # create h Syn object (eg. h.Exp2Syn)
for synParamName,synParamValue in synMechParams.items(): # add params of the synaptic mechanism
if synParamName not in ['label', 'mod', 'selfNetCon', 'loc']:
setattr(synMech['hObj'], synParamName, synParamValue)
elif synParamName == 'selfNetcon': # create self netcon required for some synapses (eg. homeostatic)
secLabelNetCon = synParamValue.get('sec', 'soma')
locNetCon = synParamValue.get('loc', 0.5)
secNetCon = self.secs.get(secLabelNetCon, None)
synMech['hObj'] = h.NetCon(secNetCon['hObj'](locNetCon)._ref_v, synMech[''], sec=secNetCon['hObj'])
for paramName,paramValue in synParamValue.items():
if paramName == 'weight':
synMech['hObj'].weight[0] = paramValue
elif paramName not in ['sec', 'loc']:
def __init__(self, simConfigDict = None):
# Simulation parameters
self.duration = self.tstop = 1*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms
self.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use
self.hParams = Dict({'celsius': 6.3, 'v_init': -65.0, 'clamp_resist': 0.001}) # parameters of h module
self.cache_efficient = False # use CVode cache_efficient option to optimize load when running on many cores
self.cvode_active = False # Use CVode variable time step
self.cvode_atol = 0.001 # absolute error tolerance
self.seeds = Dict({'conn': 1, 'stim': 1, 'loc': 1}) # Seeds for randomizers (connectivity, input stimulation and cell locations)
self.rand123GlobalIndex = None # Sets the global index used by all instances of the Random123 instances of Random
self.createNEURONObj = True # create runnable network in NEURON when instantiating netpyne network metadata
self.createPyStruct = True # create Python structure (simulator-independent) when instantiating network
self.enableRxD = False # import rxd module
self.addSynMechs = True # whether to add synaptich mechanisms or not
self.includeParamsLabel = True # include label of param rule that created that cell, conn or stim
self.gatherOnlySimData = False # omits gathering of net+cell data thus reducing gatherData time
self.compactConnFormat = False # replace dict format with compact list format for conns (need to provide list of keys to include)
self.connRandomSecFromList = True # select random section (and location) from list even when synsPerConn=1
self.saveCellSecs = True # save all the sections info for each cell (False reduces time+space; available in netParams; prevents re-simulation)
self.saveCellConns = True # save all the conns info for each cell (False reduces time+space; prevents re-simulation)
self.timing = True # show timing of each process
#if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Updated ion: %s in %s, e: %s, o: %s, i: %s" % \
# (ionName, sectName, seg.__getattribute__('e'+ionName), seg.__getattribute__(ionName+'o'), seg.__getattribute__(ionName+'i')))
# add synMechs (only used when loading)
if 'synMechs' in sectParams:
for synMech in sectParams['synMechs']:
if 'label' in synMech and 'loc' in synMech:
self.addSynMech(synLabel=synMech['label'], secLabel=sectName, loc=synMech['loc'])
# add point processes
if 'pointps' in sectParams:
for pointpName,pointpParams in sectParams['pointps'].items():
#if self.tags['cellModel'] == pointpParams: # only required if want to allow setting various cell models in same rule
if pointpName not in sec['pointps']:
sec['pointps'][pointpName] = Dict()
pointpObj = getattr(h, pointpParams['mod'])
loc = pointpParams['loc'] if 'loc' in pointpParams else 0.5 # set location
sec['pointps'][pointpName]['hPointp'] = pointpObj(loc, sec = sec['hSec']) # create h Pointp object (eg. h.Izhi2007b)
for pointpParamName,pointpParamValue in pointpParams.items(): # add params of the point process
if pointpParamValue == 'gid':
pointpParamValue = self.gid
if pointpParamName not in ['mod', 'loc', 'vref', 'synList'] and not pointpParamName.startswith('_'):
setattr(sec['pointps'][pointpName]['hPointp'], pointpParamName, pointpParamValue)
# set topology
for sectName,sectParams in prop['secs'].items(): # iterate sects again for topology (ensures all exist)
sec = self.secs[sectName] # pointer to section # pointer to child sec
if 'topol' in sectParams:
if sectParams['topol']:
sec['hSec'].connect(self.secs[sectParams['topol']['parentSec']]['hSec'], sectParams['topol']['parentX'], sectParams['topol']['childX']) # make topol connection