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def plotRaster (include = ['allCells'], timeRange = None, maxSpikes = 1e8, orderBy = 'gid', orderInverse = False, labels = 'legend', popRates = False,
spikeHist=None, spikeHistBin=5, syncLines=False, lw=2, marker='|', markerSize=5, popColors=None, figSize=(10, 8), fontSize=12,
dpi = 100, saveData = None, saveFig = None, showFig = True):
Raster plot of network cells
- include (['all',|'allCells',|'allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): Cells to include (default: 'allCells')
- timeRange ([start:stop]): Time range of spikes shown; if None shows all (default: None)
- maxSpikes (int): maximum number of spikes that will be plotted (default: 1e8)
- orderBy ('gid'|'y'|'ynorm'|...): Unique numeric cell property to order y-axis by, e.g. 'gid', 'ynorm', 'y' (default: 'gid')
- orderInverse (True|False): Invert the y-axis order (default: False)
- labels = ('legend', 'overlay'): Show population labels in a legend or overlayed on one side of raster (default: 'legend')
- popRates = (True|False): Include population rates (default: False)
- spikeHist (None|'overlay'|'subplot'): overlay line over raster showing spike histogram (spikes/bin) (default: False)
- spikeHistBin (int): Size of bin in ms to use for histogram (default: 5)
- syncLines (True|False): calculate synchorny measure and plot vertical lines for each spike to evidence synchrony (default: False)
- lw (integer): Line width for each spike (default: 2)
def plotLFP (electrodes = ['avg', 'all'], plots = ['timeSeries', 'PSD', 'spectrogram', 'locations'], timeRange=None, NFFT=256, noverlap=128,
nperseg=256, minFreq=1, maxFreq=100, stepFreq=1, smooth=0, separation=1.0, includeAxon=True, logx=False, logy=False, norm=False, dpi=200, overlay=False, filtFreq = False, filtOrder=3, detrend=False, specType='morlet', fontSize=14, colors = None, maxPlots=8, lineWidth=1.5, figSize = (8,8), saveData = None, saveFig = None, showFig = True):
Plot LFP
- electrodes (list): List of electrodes to include; 'avg'=avg of all electrodes; 'all'=each electrode separately (default: ['avg', 'all'])
- plots (list): list of plot types to show (default: ['timeSeries', 'PSD', 'timeFreq', 'locations'])
- timeRange ([start:stop]): Time range of spikes shown; if None shows all (default: None)
- NFFT (int, power of 2): Number of data points used in each block for the PSD and time-freq FFT (default: 256)
- noverlap (int,
def popAvgRates (trange = None, show = True):
from .. import sim
if not hasattr(sim, 'allSimData') or 'spkt' not in sim.allSimData:
print('Error: sim.allSimData not available; please call sim.gatherData()')
return None
spkts = sim.allSimData['spkt']
spkids = sim.allSimData['spkid']
if not trange:
trange = [0, sim.cfg.duration]
spkids,spkts = list(zip(*[(spkid,spkt) for spkid,spkt in zip(spkids,spkts) if trange[0] <= spkt <= trange[1]]))
avgRates = Dict()
def plotShape (includePost = ['all'], includePre = ['all'], showSyns = False, showElectrodes = False, synStyle = '.', synSiz=3, dist=0.6, cvar=None, cvals=None,
iv=False, ivprops=None, includeAxon=True, bkgColor = None, figSize = (10,8), saveData = None, dpi = 300, saveFig = None, showFig = True):
Plot 3D cell shape using NEURON Interview PlotShape
- includePre: (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): List of presynaptic cells to consider
when plotting connections (default: ['all'])
- includePost: (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): List of cells to show shape of (default: ['all'])
- showSyns (True|False): Show synaptic connections in 3D view (default: False)
- showElectrodes (True|False): Show LFP electrodes in 3D view (default: False)
- synStyle: Style of marker to show synapses (default: '.')
- dist: 3D distance (like zoom) (default: 0.6)
- synSize: Size of marker to show synapses (default: 3)
- cvar: ('numSyns'|'weightNorm') Variable to represent in shape plot (default: None)
- cvals: List of values to represent in shape plot; must be same as num segments (default: None)
- iv: Use NEURON Interviews (instead of matplotlib) to show shape plot (default: None)
- ivprops: Dict of properties to plot using Interviews (default: None)
def plotSpikeStats (include = ['allCells', 'eachPop'], statDataIn = {}, timeRange = None, graphType='boxplot', stats = ['rate', 'isicv'], bins = 50,
popColors = [], histlogy = False, histlogx = False, histmin = 0.0, density = False, includeRate0=False, legendLabels = None, normfit = False,
histShading=True, xlim = None, dpi = 100, figSize = (6,8), fontSize=12, saveData = None, saveFig = None, showFig = True, **kwargs):
Plot spike histogram
- include (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): List of data series to include.
Note: one line per item, not grouped (default: ['allCells', 'eachPop'])
- timeRange ([start:stop]): Time range of spikes shown; if None shows all (default: None)
- graphType ('boxplot', 'histogram'): Type of graph to use (default: 'boxplot')
- stats (['rate', |'isicv'| 'sync'| 'pairsync']): Measure to plot stats on (default: ['rate', 'isicv'])
- bins (int or list of edges): Number of bins (if integer) of edges (if list) for histogram (default: 50)
- popColors (dict): Dictionary with color (value) used for each population (key) (default: None)
- figSize ((width, height)): Size of figure (default: (10,8))
- saveData (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the final data used to generate the figure;
if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None)
- saveFig (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the figure;
def iplotDipole(expData={'label': 'Experiment', 'x':[], 'y':[]}, showFig=False):
expData: experimental data; a dict with ['x'] and ['y'] 1-d vectors (either lists or np.arrays) of same length
showFig: show output figure in web browser (default: None)
from .. import sim
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.resources import CDN
from bokeh.embed import file_html
from bokeh.layouts import layout
TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save,box_select"
fig = figure(title="Dipole Plot", tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location='above', x_axis_label="Time (ms)", y_axis_label='Dipole (nAM x 3000)')
def plot2Dnet (include = ['allCells'], figSize = (12,12), view = 'xy', showConns = True, popColors = None, fontSize = 12,
tagsFile = None, saveData = None, saveFig = None, showFig = True):
Plot 2D representation of network cell positions and connections
- include (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): Cells to show (default: ['all'])
- showConns (True|False): Whether to show connections or not (default: True)
- figSize ((width, height)): Size of figure (default: (12,12))
- view ('xy', 'xz'): Perspective view: front ('xy') or top-down ('xz')
- popColors (dict): Dictionary with color (value) used for each population (key) (default: None)
- saveData (None|'fileName'): File name where to save the final data used to generate the figure (default: None)
- saveFig (None|'fileName'): File name where to save the figure;
if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None)(default: None)
- showFig (True|False): Whether to show the figure or not;
if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None)
- Returns figure handles
def plotConn (includePre = ['all'], includePost = ['all'], feature = 'strength', orderBy = 'gid', figSize = (10,10), groupBy = 'pop', groupByIntervalPre = None, groupByIntervalPost = None, graphType = 'matrix', synOrConn = 'syn', synMech = None, connsFile = None, tagsFile = None, clim = None, fontSize = 12, saveData = None, saveFig = None, showFig = True):
Plot network connectivity
- includePre (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): Cells to show (default: ['all'])
- includePost (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): Cells to show (default: ['all'])
- feature ('weight'|'delay'|'numConns'|'probability'|'strength'|'convergence'|'divergence'): Feature to show in connectivity matrix;
the only features applicable to groupBy='cell' are 'weight', 'delay' and 'numConns'; 'strength' = weight * probability (default: 'strength')
- groupBy ('pop'|'cell'|'y'|: Show matrix for individual cells, populations, or by other numeric tag such as 'y' (default: 'pop')
- groupByInterval (int or float): Interval of groupBy feature to group cells by in conn matrix, e.g. 100 to group by cortical depth in steps of 100 um (default: None)
- orderBy ('gid'|'y'|'ynorm'|...): Unique numeric cell property to order x and y axes by, e.g. 'gid', 'ynorm', 'y' (requires groupBy='cells') (default: 'gid')
- graphType ('matrix','bar','pie'): Type of graph to represent data (default: 'matrix')
- synOrConn ('syn'|'conn'): Use synapses or connections; note 1 connection can have multiple synapses (default: 'syn')
- figSize ((width, height)): Size of figure (default: (10,10))
- synMech (['AMPA', 'GABAA',...]): Show results only for these syn mechs (default: None)
- saveData (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the final data used to generate the figure;
if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None)
def plotSpikeHist (include = ['allCells', 'eachPop'], timeRange = None, binSize = 5, overlay=True, graphType='line', yaxis = 'rate',
popColors = [], norm = False, dpi = 100, figSize = (10,8), smooth=None, filtFreq = False, filtOrder=3, axis = 'on', saveData = None,
saveFig = None, showFig = True, **kwargs):
Plot spike histogram
- include (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): List of data series to include.
Note: one line per item, not grouped (default: ['allCells', 'eachPop'])
- timeRange ([start:stop]): Time range of spikes shown; if None shows all (default: None)
- binSize (int): Size in ms of each bin (default: 5)
- overlay (True|False): Whether to overlay the data lines or plot in separate subplots (default: True)
- graphType ('line'|'bar'): Type of graph to use (line graph or bar plot) (default: 'line')
- yaxis ('rate'|'count'): Units of y axis (firing rate in Hz, or spike count) (default: 'rate')
- popColors (dict): Dictionary with color (value) used for each population (key) (default: None)
- figSize ((width, height)): Size of figure (default: (10,8))
- saveData (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the final data used to generate the figure;
if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None)
def plotRatePSD(include=['allCells', 'eachPop'], timeRange=None, binSize=5, minFreq=1, maxFreq=100, stepFreq=1, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, smooth=0, overlay=True, ylim = None, transformMethod = 'morlet', popColors = {}, lineWidth = 1.5, fontSize=12, figSize=(10,8), saveData=None, saveFig=None, showFig=True):
Plot firing rate power spectral density (PSD)
- include (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): List of data series to include.
Note: one line per item, not grouped (default: ['allCells', 'eachPop'])
- timeRange ([start:stop]): Time range of spikes shown; if None shows all (default: None)
- binSize (int): Size in ms of spike bins (default: 5)
- maxFreq (float): Maximum frequency to show in plot (default: 100)
- transformMethod ('morlet'|'fft')
- NFFT (float): The number of data points used in each block for the FFT (power of 2) (default: 256)
- smooth (int): Window size for smoothing; no smoothing if 0 (default: 0)
- overlay (True|False): Whether to overlay the data lines or plot in separate subplots (default: True)
- graphType ('line'|'bar'): Type of graph to use (line graph or bar plot) (default: 'line')
- yaxis ('rate'|'count'): Units of y axis (firing rate in Hz, or spike count) (default: 'rate')
- popColors (dict): Dictionary with color (value) used for each population (key) (default: None)
- figSize ((width, height)): Size of figure (default: (10,8))