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import M1 # import parameters file
from netpyne import sim # import netpyne sim module
np = M1.netParams
print("********************\n*\n* Note: setting noise to 1, since noise can only be 0 or 1 in NeuroML export currently!\n*\n********************")
np.stimSourceParams['background_E']['noise'] = 1
np.stimSourceParams['background_I']['noise'] = 1
sim.createExportNeuroML2(netParams = np,
simConfig = M1.simConfig,
reference = 'M1',
stimulations=True) # create and export network to NeuroML 2
import HHTut # import parameters file
from netpyne import sim # import netpyne sim module
np = HHTut.netParams
print("********************\n*\n* Note: setting noise to 1, since noise can only be 0 or 1 in NeuroML export currently!\n*\n********************")
np.stimSourceParams['bkg']['noise'] = 1
sim.createExportNeuroML2(netParams = np,
simConfig = HHTut.simConfig,
reference = 'HHTut') # create and export network to NeuroML 2
sim.maxPrate = 100
# Motor encoding
sim.nMuscles = 4 # number of muscles
motorGids = [gid for gid,tags in allCellTags.iteritems() if tags['pop'] == 'EM']
cellsPerMuscle = len(motorGids) / sim.nMuscles
sim.motorCmdCellRange = [motorGids[i:i+cellsPerMuscle] for i in xrange(0, len(motorGids), cellsPerMuscle)] # cell gids of motor output to each muscle
sim.cmdmaxrate = 120 # value to normalize motor command num spikes
sim.cmdtimewin = 50 # window to sum spikes of motor commands
sim.antagInh = 1 # inhibition from antagonic muscle
# RL
sim.useRL = 1
sim.timeoflastRL = -1
sim.RLinterval = 50
sim.minRLerror = 0.002 # minimum error change for RL (m)
sim.targetid = 1 # initial target
sim.allWeights = [] # list to store weights
sim.weightsfilename = 'weights.txt' # file to store weights
sim.plotWeights = 1 # plot weights
# Exploratory movements
sim.explorMovs = 1 # exploratory movements (noise to EM pop)
sim.explorMovsRate = 100 # stim max firing rate for motor neurons of specific muscle groups to enforce explor movs
sim.explorMovsDur = 500 # max duration of each excitation to each muscle during exploratory movments init = 1000
sim.timeoflastexplor = -inf # time when last exploratory movement was updated
sim.randseed = 5 # random seed
# reset arm every trial
sim.trialReset = True # whether to reset the arm after every trial time
sim.timeoflastreset = 0 # time when arm was last reseted
dpl = {'L2': np.array(sim.simData['dipole']['L2']),
'L5': np.array(sim.simData['dipole']['L5'])}
dpl['L2'] -= dpl_offset['L2']
# L5 dipole offset should be different for interval [50., 500.] and then it can be offset
# slope (m) and intercept (b) params for L5 dipole offset
# uncorrected for N_cells
# these values were fit over the range [37., 750.)
m = 3.4770508e-3
b = -51.231085
# these values were fit over the range [750., 5000]
t1 = 750.
m1 = 1.01e-4
b1 = -48.412078
t = sim.simData['t']
# piecewise normalization
dpl['L5'][t <= 37.] -= dpl_offset['L5']
dpl['L5'][(t > 37.) & (t < t1)] -= N_pyr * (m * t[(t > 37.) & (t < t1)] + b)
dpl['L5'][t >= t1] -= N_pyr * (m1 * t[t >= t1] + b1)
# recalculate the aggregate dipole based on the baseline normalized ones
dpl['agg'] = dpl['L2'] + dpl['L5']
return dpl
#print(self.subs(self.rootFolder + '/' + self.simulation_config['node_sets_file']))
sim.cfg.node_sets = load_json(self.subs(self.rootFolder+'/'+self.simulation_config['node_sets_file']).replace('$BASE_DIR',''))
elif 'node_sets' in self.simulation_config:
sim.cfg.node_sets = self.simulation_config['node_sets']
# except:
# print('Could not load node_sets...')
# sim.cfg.node_sets = {}
# inputs - add as 'spkTimes' to external population
# output
sim.cfg.log_file = self.simulation_config['output']['log_file']
sim.cfg.simLabel = os.path.abspath(self.configFile)
sim.saveFolder = self.simulation_config['output']['output_dir']
sim.saveJson = True
# recording
for k,v in self.simulation_config['reports'].items():
sim.cfg.recordTraces[k] = {'sec': v['sections'], 'loc': 0.5, 'var': v['variable_name']}
sim.cfg.analysis.plotTraces = {'include': sim.cfg.node_sets[v['cells']].values()} # use 'conds' so works for 'model_type' # UPDATE!
def cellByGid (gid):
from .. import sim
cell = next((c for c in if c.gid==gid), None)
return cell
def saveAndClear(t):
df = pd.DataFrame(pd.lib.to_object_array([list(sim.simData['spkt']), list(sim.simData['spkid'])]).transpose(), columns=['spkt', 'spkid'])
name = 'temp/spk_{:4.0f}.h5'.format(t)
df.to_hdf(name, 'df')
sim.simData.update({name:h.Vector(1e4).resize(0) for name in ['spkt','spkid']}) #reinitialize the hoce vectors
sim.pc.spike_record(-1, sim.simData['spkt'], sim.simData['spkid'])
del df
# count spikes then clear them see if it adds up to number
def simulateNetPyNEModelInGeppetto(self, args):
with redirect_stdout(sys.__stdout__):
if args['parallelSimulation']: # TODO mpi is not finding libmpi.dylib.. set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to openmpi bin folder, but nothing
logging.debug('Running parallel simulation')
if not 'usePrevInst' in args or not args['usePrevInst']:"netParams.json")
self.simConfig.saveJson = True"simParams.json")
template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
sim.cfg.saveJson = True
oldName = sim.cfg.filename
sim.cfg.filename = 'model_output'
sim.cfg.filename = oldName
template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
copyfile(template, './')
cp =["mpiexec", "-n", args['cores'], "nrniv", "-mpi", "-python", ""], capture_output=True)
if cp.returncode!=0: return utils.getJSONError("Error while simulating the NetPyNE model", cp.stderr.decode())
self.geppetto_model = self.model_interpreter.getGeppettoModel(sim)
netpyne_model = sim
else: # single cpu computation
if not 'usePrevInst' in args or not args['usePrevInst']:
logging.debug('Instantiating single thread simulation')
def create ():
global pops,cells
sim.initialize(netParams, simConfig)
pops = # instantiate network populations
cells = # instantiate network cells based on defined populations # create connections between cells based on params
sim.setupRecording() # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc)
def run (): sim.simulate()
def plot (): sim.analysis.plotData()
sim.analysis.plotData(){'conds': {'label': 'hop->hop'}, 'weight': 0.5}) # increase inh conns weight increase sync