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executor = updated_coverage.simple_bind(ctx=mx.cpu(),
executor.arg_dict["source"][:] = source_data
executor.arg_dict["source_length"][:] = source_length_data
executor.arg_dict["prev_hidden"][:] = prev_hidden_data
executor.arg_dict["prev_coverage"][:] = prev_coverage_data
executor.arg_dict["attention_scores"][:] = attention_scores_data
result = executor.forward()
new_coverage = result[0].asnumpy()
assert new_coverage.shape == prev_coverage_shape
# this is needed to modulate the 0 input. The output changes according to the activation type used.
modulated = mx.nd.Activation(mx.nd.zeros((1, 1)), act_type=act_type).asnumpy()
assert (np.sum(np.sum(np.isclose(new_coverage, modulated, atol=1.e-6), axis=2) != 0, axis=1) == source_length_data).all()
def preprocess(self, images):
images_new = []
for img in images:
if self._arg_dict['img_format'] == 'RGB':
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = cv2.resize(img, (self._arg_dict['img_size'], self._arg_dict['img_size']))
images_new = np.asarray(images_new)
images_new = nd.array(images_new, ctx=mx.gpu())
images_new = nd.transpose(images_new.astype('float32'), (0,3,1,2)) / 127.5 - 1.0
return images_new
grad : NDArray
grad ndarray
state : NDArray or other objects returned by init_state
The auxiliary state used in optimization.
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
use_multi_precision = isinstance(state, list) or isinstance(state, tuple)
if not use_multi_precision:
if self.momentum == 0.0:
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
weight[:] = ((1 - lr*wd)*weight -
lr*mx.nd.clip(grad*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight[:] = (1 - lr*wd)*weight - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad
mom = state
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
mom[:] = (self.momentum*mom - lr*wd*weight -
lr*mx.nd.clip(grad*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight += mom
mom[:] = self.momentum*mom - lr*wd*weight - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad
weight += mom
grad32 = array(grad, ctx=grad.context, dtype=np.float32)
mom = state[0]
weight32 = state[1]
if self.momentum == 0.0:
def __init__(self, model_prefix, output_shape):
s1, s0 = output_shape
s0 = s0//32*32
s1 = s1//32*32
self.s0 = s0
self.s1 = s1
generator = symbol.generator_symbol()
args = mx.nd.load('%s_args.nd'%model_prefix)
auxs = mx.nd.load('%s_auxs.nd'%model_prefix)
args['data'] = mx.nd.zeros([1,3,s0+128,s1+128], mx.gpu())
self.gene_executor = generator.bind(ctx=mx.gpu(), args=args, aux_states=auxs)
def compute_rot_loss(output, target_bin, target_res, mask):
# output: (B, 128, 8) [bin1_cls[0], bin1_cls[1], bin1_sin, bin1_cos,
# bin2_cls[0], bin2_cls[1], bin2_sin, bin2_cos]
# target_bin: (B, 128, 2) [bin1_cls, bin2_cls]
# target_res: (B, 128, 2) [bin1_res, bin2_res]
# mask: (B, 128, 1)
output = nd.reshape(output, (-1, 8))
target_bin = nd.reshape(target_bin, (-1, 2))
target_res = nd.reshape(target_res, (-1, 2))
mask = nd.reshape(mask, (-1, 1))
loss_bin1 = compute_bin_loss(output[:, 0:2], target_bin[:, 0], mask)
loss_bin2 = compute_bin_loss(output[:, 4:6], target_bin[:, 1], mask)
loss_res = nd.zeros_like(loss_bin1)
mask1 = (target_bin[:, 0] > 0).astype('float32')
if mask1.sum() > 0:
valid_output1 = output
valid_target_res1 = target_res
loss_sin1 = compute_res_loss(valid_output1[:, 2], nd.sin(valid_target_res1[:, 0]), mask1)
loss_cos1 = compute_res_loss(valid_output1[:, 3], nd.cos(valid_target_res1[:, 0]), mask1)
loss_res = loss_res + loss_sin1 + loss_cos1
mask2 = (target_bin[:, 1] > 0).astype('float32')
if mask2.sum() > 0:
valid_output2 = output
super(FaceImageIter, self).__init__()
assert path_imgrec'loading recordio %s...',
path_imgidx = path_imgrec[0:-4]+".idx"
self.imgrec = recordio.MXIndexedRecordIO(path_imgidx, path_imgrec, 'r') # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
s = self.imgrec.read_idx(0)
header, _ = recordio.unpack(s)
self.imgidx = list(self.imgrec.keys)
self.seq = self.imgidx
self.mean = mean
self.nd_mean = None
if self.mean:
self.mean = np.array(self.mean, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1,1,3)
self.nd_mean = mx.nd.array(self.mean).reshape((1,1,3))
self.provide_data = [(data_name, (batch_size,) + data_shape)]
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.data_shape = data_shape
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.image_size = '%d,%d'%(data_shape[1],data_shape[2])
self.rand_mirror = rand_mirror
print('rand_mirror', rand_mirror)
self.cutoff = cutoff
self.color_jittering = color_jittering
self.CJA = mx.image.ColorJitterAug(0.125, 0.125, 0.125)
self.provide_label = [(label_name, (batch_size,101))]
self.cur = 0
self.nbatch = 0
def _emb_mask_generator(seq_len, batch_size):
wm, tm = nd.zeros((seq_len, batch_size, 1)), nd.zeros((seq_len, batch_size, 1))
for i in range(seq_len):
word_mask = np.random.binomial(1, 1. - dropout_dim, batch_size).astype(np.float32)
tag_mask = np.random.binomial(1, 1. - dropout_dim, batch_size).astype(np.float32)
scale = 3. / (2. * word_mask + tag_mask + 1e-12)
word_mask *= scale
tag_mask *= scale
word_mask = nd.array(word_mask)
tag_mask = nd.array(tag_mask)
wm[i, :, 0] = word_mask
tm[i, :, 0] = tag_mask
return wm, tm
if sutils.is_var(op, params):
elif childs is None:
params[name] = sutils.get_nd_op(op_name)(**attr)
op = mx.sym.var(name, shape=params[name].shape)
childs = [graph[c.attr('name')] for c in childs]
assert all([sutils.is_params(c, params) for c in childs])
in_params = [params[c.attr('name')] for c in childs]
if op_name == "expand_dims" and in_params[0].shape == ():
params[name] = nd.array([in_params[0].asnumpy()],
elif op_name == "Reshape" and sutils.get_attr(attr, 'shape') == []:
assert in_params[0].shape == (1,)
params[name] = nd.array(in_params[0].asnumpy()[0],
params[name] = sutils.get_nd_op(op_name)(*in_params, **attr)
op = mx.sym.var(name, shape=params[name].shape)
graph[name] = op
assert sutils.is_params(graph[shape.attr('name')], params)
shape = params[shape.attr('name')].asnumpy().tolist()
shape[0] = -1 # since dim zero is batch, set -1 for flexiblity.
return mx.sym.reshape(X, shape)
def _callback(param):
if checkpoint_iter == param.locals["total_iter"]:
arg_params, aux_params = param.locals["self"].get_params()
save_dict = {('arg:%s' % k) : v.as_in_context(mx.cpu()) for k, v in arg_params.items()}
save_dict.update({('aux:%s' % k) : v.as_in_context(mx.cpu()) for k, v in aux_params.items()})
param_name = '%s-iter-%s.params' % (prefix, checkpoint_iter), save_dict)'Saved checkpoint to \"%s\"', param_name)
return _callback
ctx = mx.cpu()
if not pretrained:
# net.hybridize()
net_params = net.collect_params()
weight_count = 0
for param in net_params.values():
if (param.shape is None) or (not param._differentiable):
weight_count +=
print("m={}, {}".format(model.__name__, weight_count))
assert (model != res2net50_w14_s8 or weight_count == 8258356)
assert (model != res2net50_w26_s8 or weight_count == 11456212)
x = mx.nd.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224), ctx=ctx)
y = net(x)
assert (y.shape == (1, 1000))