Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def _numpy_type_to_dolfin_type(dtype):
types = {
"int": [numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32, numpy.int64],
"uint": [numpy.uint8, numpy.uint16, numpy.uint32, numpy.uint64],
"float": [numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64],
for key, numpy_types in types.items():
for numpy_type in numpy_types:
if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy_type):
return key
raise WriteError("Could not convert NumPy data type to DOLFIN data type.")
return None
def write(filename, mesh):
if mesh.points.shape[1] == 2:
"OFF requires 3D points, but 2D points given. "
"Appending 0 third component."
mesh.points = numpy.column_stack(
[mesh.points[:, 0], mesh.points[:, 1], numpy.zeros(mesh.points.shape[0])]
if not any(c.type == "triangle" for c in mesh.cells):
raise WriteError("Can only deal with triangular faces")
tri = numpy.concatenate([ for c in mesh.cells if c.type == "triangle"])
with open_file(filename, "wb") as fh:
fh.write(b"# Created by meshio\n\n")
# counts
c = "{} {} {}\n\n".format(mesh.points.shape[0], tri.shape[0], 0)
# vertices
# numpy.savetxt(fh, mesh.points, "%r") # slower
out = mesh.points
fmt = " ".join(["{}"] * out.shape[1])
out = "\n".join([fmt.format(*row) for row in out]) + "\n"
s = BytesIO()
fmt = dtype_to_format_string[]
numpy.savetxt(s, data, fmt)
return "\n" + s.getvalue().decode()
elif self.data_format == "Binary":
bin_filename = "{}{}.bin".format(
os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0], self.data_counter
self.data_counter += 1
# write binary data to file
with open(bin_filename, "wb") as f:
return bin_filename
if self.data_format != "HDF":
raise WriteError('Unknown data format "{}"'.format(self.data_format))
name = "data{}".format(self.data_counter)
self.data_counter += 1
return os.path.basename(self.h5_filename) + ":/" + name
if binary:
total_num_cells = sum([data.shape[0] for _, data in cells])
numpy.array([len(cells), total_num_cells], dtype=c_ulong).tofile(fh)
consecutive_index = 0
for cell_type, node_idcs in cells:
# tagEntity(int) dimEntity(int) typeEle(int) numElements(unsigned long)
[1, _geometric_dimension[cell_type], _meshio_to_gmsh_type[cell_type]],
numpy.array([node_idcs.shape[0]], dtype=c_ulong).tofile(fh)
if node_idcs.dtype != c_int:
raise WriteError()
data = numpy.column_stack(
consecutive_index + len(node_idcs),
# increment indices by one to conform with gmsh standard
node_idcs + 1,
consecutive_index += len(node_idcs)
def write(filename, mesh, float_fmt=".16e"):
filename = pathlib.Path(filename)
if filename.suffix == ".node":
node_filename = filename
ele_filename = filename.parent / (filename.stem + ".ele")
elif filename.suffix == ".ele":
node_filename = filename.parent / (filename.stem + ".node")
ele_filename = filename
raise WriteError("Must specify .node or .ele file. Got {}.".format(filename))
if mesh.points.shape[1] != 3:
raise WriteError("Can only write 3D points")
# write nodes
# TODO remove .as_posix when requiring Python 3.6
with open(node_filename.as_posix(), "w") as fh:
fh.write("# This file was created by meshio v{}\n".format(__version__))
fh.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(mesh.points.shape[0], 3, 0, 0))
fmt = "{} " + " ".join(3 * ["{:" + float_fmt + "}"]) + "\n"
for k, pt in enumerate(mesh.points):
fh.write(fmt.format(k, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]))
if not any(c.type == "tetra" for c in mesh.cells):
raise WriteError("TegGen only supports tetrahedra")
def write(filename, mesh):
Write FLAC3D f3grid grid file (only ASCII).
if not any(cell_type in meshio_only for cell_type in mesh.cells.keys()):
raise WriteError(
"FLAC3D format only supports 'tetra', 'pyramid', 'wedge', and 'hexahedron'."
with open_file(filename, "w") as f:
f.write("* FLAC3D grid produced by meshio v{}\n".format(version))
f.write("* {}\n".format(time.ctime()))
f.write("* GRIDPOINTS\n")
_write_points(f, mesh.points)
f.write("* ZONES\n")
_write_cells(f, mesh.points, mesh.cells)
if mesh.cell_data:
if set(kk for v in mesh.cell_data.values() for kk in v.keys()).intersection(
f.write("* ZONE GROUPS\n")
def _write_elements_and_conditions(fh, cells, tag_data, binary=False, dimension=2):
if binary:
raise WriteError()
# write elements
entity = "Elements"
dimension_name = str(dimension) + "D"
wrong_dimension_name = "3D" if dimension == 2 else "2D"
consecutive_index = 0
aux_cell_type = None
for cell_type, node_idcs in cells:
# NOTE: The names of the dummy conditions are not regular, require extra work
# local_dimension = local_dimension_types[cell_type]
# if (local_dimension < dimension):
# entity = "Conditions"
if aux_cell_type is None:
aux_cell_type = cell_type
def write(filename, mesh, float_fmt=".3f", stroke_width="1", force_width=None):
if mesh.points.shape[1] == 3 and not numpy.allclose(
mesh.points[:, 2], 0.0, rtol=0.0, atol=1.0e-14
raise WriteError(
"SVG can only handle flat 2D meshes (shape: {})".format(mesh.points.shape)
pts = mesh.points[:, :2].copy()
pts[:, 1] = numpy.max(pts[:, 1]) - pts[:, 1]
min_x = numpy.min(pts[:, 0])
min_y = numpy.min(pts[:, 1])
width = numpy.max(pts[:, 0]) - min_x
height = numpy.max(pts[:, 1]) - min_y
if force_width is not None:
scaling_factor = force_width / width
min_x *= scaling_factor
min_y *= scaling_factor
width *= scaling_factor
def write(filename, mesh, file_format=None, **kwargs):
"""Writes mesh together with data to a file.
:params filename: File to write to.
:type filename: str
:params point_data: Named additional point data to write to the file.
:type point_data: dict
if is_buffer(filename, "r"):
if file_format is None:
raise WriteError("File format must be supplied if `filename` is a buffer")
if file_format == "tetgen":
raise WriteError(
"tetgen format is spread across multiple files, and so cannot be written to a buffer"
path = pathlib.Path(filename)
if not file_format:
# deduce file format from extension
file_format = _filetype_from_path(path)
writer = _writer_map[file_format]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(
"Unknown format '{}'. Pick one of {}".format(
file_format, sorted(list(_writer_map.keys()))