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def colors(image):
image = image // 64
r,g,b = image.transpose((2,0,1))
pixels = 1 * r + 4 * b + 16 * g
hist = np.bincount(pixels.ravel(), minlength=64)
hist = hist.astype(float)
hist = np.log1p(hist)
return hist
for i in range(len(images)):
print "processing image %i of %i" % (i+1, len(images))
im = mh.imread(images[i])
imgrey = mh.colors.rgb2gray(im, dtype=np.uint8)
features.append(np.concatenate([mh.features.haralick(im).ravel(), mh.features.lbp(imgrey, 30, 10).ravel(), colors(im)]))
surfim = mh.imread(images[i], as_grey=True)
surfim = surfim.astype(np.uint8)
alldescriptors.append(surf.dense(surfim, spacing=16))
concatenated = np.concatenate(alldescriptors)
print "fitting k mean clusters for surf descriptors"
km = KMeans(15)
print "creating surf features"
sfeatures = []
for d in alldescriptors:
c = km.predict(d)
sfeatures.append(np.array([np.sum(c == ci) for ci in range(15)]))
features = np.array(features)
sfeatures = np.array(sfeatures, dtype=float)
def fd_haralick(image):
# convert the image to grayscale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# compute the haralick texture feature vector
haralick = mahotas.features.haralick(gray).mean(axis=0)
# return the result
return haralick
def describe(self, image):
# return the Zernike moments for the image
return mahotas.features.zernike_moments(image, self.radius)
def calc_haralick(roi):
feature_vec = []
texture_features = mt.features.haralick(roi)
mean_ht = texture_features.mean(axis=0)
[feature_vec.append(i) for i in mean_ht[0:9]]
return np.array(feature_vec)
mask[~m2] = False
mask = m1
pixel_data[~mask] = 0
# mahotas.features.haralick bricks itself when provided a dtype larger than uint8 (version 1.4.3)
pixel_data = skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(pixel_data)
features = numpy.empty((n_directions, 13, len(unique_labels)))
for index, label in enumerate(unique_labels):
label_data = numpy.zeros_like(pixel_data)
label_data[labels == label] = pixel_data[labels == label]
features[:, :, index] = mahotas.features.haralick(
label_data, distance=scale, ignore_zeros=True
except ValueError:
features[:, :, index] = numpy.nan
for direction, direction_features in enumerate(features):
for feature_name, feature in zip(F_HARALICK, direction_features):
statistics += self.record_measurement(
scale="{:d}_{:02d}".format(scale, direction),
def describe(self, image):
# return the Zernike moments for the image
return mahotas.features.zernike_moments(image, self.radius)
hlabels = mh.features.texture.haralick_labels[:-1]
colnames.extend(["mean:{}".format(ell) for ell in hlabels])
colnames.extend(["ptp:{}".format(ell) for ell in hlabels])
if args.lbp:
from mahotas.features.lbp import lbp_names
colnames.extend(lbp_names(args.lbp_radius, args.lbp_points))
_write_row(output, colnames)
for fname in args.fnames:
cur = []
im = read_bw(fname, args)
if args.haralick:
har = mh.features.haralick(im, return_mean_ptp=True)
if args.lbp:
cur.append(mh.features.lbp(im, args.lbp_radius, args.lbp_points))
_write_row(output, chain.from_iterable(cur), fname)
(cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
# loop over the contours
for c in cnts:
# create an empty mask for the contour and draw it
mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
cv2.drawContours(mask, [c], -1, 255, -1)
# extract the bounding box ROI from the mask
(x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c)
roi = mask[y:y + h, x:x + w]
# compute Zernike Moments for the ROI and update the list
# of shape features
features = mahotas.features.zernike_moments(roi, cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c)[1], degree=8)
# return a tuple of the contours and shapes
return (cnts, shapeFeatures)
output = open(args.output, 'w')
colnames = []
if args.haralick:
hlabels = mh.features.texture.haralick_labels[:-1]
colnames.extend(["mean:{}".format(ell) for ell in hlabels])
colnames.extend(["ptp:{}".format(ell) for ell in hlabels])
if args.lbp:
from mahotas.features.lbp import lbp_names
colnames.extend(lbp_names(args.lbp_radius, args.lbp_points))
_write_row(output, colnames)
for fname in args.fnames:
cur = []
im = read_bw(fname, args)
if args.haralick:
har = mh.features.haralick(im, return_mean_ptp=True)
if args.lbp:
cur.append(mh.features.lbp(im, args.lbp_radius, args.lbp_points))
_write_row(output, chain.from_iterable(cur), fname)